Carbine Studio revealed a brand new launch trailer about the past of planet Nexus, with a preview what WildStar fans can expect in this mysterious world. Enjoy!

WildStar Features Trailer
While we are waiting for WildStar launch, Carbine team prepared a new trailer for all peaceful quester and furious PvP arenas master. Enjoy!

Engineer Livestream Is Avalible On YouTube
If you missed the Engineer livestream this past weekend, or just want to rewatch it, the whole stream is now available on Wildstar’s YouTube channel. It’s a great way to see the new class in action and to get a sense of how it will be played in game. Give the video a watch, and let us know what you think of the Engineer in the comments below.

Check Out The Engineer In The Latest DevSpeak
The Engineer has finally been shown, and damn if it doesn’t look cool. From close range tanking with a massive power suit, to long range DPS with an awesome looking rocket launcher, the Engineer can do a little bit of everything. Throw in some cool bots for support and you have a one person army who is ready for any situation.
Check out the DevSpeak and take a look at the Engineer for yourself, then let us know if you’re as excited about the class as we are in the comments below.

Check Out The Medic Livestream
The Medic livestream is up and ready to view on YouTube. Check it out if you missed the live presentation, and let us know what makes you most excited about the Medic in the comments below!

Watch The Medic Operate In This Week’s DevSpeak
Let’s be honest, we all knew that one of the two unrevealed classes was going to be a healing/support type class. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get excited about the class, because this medic can bring a whole lot of pain to anyone who gets in their way.
Check out the most recent DevSpeak to see what I’m talking about, and make sure to let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Stalker DevSpeak Video
This week’s class drop is all about the Stalker, and there’s a brand new DevSpeak to tell you all about it. Check it out and let us know what you think!