Wildstar Item Database

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Found 33516 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Heatwave Blasters50Primary WeaponWeapon - Pistols1686
Heatwave Radiators50Primary WeaponWeapon - Paddles1686
Heavy Gilt Trippers50LegsHeavy Armor1904
Hellion50Primary WeaponWeapon - Greatsword1493
Hellion Claws50Primary WeaponWeapon - Claws1493
Hellion Face Guard50HeadHeavy Armor1686
Hellrose Biofiber Wraps50HandsMedium Armor1493
Hellrose Nectar50 Gear1686
Hellrose Trimmer50Primary WeaponWeapon - Greatsword1493
Helm of Purification50HeadHeavy Armor1555
Helm of Shallaos50HeadHeavy Armor1904
Helm of the Awakened Warr50HeadHeavy Armor1904
Helm of the Blazing Blade50HeadHeavy Armor1904
Herald of the Sanctuary50GadgetGear995
Hexawebbed AEGIS Strengthener50 Gear1377
Hexxed Torine Britches50LegsLight Armor2151
High Flux Doublet50ChestMedium Armor2151
High Impedance Razors50Primary WeaponWeapon - Claws1686
Hilt of the Crimson Shard50AugmentGear1430
Hilt of the Crimson Shard50AugmentGear1430
Hollowed Canines50LegsHeavy Armor2151
Hood of the Waterseeker50HeadMedium Armor1904
Houndhide War Boots50FeetMedium Armor1686
Hoverboard Mount Front Flair: Cyclone50 Dyes846
Hoverboard Mount Front Flair: Manta50 Dyes846
Hoverboard Mount Front Flair: Strain50 Dyes846
Hoverboard Mount Rear Flair: Cyclone50 Dyes846
Hoverboard Mount Rear Flair: Manta50 Dyes846
Hoverboard Mount Rear Flair: Strain50 Dyes846
Hoverboard Mount Side Flair: Cyclone50 Dyes846
Hoverboard Mount Side Flair: Manta50 Dyes846
Hoverboard Mount Side Flair: Strain50 Dyes846
Howitzer of the Isle50Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun1493
Howling Stormseed50ShieldsGear1615
Hunter's Gleaming Blade Sharpeners50 Gear1686
Hybrid Cankertube Exterminators50HandsMedium Armor1377
Hydration Recycler50AugmentGear1615
Hydraulic Pauldrons50ShoulderHeavy Armor1904
Hyperbeam Gyrojet50Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun1493
Ignacio's Envy50GadgetGear995
Ignacio's Surefire Hand Cannon50Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun1493
Illusionary's Foot Pads50FeetLight Armor1686
Improved Deathbringer's Stompers50FeetMedium Armor1434
Improved Enforcer's Hand Wraps50HandsMedium Armor1493
Improved Enforcer's Handwraps50HandsMedium Armor1377
Improved Magnimesh Stompers50FeetMedium Armor1374
Improved Manaplate Hand Wraps50HandsMedium Armor1430
Improved Manaplate Handwraps50HandsMedium Armor1319
Inducer of the Dawn50AugmentGear1615
Industrial Eldritch Controller50AugmentGear1430