Tag Archives: Journal

How I Did It by Victor Lazarin (Introduction)

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On a table, next to Victor Lazarin, Fool’s Hope.




How I Did It by Victor Lazarin (Introduction)


– An Introduction by the Author –

The title of this book is a misnomer, one that my publisher believes in more fiercely than ever I did, and therefore I have decided to allow it. But it is not accurate. I, Victor Lazarin, can no more tell you precisely how I did it any more than I could do it again, I suspect. In alchemy, as in any other science, one relies
as much on happy accident as one counts on planning and careful experimentation. But what this tome will provide is an accounting of my journey from simple alchemist to the most hated – and, in some places, revered – Mordesh alive.

Well… somewhat alive.

Why did I set out to transform my people? Was it simple arrogance, as some have said?
Was I mad to try and grant eternal life to the world I loved? Was there ever a chance the Everlife Elixir could have worked? Perhaps the answer is “yes” to all of these questions. You must read this text and decide, for I can only pass on what I feel I know, and learned, and still feel after all these years. And of course, everything I remember. And
what I remember… is everything.

From an early age, I was fascinated with death. I have no doubt this began when I lost my mother to the Algor Plague – the moment I first learned what death was, at a tender age – but it was not the ending of life that intrigued me, of course. It was the end of death that I sought to achieve. And so I began to study alchemy
in all its forms.

[The introduction continues at great length, covering Lazarin’s creation of a new alchemical formula to purify foodstuffs at the age of twelve, his ascension to lead the Alchemists Union at age eighteen, and his intentions regarding the Everlife Elixir. But the real details are saved for later in the book. Perhaps you will find additional pieces of this book elsewhere.]

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Type: Journal

Royal Domain Decree

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Northeastern section of Fort Vigilance, under a leaf-covered, fish-net tent. There are two merchants right next to it.




Royal Domain Decree


Let it be known throughout the many worlds, stations, and fleets of the vast and powerful Dominion:

– ALL ARTIFACTS discovered on the planet Nexus are the property of Emperor Myrcalus, may he rule for ten thousand years.

– ALL FAUNA found on the planet Nexus is the property of Emperor Myrcalus, who is called Dominus Reborn.

– ALL FLORA growing
on the planet Nexus are the property of Emperor Myrcalus, chosen of the gods.

And let it be known:

ALL DOMINION CITIZENS are requested and required to report any theft of the Emperor’s property and do everything within their power to stop such theft from occurring.

And let it be known:

ALL WHO BREAK THIS LAW will be punished to the full
extent of Dominion law commensurate with this crime, including DEATH.

And let it be known:

ALL SO-CALLED EXILES ON NEXUS are by definition in violation of this decree, and will be eradicated.

– Lord Syladex, Minister of Law

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Type: Journal

The Yatish Fan Club Oath

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On top the tallest wooden platform in Marshal’s Haven area.




The Yatish Fan Club Oath


Welcome aboard, Marshal Scouts! Marshal Scouts very special Lopp – because Marshal Scouts choose to follow example of big hero Marshal Yatish. Now you learn Official Loyalty Oath of the Yatish Fan Club!

A Marshal Scout is Brave and Smart,
Never loses Faith or Heart.
A Marshal Scout is Swift and Bold,
Like heroes from the Days of Old!

A Marshal Scout is like Yatish,
Not afraid of Lopp nor Beast.
A Marshal Scout’s Loyal! Just!
Honor, Wisdom, Might, and Trust!

A Marshal Scout will always Fight,
Doing what is Good and Right.
A Marshal Scout is Strong and True,
Fights for Lopp like Me and You!

A Marshal Scout is Here to Say,
This Oath at least Three Times a Day!

Now you true Marshal Scout, be big help to big hero Marshal Yatish. Shiny, shiny, Marshal Scouts!

Quick Facts

Type: Journal

Forgemaster Statue Analysis

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On ground behind Forgemaster Kraagor and his statue?




Forgemaster Statue Analysis


ANALYSIS: Discovery X4-2OS1
REPORTING: Dr. Illios Sartorian, Xenosociologist

DESCRIPTION: A large sculpture of a native Nexus sentient.
– Species designated OSUN. This tribe is designated ULGAR in their writings and inscriptions.
– Inscription indicates this object depicts an individual identified as Forgemaster Trogun. This figure must have been of great historical significance to the Ulgar.
– The title forgemaster appears to be both literal and symbolic,
as Osun forges are ruled by masters. But this particular use of the title also includes icons depicting this Trogun as a member of a ruling Osun caste.
– As the Osun we have discovered thus far on Nexus generally do not place forgemasters in charge, this would seem to show that Kel Ulgar is specifically devoted to forging weapons, armor, perhaps even technology based on ancient Eldan designs.
– Such discoveries are of the utmost importance to my superiors at the Royal
Collegium, and will certainly be the focus of this expedition once security matters are settled.

EXPEDITION NOTES: The expedition to Kel Ulgar has so far gone without major incident, but this has, I admit, filled me with unexpected dread. While orbital scans and other sensitive equipment indicate the presence of massive life forms in the area, we have seen no evidence of the Osun themselves. We are setting up a guarded perimeter
including plasma screens, automated weapons, and the Dominion’s finest troops – well, the finest troops who could be spared to protect a relatively minor Collegium expedition – but I fear I will not be getting much sleep tonight. Tomorrow, we will open one of the many sealed metal doors that, we hope, will lead into the caverns beneath Kel Ulgar. It seems likely there may be Osun in those caverns, but with careful preparation we should be able
to avoid them and still extract much useful data. We shall see.

Quick Facts

Type: Journal

The Zax Abides

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On a talbe, in front of Mondo Zax, Rotwood Collective area.




