Wildstar Item Database

Use the form bellow to filter through all available Wildstar items. You can use our item database to browse through all the items Wildstar has to offer or try and find the best in slot item for the class you are playing. We'll keep this database updated and we'll be adding new features regularly.



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Found 33516 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Mesmerizing Dracus Essence30 Junk387
Thick Squirg Blood30 Junk387
Torn Lizard Hide30 Junk387
Broken Root30 Junk387
False Blood30 Junk387
Severed Wormite Pincer30 Junk387
Chipped Dread Tangler Tooth30 Junk387
Chipped Longsnout Tooth30 Junk387
Severed Scrab Pincer30 Junk387
Turf Blood30 Junk387
Toothless Gears30 Junk387
Severed Lopp Ears30 Junk387
Torn Shellark Fins30 Junk387
Mist Blood30 Junk387
Sun-Tarnished Alien Dragon Scales30 Junk387
Chipped Malverine Tooth30 Junk387
Bloodied Shirook Wings30 Junk387
Esprit Blood30 Junk387
Flooded Boot32 Junk416
Halon Gleam34 Junk445
Torn Mammodin Pelt35 Junk459
Alien Horse Hide35 Junk459
Strange Skeech Fetish35 Junk459
Chain Necklace35 Junk459
Rot Skin35 Junk459
Frigid Skug Eyeballs35 Junk459
Faulty Wiring35 Junk459
Inspired Fried Flesh35 Junk459
Elk Deer Hide35 Junk459
Moodie Water Totem35 Junk459
Interface Link35 Junk459
Inspired Nuked Flesh35 Junk459
Frigid Skug Queen Eyeballs35 Junk459
Inspired Flesh Stew35 Junk459
Bloodied Murgh Wings35 Junk459
Inspired Baked Flesh35 Junk459
Slimy Ash Hen Tongue35 Junk459
Bloodied Falkrin Wings35 Junk459
Inspired Boiled Flesh35 Junk459
Severed Appendage35 Junk459
Frigid Snoglug Eyeballs35 Junk459
Inspired Roasted Flesh35 Junk459
Sun-Tarnished Nerid Scales35 Junk459
Inspired Imbued Flesh35 Junk459
Inspired Barbecued Flesh35 Junk459
Inspired Smoked Flesh35 Junk459
Inscribed Keepsake35 Junk459
Severed Fraz Limbs35 Junk459
Fractured Eye35 Junk459
Rusted Mechari Sprocket35 Junk459