Tag Archives: Wilderrun

A Citizen’s Petition

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Northern section of Fort Vigilance, on a platform with monitors and a bench.




A Citizen’s Petition



FACT: Tresayne Toria, Swordmaiden of the Cassian Commonwealth and widely acknowledged as the finest warrior of any species, was in peak physical condition when she accepted the Eldan’s offer to journey to Nexus, where she would become the mother of the Luminai.

FACT: Many recent discoveries
point to many concentrated regions of primal life on the planet Nexus, concentrations high enough to cause aging and most chronic illnesses to completely stop in creatures that see prolonged exposure.

FACT: According to Dominus himself in his famous books, Tresayne was alive when he departed the planet.

FACT: The possibility that
Tresayne Toria is still on Nexus is reinforced by the existence of the Torine Sisterhood, who insist their “Blademother” is alive and well and fighting the Strain. Who are we to deny their belief? Shouldn’t they know?

FACT: There are those within the Dominion, people who hold a great deal of power, who don’t want us to know the TRUTH. That
the holy mother of our first and greatest emperor has been waiting for us on Nexus the whole time.

FACT: Only by finding and making peace with holy Tresayne and her sisters can the Dominion be made whole once more.

Emperor Myrcalus has claimed the name “Dominus Reborn.” Will he live up to that name? Will he direct the Dominion to
join forces with the mother of all Luminai and wipe the traitorous Exiles and unworthy interlopers who infest this world. This planet Nexus, legacy of the Eldan? Not if we, the citizens of the Dominion, do not act.

Make your voice heard! SIGN THE PETITION TODAY!




Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Type: Journal

Memories of Cassus

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On ground, in front of one of the Torine houses, close to a large camp fire, Giant’s Wall.




Memories of Cassus


[This tome, handwritten in a strange dialect of ancient Cassian that your datachron has little trouble translating, appears to have been written by Tresayne Toria herself.]

Day 117

What I wouldn’t give for a decent Cassian hyperbrew. Not a light, foamy summer drink for children and the physically weak, and not this weird mixture the Progenitors – that’s what they call themselves – have been feeding me. They say it’s to help in the “primal extraction
process.” But there’s something more than that – than them – here. Something with power. Life. When this being is near, I feel… stronger. Sounds are more clear. My vision is sharper, my legs can carry me faster than a tree-cat. But for all that, it doesn’t let you relax.

I think back on Cassus often, for it is my home. But I am not certain I miss it. The others did. They would not listen, and insisted on trying to take the ship back to Cassus. A very long
journey, as we all know, but they insisted on trying. It was foolish, and I advised against it. Not all of them left, my sisters remained, and a few trusted males.

And now they are dead. We were warned this was a one-way journey. What did they expect?

When I was a girl on Cassus, I remember my father warned me to stay inside the big house one night, during the food riots that struck the capitol city after several years of drought.
He went outside with a lightweight rifle I’d only ever seen him carry on the grounds of our northern estates during a hunt. I kept watch that night from inside the safety of our big house with my old dog Shanda.

When the rioters came too close, my father would fire a warning shot. Usually they’d move on without trouble, but once in a while he had to threaten them before they’d go. I’d watch it all from inside the house, and never once did he look back
inside. My father’s attention was on the job at hand, not the home he wanted to take refuge within.

Ever since I took the trials, I knew I would honor his memory by training to be the best swordmaiden on Cassus. It looks like the Eldan noticed.

If this works, if the Progenitors are able to achieve their goal, it will mean the end of food riots. Of war on Cassus. Of conflict within the Commonwealth and without. The only thing we must, as a
people, sacrifice is me. And I welcome that job.

And when the time comes for my son to depart for Cassus, and I must remain, I will not look back. I will remain here, watching over Vitara the way my father once watched over our home. And when the time comes for me to die, I will know this: I did not falter. I did not turn from my duty. I did what I did for my home.

For Cassus.

Quick Facts

Type: Journal

How I Did It by Victor Lazarin (Introduction)

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On a table, next to Victor Lazarin, Fool’s Hope.




How I Did It by Victor Lazarin (Introduction)


– An Introduction by the Author –

The title of this book is a misnomer, one that my publisher believes in more fiercely than ever I did, and therefore I have decided to allow it. But it is not accurate. I, Victor Lazarin, can no more tell you precisely how I did it any more than I could do it again, I suspect. In alchemy, as in any other science, one relies
as much on happy accident as one counts on planning and careful experimentation. But what this tome will provide is an accounting of my journey from simple alchemist to the most hated – and, in some places, revered – Mordesh alive.

Well… somewhat alive.