The Zax Abides


[This appears to be an excerpt from an unauthorized, quite complementary, and questionably factual biography of Mondo Zax.]

by Naxod Moz, biographer

CHAPTER 4: Rise of the Zax
Time had come for the Zax to make his move. Many enemies had gone by the wayside. Many more to go. But now the path to power had never been clearer. All that was left was to get rid of the obstacles.

What’s this? Surprise! Next day, seven members of
Royal Collegium leadership go missing. Bad time to plan vacation trip to Mikros. Worse time to land on Mikros. Super-duper WORST time to visit Mikros, land there, and walk off of privately owned ship wearing no identification marking you as important Dominion officials. Draken take Days of Rage very very seriously. See offworlders land in middle of big bloody festival? Time to kill! Too bad leaders of Collegium got dates and mixed up. Too bad leaders of Collegium don’t check
their own stupid data. Too bad leaders of Collegium rely too much on bots and computers to do thinking. TOO BAD FOR THEM!

At least, that is very popular theory. Pieces of Collegium leaders never actually found.

The Zax abides.

Uh-oh! Big big power vacuum at top of Collegium. Time for the Zax to move in. Yes?


Turns out stupid Royal Collegium have big “meritocracy” system. Seven leaders gone? Seven more swoop in to take their place! Stupid Collegium.
The Zax was right there. Ready to lead the Collegium to glory! Also, explosions! More explosions than stupid Collegium leaders can even count! But so what? No big deal.

The Zax abides.

Seven new leaders of Collegium take precautions. Guards. Poison-sniffer bots. Canceled vacation plans. New Collegium leaders think they are so smart! But not smarter than the Zax. The Zax needs no Collegium. The Zax just needs the Zax! And a small weapons research division
that can grow to rival Collegium in power, but with weapons instead of stupid generic science with no weapons. A Dominion Research and Experimentation Division.

Collegium want to waste time with science of what? Food? History? Plants? DRED wastes no time! If it not kill, or explode, or turn enemy inside-out and ooey-gooey, DRED no want it!

So let leaders of Collegium have their way. Let leaders of Collegium smile and dilly
and dally and do nothing useful. The Zax and DRED will lead the way!

And the Zax abides.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Type: Journal

Torine Battle Log

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Torine Battle Log


The dead keep coming. The hordes of the corrupted dead do not stop. They do not sleep. No matter how many we kill, more come.

When our sisters fall in battle, the horde corrupts their bodies. Our sisters rise up again and attack. When our sisters are wounded, the horde corrupts their bodies. They turn on us and attack. The dead are forever changed.

The infestation can corrupt without killing. Many of the creatures attacking us look familiar. We have fought these creatures before,
but they are different. Their appearance is… disturbing.

I saw Liveria changed after one bite. That was not enough to kill her, but it did change her. She now has teeth in her arm. Teeth that bite. We needed seventeen arrows to take her down.

We are not the only hunters fighting these creatures. We have seen glimpses of outsiders in the jungle. Their weapons are very different from ours, but clearly they are not strong enough. The outsiders are dying, too.

Some believe we should work
with the outsiders. No one can agree on this. We do not trust them, but the outsiders cannot possibly be worse than the corrupted ones.

Of course, the outsiders may not trust us. Our sisters have tested their strength many times, and sometimes, we kill them. The outsiders may attack us on sight, but if the hordes keep coming, the outsiders may not be strong enough to attack us.

We have worked with outsiders before, long ago, but never for long. I have heard of their treachery,
but if we cannot find a way to work with them, we may all die.

I am leaving the camp to speak with them. I am bringing five sisters with me.

If I do not come back, you will know what has happened.

Quick Facts

Type: Journal

Wilderrun Datacubes, Journals and Tales Locations


Filter: All

List of collectibles

1. A Citizen’s PetitionJournalDominion
2. A Perfect StrikeTales from Beyond the Fringe
3. An Explorer’s Guide to Pumera BitesJournalExile
4. DATACUBE ENTRY: Devotional TraitDatacube
5. DATACUBE ENTRY: Difficult Choice Datacube
6. DATACUBE ENTRY: Elemental AnomalyDatacube
7. DATACUBE ENTRY: Forbidden KnowledgeDatacube
8. DATACUBE ENTRY: Genesis Prime Datacube
9. DATACUBE ENTRY: Hybrid MaterialDatacube
10. DATACUBE ENTRY: Liquid ImmortalityDatacube
11. DATACUBE ENTRY: Living ManifestationDatacube
12. DATACUBE ENTRY: Luminai CompletionDatacube
13. DATACUBE ENTRY: Magnificent Transformation Datacube
14. DATACUBE ENTRY: Peculiar FascinationDatacube
15. DATACUBE ENTRY: Severe MeasuresDatacube
16. DATACUBE ENTRY: Unexpected Longevity Datacube
17. DATACUBE ENTRY: Unintended ResultsDatacube
18. DATACUBE ENTRY: Vital Ascendancy Datacube
19. Forgemaster Statue AnalysisJournal
20. How I Did It by Victor Lazarin (Introduction)JournalExile
21. Meditation and the Art of Hoverbike MaintenanceJournal
22. Memories of CassusJournal
23. Researcher Anton’s Field JournalJournal
24. Royal Domain DecreeJournalDominion
25. Spiders of NexusJournal
26. The Emissary’s CreedJournal
27. The Exalted Wilderrun: Myth and LegendJournalExile
28. The Maiden’s TaleTales from Beyond the Fringe
29. The Pumera GambitJournal
30. The Yatish Fan Club OathJournal
31. The Zax AbidesJournalDominion
32. To Serve SnoglugJournalExile
33. Torine Battle LogJournal