Tag Archives: Datacube

Wilderrun Datacubes, Journals and Tales Locations


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List of collectibles

1. A Citizen’s PetitionJournalDominion
2. A Perfect StrikeTales from Beyond the Fringe
3. An Explorer’s Guide to Pumera BitesJournalExile
4. DATACUBE ENTRY: Devotional TraitDatacube
5. DATACUBE ENTRY: Difficult Choice Datacube
6. DATACUBE ENTRY: Elemental AnomalyDatacube
7. DATACUBE ENTRY: Forbidden KnowledgeDatacube
8. DATACUBE ENTRY: Genesis Prime Datacube
9. DATACUBE ENTRY: Hybrid MaterialDatacube
10. DATACUBE ENTRY: Liquid ImmortalityDatacube
11. DATACUBE ENTRY: Living ManifestationDatacube
12. DATACUBE ENTRY: Luminai CompletionDatacube
13. DATACUBE ENTRY: Magnificent Transformation Datacube
14. DATACUBE ENTRY: Peculiar FascinationDatacube
15. DATACUBE ENTRY: Severe MeasuresDatacube
16. DATACUBE ENTRY: Unexpected Longevity Datacube
17. DATACUBE ENTRY: Unintended ResultsDatacube
18. DATACUBE ENTRY: Vital Ascendancy Datacube
19. Forgemaster Statue AnalysisJournal
20. How I Did It by Victor Lazarin (Introduction)JournalExile
21. Meditation and the Art of Hoverbike MaintenanceJournal
22. Memories of CassusJournal
23. Researcher Anton’s Field JournalJournal
24. Royal Domain DecreeJournalDominion
25. Spiders of NexusJournal
26. The Emissary’s CreedJournal
27. The Exalted Wilderrun: Myth and LegendJournalExile
28. The Maiden’s TaleTales from Beyond the Fringe
29. The Pumera GambitJournal
30. The Yatish Fan Club OathJournal
31. The Zax AbidesJournalDominion
32. To Serve SnoglugJournalExile
33. Torine Battle LogJournal

Mysterious Agreement

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Jariel: The Archon


Within this facility, we will achieve the single greatest accomplishment in the history of our people – the creation of the Genesis Prime. This task has not been without its challenges. Even with their vast knowledge, the Orders have experienced difficulties in developing the necessary technology – but I have recently come to an agreement with an… interested party. We should obtain the required designs before long.

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Type: Datacube

Protoplasmic Resonator

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Vorion: Order of the Makers


Beyond these doors lies the Protoplasmic Resonator, a device so complex that even I do not yet completely understand its design. Once initiated, it will infuse the six vessels of the Genesis Prime with massive amounts of primal energy, deconstruct their primal matrices, and then reassemble them into one being. It is truly an extraordinary piece of technology. I have pressed the Archon to reveal to me where he obtained the design for this machine, but he has vehemently refused to do so.

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Type: Datacube

Project Success

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The Caretaker


It appears that the Eldan have been successful in their efforts to create the Genesis Prime, a being whom they have named Drusera after one of their oldest and most powerful mythical deities. Once fully trained, she will have the ability to… well… to do just about anything, I suppose. She is also quite a pleasant individual, which, upon reflection, seems like a beneficial trait if one is, for all intents and purposes, a god.

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Type: Datacube

Malgrave Datacubes, Journals and Tales Locations


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List of collectibles

1. Black Bret’s DemandsJournal
2. Darkspurned: An Ex-Enforcer Spills His GutsJournal
3. DATACUBE ENTRY: Blinding Genius Datacube
4. DATACUBE ENTRY: Cognitive InfluenceDatacube
5. DATACUBE ENTRY: Cube SecurityDatacube
6. DATACUBE ENTRY: Envious Illusion Datacube
7. DATACUBE ENTRY: Functional Immortality Datacube
8. DATACUBE ENTRY: Geological Irony Datacube
9. DATACUBE ENTRY: Irrefutable Rationality Datacube
10. DATACUBE ENTRY: Logical SelectionDatacube
11. DATACUBE ENTRY: Mechanical Survivor Datacube
12. DATACUBE ENTRY: Neural DownloadDatacube
13. DATACUBE ENTRY: Piteous Existence Datacube
14. DATACUBE ENTRY: Potential Candidate Datacube
15. DATACUBE ENTRY: Radical Deviation Datacube
16. DATACUBE ENTRY: Spectral Echoes Datacube
17. Deputy Whirlscrew’s NotesJournal
18. Hott Lopp #17Journal
19. Is This Living?Journal
20. Lunch MenuJournalExile
21. Malgrave Survey ReportJournal
22. Mechari Head AnalysisJournal
23. My Life with the Robo-CultJournal
24. Next Week’s ListingsJournal
25. Phineas T. Rotostar in “The Protostar Difference!”Tales from Beyond the Fringe
26. PSPN Hilites!Journal
27. Rix is Right!Journal
28. Rock Climber’s DiaryJournal
29. Sandthorne ManifestoJournal
30. The PitTales from Beyond the Fringe
31. Yatish’s War JournalJournal

The Gambler’s Ruin Datacubes, Journals and Tales Locations

List of collectibles

1. Adventure Awaits!Tales from Beyond the FringeExile
2. Arrival Destinations: Exile TerritoryJournalExile
3. Bank ReceiptJournalExile
4. Captain’s LogJournalExile
5. Comm LogsJournalExile
6. Comm LogsJournalExile
7. Cryonics and You!JournalExile
8. DATACUBE ENTRY: Nexus ProjectDatacubeExile
9. Galactic Explorer’s HandbookJournalExile
10. Medbot User’s ManualJournalExile
11. Preventing CryosicknessJournalExile
12. Tram Safety GuidelinesJournalExile
13. Welcome Home, ExilesJournalExile