
[Another volume of the popular educational series for Exiles, which features fictionalized mini-epics of scientific research and theoretical derring-do. The previous user appears to have been interrupted in mid-read, but you manage to decrypt a page’s worth of science adventure.]
Taking a bite of his spirovine sandwich, for science rarely allows time for a sit-down lunch, Jimnax nearly choked when he saw the data. The test group showed a 3% increase in acidity when
compared to the control group. Perhaps it wasn’t statistically significant but he was sure he was on the right track.
Charting the results, the ambitious Aurin vowed he’d show the Academy he could run a double-blind trial or his name wasn’t Jimnax Moonstriker!
Just then an alarm went off in the back of the lab. The test group was heating up! “Pinch my tail! That’s not supposed to happen.” Jimnax said out loud.
He rushed back to the tray of tissue samples
in their individual petri dishes. Not only were the samples heating up, but any cellular damage they had was healing at an incredible rate! Jimnax was baffled. He knew exposure to omni-plasm alone wouldn’t have this effect. Then he noticed something in the sample dishes. It looked like bits of spirovine from his sandwich had contaminated the test samples.
“By the Weave! That’s it! The omni-plasm catalyzed the spirovine’s primal life!” Jimnax shouted while jumping up and down in victory!
And thus the Medishot was born, boon to all who dare make Nexus their home. Jimnax was soon transferred to field research. His lax lab habits showed that double-blind studies really weren’t his thing.
Quick Facts
Faction: Exile
Type: Journal
[This frighteningly detailed analysis of the Strain is as disturbing as it is informative.]
Quick Facts
Faction: Dominion
Type: Journal
[An issue of a periodical quite popular among lowborn uniblade mechanics in the Dominion. This issue is open to a column from the magazine’s recently hired editor-in-chief.]
Oi! Watcha’! I’m the new lad in the shop, ain’t I? The high salt, the man behind the desk, if you know what I mean, and I’m not going to fanny about wit’cha. Old Uni-Mech’s up for some changes. We mean to take a new direction, return to basics old son!
Way back, when I was in knickers, I’d scope Uni-Mech for the technie,
wouldn’t I? It was where I learned the ways and means around a ‘blade’s go-go. Born wit’ a spanner in me hand, my dear old would say, and Uni-Mech was my daily bread. The geezers out there know what I’m talking about.
But look what she’s turned into. A second rate Lad Mag! There’s more ads for fancy togs than there are articles on reactors. Columns on how to spike yer hair just so, how to polish yer horns nice and gleaming-like, what color Uniblade goes wit’ yer fur. And don’t get me started on
all the pics of the pretty Bobs and Bettys in small clothes!
Well, that’s all done, innit?
Uni-Mech was a great mag for great mechs. As it was in the beginning, so it shall be again. I promise you words from the best and brightest ‘blade monkeys out there. I promise fair, in-depth reviews on parts and gear. Old son, I promise you’ll know more about unis when you put us down, than when you picked us up! And maybe, from time to time, a few lush tasties not wearin’ much.
Quick Facts
Faction: Dominion
Type: Journal
[Doctor Claremont’s analysis details most of what the Collegium has been able to learn about Globellum so far. Unfortunately, it’s not much.]
The Globellum – what is it? Why does it infest Grimvault like the Strain that surrounds it? Our data is frighteningly limited, for a host of reasons. The most significant, of course, is that the damnable thing mentally enslaves anyone sent to study it!
One thing is certain – the Globellum and the Strain are not working in concert with each other.
Indeed, the bubbles in which the Globellum traps and keeps those it enslaves are completely resistant to the Strain. In fact, the Globellum may be the first organism of any kind that appears to have immunity to corruption. So far, at least.
Perhaps the Eldan created the Globellum to be a fail-safe, but this seems highly unlikely. There is nothing in the primal signatures of the few samples we’ve been able to to indicate an artificial origin.
All taking samples taught us was that every piece of the Globellum appears to be psionically linked to the central brain-mass. Even a single cell could be enough to regrow the creature, even if firebombed from orbit. Eradicating the Globellum may well be impossible. Therfore, containment is the best possible option.
Did the Eldan think so too? Did they imprison the Globellum in the Grimvault to prevent it from escaping into the universe?
There is little evidence to indicate this is the case. Indeed, the Strain more than anything is keeping Globellum in check.
If we ever do succeed in defeating the Strain, will Nexus simply trade one horror for another? We cannot take that chance. We must study the Globellum and understand it. We must ensure it understands us. And ensure it understands the Dominion is not an enemy even it wants to make.
With any luck they won’t know we’re bluffing.
Quick Facts
Faction: Dominion
Type: Journal
[A collection of manically horrifying poetry etched gruesomely on a skull. Its origins are as unclear as its existence in this hallucinatory realm.]
Clatter of white, creak of brown
Dead bone and sinew creeping ’round.
Lurkers left, lurkers right
Unwanted guests this gloomy night.
Reaching fingers, gnashing teeth
Unending hunger, they seek relief.
Warm of blood, and vigor restored
Meat on the bone, a smorgasbord.
Angry souls with envy full
Undying beings, they feel the pull.
To end the world, dowse the light
Devour the living, such is their right.
You try to run, or bar the door
Where ever you go there’s always more.
They were your friends, your family dear
Slavering monsters, and worse comes near.
To wish you died, never been born
As gobbets of your flesh are torn.
Life is the fantasy, the world obscures
Make no mistake, these bones are yours.
Quick Facts
Faction: Dominion
Type: Journal
[A short note from Mondo to himself, reminding him to try out this bizarre concoction ICI agents stole from Mordesh alchemists. The Zax clearly respects Mordesh alchemy, as it is not clear whether the Chua scientist has actually followed his own directions yet.]
Mondo! This is Mondo. No not that Mondo. Not the other one either. And DEFINITELY not the Anti-Mondo that Mondo discovered during that one experiment where Mondo might just have torn apart the barriers
between dimensions before sealing it all back up again with hypermagnetic plasma tape. You know. The Zax!
So, Mondo. Friendly reminder, yes? Mondo drink this potion! Must see what happens.
Minions drink potion, go catatonic. Come back, crazy stories. Talking bones! Ghost skeletons! A huge, empty complex no one else knows about! Doesn’t make sense. Mondo must see for Mondo’s self!
But first Mondo put on haz-mat suit. Just in case.
Quick Facts
Faction: Dominion
Type: Journal