Tag Archives: Journal

I’m Being Watched


Eyes. Eyes everywhere. Eyes on the ground. On the trees. Eyes growing from the walls and cliffs and the caverns and the doomed, corrupted beasts of the wild.

But when I turn to strike out their hideous light? To plunge my blade deep into their damnable gaze? They are gone! Sunken back into the earth, or closed to the bright light of my holy sword. The Goddess keeps me safe, the Goddess keeps me strong.

And yet. My pumera was unsteady and weak.
For days now, my constant companion, a cub who had known me my entire life, had eaten little, growing thin and wiry. Her fur had begun to fall out in patches, while cankers and boils appeared where the hair was gone. I feared for her. I prayed to the Goddess to help her.

The Goddess did nothing for my pumera. She did not keep my companion safe, did not keep her strong. And as I watched the creature that trusted me suffer more and more, suffer to the point where she lashed out, even at me, I saw it.

The boils and cankers were not boils and cankers at all. And as they blinked open, their terrible yellow orbs knew my very soul, and I did not hear the Goddess again.

I drove my blade through the largest of the eyes, transfixing the howling beast. She did not die right away. Over and over I had to strike, until the eyes were a ruined mess of gore and rot. But my friend suffers no more.

Yet still the eyes are all around me.
I cannot put them all out, not if I had all the time in the world. Do I even want to? My pumera suffered and died, but what if it was being reborn into something new?

What if I, too, will be reborn? What if these wounds on my arms and legs are… yes. Yes.

I am being watched. But I do not fear the eyes. They watch over me now, as the Goddess once did. The Goddess who betrayed me, and betrayed my pumera. She made us weak. The Strain will make us strong. Stronger. Better. Deadlier. Victorious.

Quick Facts

Type: Journal

Hunting the Ravager


I have tracked the beast to its lair, at great personal cost. My sisters believe me to be obsessed, and I cannot say they are wrong. I am obsessed, but with good reason. This monstrous creature, this Ravager, is unrelenting. And so must I be to hunt it down and end its depredations once and for all.

I did not start this hunt alone. Two of my sisters were at my side, as were our stalking beasts. Our pets were bold, but not stupid.
They soon began to resist us, sensing what we could not: this Ravager was no ordinary monster. Perhaps we should have heeded their unspoken demands, and turned back. If we had, my sisters and our pets would still be with me. But the infection set in soon after they started acting up, and indeed even then it was probably too late. If I hadn’t severed my own arm above the elbow, I would have been lost too.

I gave them a merciful death.
But they deserved better than to die in such agony. And so I swear I will not stand down. Though I have but one sword-arm, I will use it to strike the Ravager of Moldwood down, and soon.

It must be soon. For even now, I hear the beast calling to me through the remnants of infection in my blood. And its voice grows clearer.

Yes, today I kill two monsters. First, the Ravager. And then I will fall on my own blade. Goddess save me, it is the only way. I am sorry, Blademother. I am sorry.

Quick Facts

Type: Journal

Song of the Lifeweavers


[This free verse work appears to be the work of a long-dead Lifeweaver Pell mystic, written long before they became corrupted.]

Living world of sun of sky
Sing your songs of joy
Thriving life, burning strong
In the deep heart of this sacred sanctuary.

Loom of life and mysteries
Weave the songs of all
Into the sacred fabric
The divine web of existence.
Masters of sun and sky
Grant your Lifeweavers strength

Grant your Lifeweavers courage
Grant your Lifeweavers this song
This song of all things
For it is this song we weave into all things alive.

Quick Facts

Type: Journal

Sanctuary of the Swordmaiden Datacubes, Journals and Tales Locations

Welcome to Secret Ops

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Well done, Exile. Based on your general capacity for getting things done, the most powerful Exiles on the planet have called you up to the big leagues.

Secret Ops is the code name* for the Exiles’ collective efforts to discover the fate of the Eldan, and learn how new discoveries on the homeworld of the ancients – Nexus – will affect our society as a whole. You will work side-by-side with Exile heroes. The secrets you uncover will be gathered, studied, and analyzed by Exile Academy of Science (XAS).

Failure is not an option. Fate is handing us one last draw, and we need to make this hand count.
The very fate of all Exiles hangs in the balance. Dominion citizens believe the Eldan ascended to godhood, of course, but we’re more pragmatic. Perhaps the ancients up and got bored, departing without a trace. Maybe they had other places to be.

