Wilderrun Datacubes, Journals and Tales Locations


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1. A Citizen’s PetitionJournalDominion
2. A Perfect StrikeTales from Beyond the Fringe
3. An Explorer’s Guide to Pumera BitesJournalExile
4. DATACUBE ENTRY: Devotional TraitDatacube
5. DATACUBE ENTRY: Difficult Choice Datacube
6. DATACUBE ENTRY: Elemental AnomalyDatacube
7. DATACUBE ENTRY: Forbidden KnowledgeDatacube
8. DATACUBE ENTRY: Genesis Prime Datacube
9. DATACUBE ENTRY: Hybrid MaterialDatacube
10. DATACUBE ENTRY: Liquid ImmortalityDatacube
11. DATACUBE ENTRY: Living ManifestationDatacube
12. DATACUBE ENTRY: Luminai CompletionDatacube
13. DATACUBE ENTRY: Magnificent Transformation Datacube
14. DATACUBE ENTRY: Peculiar FascinationDatacube
15. DATACUBE ENTRY: Severe MeasuresDatacube
16. DATACUBE ENTRY: Unexpected Longevity Datacube
17. DATACUBE ENTRY: Unintended ResultsDatacube
18. DATACUBE ENTRY: Vital Ascendancy Datacube
19. Forgemaster Statue AnalysisJournal
20. How I Did It by Victor Lazarin (Introduction)JournalExile
21. Meditation and the Art of Hoverbike MaintenanceJournal
22. Memories of CassusJournal
23. Researcher Anton’s Field JournalJournal
24. Royal Domain DecreeJournalDominion
25. Spiders of NexusJournal
26. The Emissary’s CreedJournal
27. The Exalted Wilderrun: Myth and LegendJournalExile
28. The Maiden’s TaleTales from Beyond the Fringe
29. The Pumera GambitJournal
30. The Yatish Fan Club OathJournal
31. The Zax AbidesJournalDominion
32. To Serve SnoglugJournalExile
33. Torine Battle LogJournal

5 thoughts on “Wilderrun Datacubes, Journals and Tales Locations

  1. Voxella

    Missing a Datacube Entry: Living Manifestation at 912, -4142 in Vitara’s Refuge. When you come down the stairs into where the Big Tree has been corrupted, the Datacube is straight ahead on top of a big corrupted root

    1. XenDrgn

      This tree is at the very top of the stairs. Also, on the way back down the stairs, just past where the strain stops covering -everything- there is an outcropping of rock overlooking the descending stairs. This has Datacube Entry: Difficult Choice.

      The last one is in Sister’s Watch. Center small circle area atop the shrine.

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