Wildstar Item Database

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Found 33516 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Guardian's Thwarting Splint Mail50ChestHeavy Armor1975
Guardian's Thwarting Target Link50 Gear1548
Guise of the Northern Wastes50HeadMedium Armor1686
Gunner's Steady Treads50FeetHeavy Armor1493
Gunslinger's Handgrip50 Gear1493
Hackers of Primal Ardor50Primary WeaponWeapon - Claws1377
Haggar's Ragged Hat50HeadLight Armor1686
Haggar's Ragged Hat50HeadMedium Armor1490
Haggar's Ragged Pants50LegsMedium Armor1904
Halo Point Shooters50Primary WeaponWeapon - Pistols1686
Hand Sewn Bioplated Foot Guards50FeetLight Armor1430
Hand Sewn Bioplated Footguards50FeetLight Armor1319
Hand Sewn Electrolite Robe50ChestLight Armor1829
Hand Sewn Infantry Polyboots50FeetMedium Armor1493
Hand Sewn Infantry Polyboots50FeetMedium Armor1377
Hand Sewn Ultraplate Polyboots50FeetMedium Armor1430
Hand Sewn Ultraplate Polyboots50FeetMedium Armor1319
Hand Sewn Xenocite Foot Guards50FeetLight Armor1493
Hand Sewn Xenocite Footguards50FeetLight Armor1377
Hand Wraps of the Expedition50HandsLight Armor1686
Hands of the Solemn Wanderer50HandsMedium Armor1686
Hard Rock Rune of Armor50 Earth Rune846
Hard Rock Rune of Armor50 Earth Rune846
Hard Rock Rune of Armor50 Logic Rune846
Hard Rock Rune of Crit Severity50 Earth Rune846
Hard Rock Rune of Crit Severity50 Logic Rune846
Hard Rock Rune of Grit50 Earth Rune846
Hard Rock Rune of Health50 Fire Rune846
Hard Rock Rune of Health50 Fire Rune846
Hard Rock Rune of Tech50 Earth Rune846
Hardened Quantum Leapers50FeetHeavy Armor1493
Hat of Corruption50HeadMedium Armor1555
Hauberk of the Golden Grove50ChestHeavy Armor1756
Head Wind Rune of Deflect50 Air Rune846
Head Wind Rune of Deflect Crit50 Life Rune846
Head Wind Rune of Deflect Crit50 Air Rune846
Head Wind Rune of Deflect Crit50 Logic Rune846
Head Wind Rune of Deflect Crit50 Life Rune846
Head Wind Rune of Shield Cap50 Air Rune846
Head Wind Rune of Shield Cap50 Air Rune846
Head Wind Rune of Shield Cap50 Logic Rune846
Headband of the Jungle Guardian50HeadMedium Armor1904
Healos's Desperation50GadgetGear995
Healos's Empowering Field50ShieldsGear1430
Healos's Microplasmic Injector50AugmentGear1430
Hearty Coronet50HeadLight Armor1555
Hearty Visor50HeadMedium Armor1555
Heat of the Desert50 Gear1686
Heat Wave Metasuit50ChestHeavy Armor2151