Or is there a threat out there powerful enough to kill the most advanced species ever seen?

Unless we can answer these questions, and soon, we might have big trouble. Until we know why the Eldan did what they did, we will never know of the dangers – or advantages – their knowledge could bring us.

This world is going to be our new home. Let’s make sure no one manages to tear it apart before we take over the lease.
And if we find a weapon or ally strong enough to drive the Dominion back into space, you will be a hero.

Here’s hoping it’s a big-ass raygun.

-Professor Wellspring

*The Secret Ops Team is aware that announcing its existence makes it considerably less than “Secret,” and does not need to be reminded again. It’s the name approved by the committee.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Type: Journal

Welcome to the Enigma Chamber

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Congratulations. Based on your bold and selfless service to the empire, the Dominion has invited you to join the inner circle.

The Enigma Chamber is the code name* for the Dominion’s collective efforts to discover the fate of the Eldan,
and learn how new discoveries on the homeworld of the gods – Nexus – will affect our society as a whole. You will work side-by-side with some of the most powerful and honored citizens of the Dominion. The secrets you uncover will be gathered, studied, and analyzed by the brightest minds of the empire, the scientists of the Royal Collegium.

And in the end, you will succeed. You must. The very fate of the Dominion hangs in the balance. The Eldan chose us to build the greatest empire the galaxy had ever known. Our church tells us they ascended to godhood, but, if so, why then? Did we fail them? Did they decide we needed to guide our own destinies?

Or, blasphemously, is there a threat out there powerful enough to eliminate a race of gods?

Unless we can answer these questions, and soon, we face grave danger. The Exiles will falter and fall, in time. The planet will be settled, knowledge will be found, hearts will be changed, and minds will be opened. But until we know why our gods did what they did,
we will never know of the dangers – or advantages – Eldan knowledge could bring to the war effort.

-Dr. Takigurian

*Please note it is also an actual chamber, one used for planning, data collection, and sometimes as sleeping quarters.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Type: Journal

World Story Datacubes, Journals and Tales Locations

List of collectibles

1. DATACUBE ENTRY: Entity AwakenedDatacube
2. DATACUBE ENTRY: Ineffectual Defense Datacube
3. DATACUBE ENTRY: Mysterious AgreementDatacube
4. DATACUBE ENTRY: Primal Disintegrator Datacube
5. DATACUBE ENTRY: Project SuccessDatacube
6. DATACUBE ENTRY: Protoplasmic ResonatorDatacube
7. DATACUBE ENTRY: Uncatalogued Agent Datacube
8. DATACUBE ENTRY: Unresolved IncidentDatacube
9. DATACUBE ENTRY: Unwise Discussion Datacube
10. ENIGMA REPORT: Anomalous Space-Time LocationJournalDominion
11. ENIGMA REPORT: AuroriaJournalDominion
12. ENIGMA REPORT: Crimson IsleJournalDominion
13. ENIGMA REPORT: DeraduneJournalDominion
14. ENIGMA REPORT: EllevarJournalDominion
15. ENIGMA REPORT: Exo-Lab PrimeJournalDominion
16. ENIGMA REPORT: Exo-Lab X-39JournalDominion
17. ENIGMA REPORT: FarsideJournalDominion
18. ENIGMA REPORT: Levian BayJournalDominion
19. ENIGMA REPORT: The Terminus ComplexJournalDominion
20. ENIGMA REPORT: Unidentified Subterranean CaveJournalDominion
21. ENIGMA REPORT: WhitevaleJournalDominion
22. SECRET OPS REPORT: AlgorocJournalExile
23. SECRET OPS REPORT: Anomalous Space-Time LocationJournalExile
24. SECRET OPS REPORT: CelestionJournalExile
25. SECRET OPS REPORT: Everstar GroveJournalExile
26. SECRET OPS REPORT: Exo-Lab PrimeJournalExile
27. SECRET OPS REPORT: Exo-Lab X-39JournalExile
28. SECRET OPS REPORT: FarsideJournalExile
29. SECRET OPS REPORT: GalerasJournalExile
30. SECRET OPS REPORT: The Northern WildsJournalExile
31. SECRET OPS REPORT: The Terminus ComplexJournalExile
32. SECRET OPS REPORT: Unidentified Subterranean CavernJournalExile
33. SECRET OPS REPORT: WhitevaleJournalExile
34. Welcome to Secret OpsJournalExile
35. Welcome to the Enigma ChamberJournalDominion