With such equipment Engineers are capable of both causing mayhem, and enduring enemy’s heavy hits, transforming them into hardened soldiers. They can act as DPS with medium or long range attacks, or plowing through enemies as Tank.
Impressive selection of gadgets is what makes Engineers interesting. Besides customizable missile launchers, Bots will be important for attacks because they can be used for tanking, DPS, CC, and to top it off, Bots can also be used for healing. It would be better not to mention fantastic Exo-Suit which amplifies Engineers abilities or defense, but having it in mind, it is clear that everything mentioned makes this WildStar class more than just an equal with other classes on the battlefield.
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Tag Archives: wildstar classes
WildStar Medic Class
With some clever customization and use of Medic’s abilities, players are able to create characters that will both do DPS and heal, in some cases even at the some time. Several abilities that they posses create fields which can then be strategically placed on the battlefield so that they damage enemies and heal friendlies that stand in them.
Except for Fields, the Medic’s power is well placed in lethal Resonators and Probes. Who will bother complaining about medium armor, when enemies will have big problems deflecting Medic’s hyper-offensive attacks and pesky Probes.
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WildStar Stalker Class

This interface also accelerates and enhances the Stalker’s physiological systems, allowing them to execute impressive physical feats and complex martial arts disciplines. These abilities, used in concert with a pair of well-balanced alloy clawblades, make the Stalker a fearsome opponent on the field of battle.Stalkers are also masters of tactical combat. Using their neurological enhancements, they strategically control the battlefield, utilizing combat hardware such as proximity mines to maximize their kill potential in each and every encounter. Their cerebral interface also provides real-time analytical data during encounters, allowing Stalkers to energize their clawblades based on their opponents’ greatest vulnerabilities. The result? During combat, Stalkers leave a pile of corpses in their wake before silently disappearing into the shadows.
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WildStar Warrior Class
Equipped with a heavy battle suit, and armed with a giant tech-sword and a plasma blasting arm cannon, Warriors use hyper-charged kinetic cells which allow the use of powerful attacks and greatly improve their destructive potential.
Drawing upon the power of these kinetic cells give Warriors access to a wide array of strategic technological capabilities designed to damage, disarm, or incapacitate their enemies. In short, the Warrior is a walking death machine, absorbing impressive amounts of damage while dispatching his foes by the dozens.
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WildStar Esper Class
Rare individuals that display unusual mental fortitude, Espers must undergo rigorous training in order to harness the turbulent, chaotic energies of the mind – eventually learning to focus and transform this energy into telekinetic power. Once they have mastered this ability, Espers learn to use the psyblade – a sharp and deadly projectile weapon propelled through the air by the force of their minds.
But the psyblade is not the only weapon in the Esper’s arsenal. They can also manipulate mental energy to create illusions so convincing they are capable of inflicting very real damage on their enemies. This same technique can be used to bolster friends, allowing them to return to the fray after being injured in battle. A fully trained Esper can turn the tide in any conflict, sustaining and healing their allies while dishing out devastating mental blasts against their foes.
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WildStar Spellslinger Class
By wielding specially designed mag pistols, Spellslingers manipulate arcane energy to create powerful magic sigils – greatly increasing their accuracy and infusing their projectiles with destructive power.
Along with their deadly weapons, WildStar Spellslingers also use acrobatic agility to quickly move around the battlefield – positioning themselves to inflict the most damage upon their enemies. These deadly abilities, coupled with steely-eyed resolve, make the Spellslinger a truly frightening foe in battle.
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Why I choose to play Draken Stalker
Reading the official Wildstar races page I found a lot of diverse and different looking races to choose from (you like robots – they got them; demons – no problem; anime style – why not; they are all there and available), but Draken are the ones that caught my eye. I guess that is because, in my mind, they reminded me of rogues and starcraft zealots that, as game characters, I liked the most in my gaming history. Since I do not particularly fancy mechanical characters, nor little bunnies wielding deadly weapons I think I’ll play this race and, as you can probably deduce from my previous sentence, I will be playing a stalker.
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