Tag Archives: tales from beyond the fringe

World Story Datacubes, Journals and Tales Locations

List of collectibles

1. DATACUBE ENTRY: Entity AwakenedDatacube
2. DATACUBE ENTRY: Ineffectual Defense Datacube
3. DATACUBE ENTRY: Mysterious AgreementDatacube
4. DATACUBE ENTRY: Primal Disintegrator Datacube
5. DATACUBE ENTRY: Project SuccessDatacube
6. DATACUBE ENTRY: Protoplasmic ResonatorDatacube
7. DATACUBE ENTRY: Uncatalogued Agent Datacube
8. DATACUBE ENTRY: Unresolved IncidentDatacube
9. DATACUBE ENTRY: Unwise Discussion Datacube
10. ENIGMA REPORT: Anomalous Space-Time LocationJournalDominion
11. ENIGMA REPORT: AuroriaJournalDominion
12. ENIGMA REPORT: Crimson IsleJournalDominion
13. ENIGMA REPORT: DeraduneJournalDominion
14. ENIGMA REPORT: EllevarJournalDominion
15. ENIGMA REPORT: Exo-Lab PrimeJournalDominion
16. ENIGMA REPORT: Exo-Lab X-39JournalDominion
17. ENIGMA REPORT: FarsideJournalDominion
18. ENIGMA REPORT: Levian BayJournalDominion
19. ENIGMA REPORT: The Terminus ComplexJournalDominion
20. ENIGMA REPORT: Unidentified Subterranean CaveJournalDominion
21. ENIGMA REPORT: WhitevaleJournalDominion
22. SECRET OPS REPORT: AlgorocJournalExile
23. SECRET OPS REPORT: Anomalous Space-Time LocationJournalExile
24. SECRET OPS REPORT: CelestionJournalExile
25. SECRET OPS REPORT: Everstar GroveJournalExile
26. SECRET OPS REPORT: Exo-Lab PrimeJournalExile
27. SECRET OPS REPORT: Exo-Lab X-39JournalExile
28. SECRET OPS REPORT: FarsideJournalExile
29. SECRET OPS REPORT: GalerasJournalExile
30. SECRET OPS REPORT: The Northern WildsJournalExile
31. SECRET OPS REPORT: The Terminus ComplexJournalExile
32. SECRET OPS REPORT: Unidentified Subterranean CavernJournalExile
33. SECRET OPS REPORT: WhitevaleJournalExile
34. Welcome to Secret OpsJournalExile
35. Welcome to the Enigma ChamberJournalDominion

Blighthaven Datacubes, Journals and Tales Locations


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List of collectibles

1. Build Your Own Alchemy Lab in 12 E-Z StepsJournalExile
2. DATACUBE ENTRY: Behavioral AnomaliesDatacube
3. DATACUBE ENTRY: Exhilarating EventDatacube
4. DATACUBE ENTRY: Negative ConsequencesDatacube
5. DATACUBE ENTRY: Prime CreationDatacube
6. DATACUBE ENTRY: Remarkable CreatureDatacube
7. DATACUBE ENTRY: Surface SanctuaryDatacube
8. DATACUBE ENTRY: Unusual CapabilitiesDatacube
9. Doctor Lazarin’s Analysis: The StrainJournalExile
10. Down the Jabbit HoleJournalExile
11. Drink This!JournalDominion
12. One More Good HuntJournal
13. QuarantineTales from Beyond the Fringe
14. Scientifically Accurate Amazing Stories of Science! Vol. 3JournalExile
15. Scouting Report J-472Journal
16. The Flavorology of Taste, 3rd. Ed.Journal
17. The Way of HarmonyJournal
18. The Zax’s Analysis: The StrainJournalDominion
19. These BonesJournalDominion
20. Uniblade Mechanics Quarterly #293JournalDominion
21. What or Who is Globellum?JournalDominion
22. Where Corruption GrowsJournal
23. Who or What Is Globellum?JournalExile