Why did I set out to transform my people? Was it simple arrogance, as some have said?
Was I mad to try and grant eternal life to the world I loved? Was there ever a chance the Everlife Elixir could have worked? Perhaps the answer is “yes” to all of these questions. You must read this text and decide, for I can only pass on what I feel I know, and learned, and still feel after all these years. And of course, everything I remember. And
what I remember… is everything.

From an early age, I was fascinated with death. I have no doubt this began when I lost my mother to the Algor Plague – the moment I first learned what death was, at a tender age – but it was not the ending of life that intrigued me, of course. It was the end of death that I sought to achieve. And so I began to study alchemy
in all its forms.

[The introduction continues at great length, covering Lazarin’s creation of a new alchemical formula to purify foodstuffs at the age of twelve, his ascension to lead the Alchemists Union at age eighteen, and his intentions regarding the Everlife Elixir. But the real details are saved for later in the book. Perhaps you will find additional pieces of this book elsewhere.]

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Type: Journal

Royal Domain Decree

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Northeastern section of Fort Vigilance, under a leaf-covered, fish-net tent. There are two merchants right next to it.




Royal Domain Decree


Let it be known throughout the many worlds, stations, and fleets of the vast and powerful Dominion:

– ALL ARTIFACTS discovered on the planet Nexus are the property of Emperor Myrcalus, may he rule for ten thousand years.

– ALL FAUNA found on the planet Nexus is the property of Emperor Myrcalus, who is called Dominus Reborn.

– ALL FLORA growing
on the planet Nexus are the property of Emperor Myrcalus, chosen of the gods.

And let it be known:

ALL DOMINION CITIZENS are requested and required to report any theft of the Emperor’s property and do everything within their power to stop such theft from occurring.

And let it be known:

ALL WHO BREAK THIS LAW will be punished to the full
extent of Dominion law commensurate with this crime, including DEATH.

And let it be known:

ALL SO-CALLED EXILES ON NEXUS are by definition in violation of this decree, and will be eradicated.

– Lord Syladex, Minister of Law

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Type: Journal

The Maiden’s Tale

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  1. On ground next to a Comm Relay 140A, The Undergrove.
  2. On top of the tallest platform, where the group of quest givers can be found, next to NPC Furgh the Fist, The Undergrove area.


    Jump over airshrooms.


    Use the elevator.

  3. On a blade of a huge sword statue, Sword Point.
  4. Behind Torine house, close to the tall metal wall, Giant’s Wall.
  5. On ground, close to the pile of metal junk, Giant’s Wall.
  6. At the bottom of a tall tree, among blueish grass, and a small tree with a strange crown, Discovery Heights.
  7. On ground, beside plants with spikes, Discovery Heights.
  8. Close to a radar and couple of red boxes, Discovery Heights area.
  9. On ground, next to a tall wall, close to an airshroom, Everpool Approach area.




The Maiden’s Tale

The Maiden’s Tale

The Maiden’s Tale

The Maiden’s Tale

The Maiden’s Tale

The Maiden’s Tale

The Maiden’s Tale

The Maiden’s Tale

The Maiden’s Tale


Tresayne Toria stared up the flagship ramp, eyes burning with intensity that her Mechari captors mistook for grief. When one reached for her scabbard, she covered its grip. “My sword is my badge of office. Visibly deprive me of it, and my people will never see you as other than subjugators.”

The Mechari pondered and withdrew. “Your primitive ornamental weapon is harmless. Proceed.”

Watched by hundreds of constructs, she followed a broad boulevard of sepulchral illumination curving upwards as her
second-in-command’s last words reverberated in her mind: We swore to serve you to the death, sister. Some vow that if you leave…

Face burning with shame, Tresayne recalled her curt reply: Thank you for your service, Octavia. But this I must do alone.

Impossibly, it had been only days since the Eldan’s fleet had arrived blotting out the skies over Meridia, capital city of the Cassian Commonwealth. Their purpose: offer the greatest warrior in Cassian history the privilege of abduction in exchange for
making her people an empire. As to alternatives, the response was concise: “Board our flagship and your world will be spared.”

Nearing the massive doors at the end of the hall, her escort turned to her: “Terms satisfied. Your world will be spared.”

“I know.” Tresayne unsheathed her sword. Turrets swiveled. Warnings blared. She smiled, and stepped forward.

What followed she would later recall only as a half-remembered dream. Her blade moved like a fiery blur, slashing diagonally through cybernetic
thoraxes and savagely severing metal heads. Attacking with blind instinct and carefully controlled fury, she waded through hundreds of mechanical foes, her progress marked by showers of sparks and geysers of molten circuitry. All fell before her, their remains scattered on the floor in piles of smoking ruin.

Bleeding from more than a dozen wounds, she approached the set of doors at the far end of the hall. They opened silently before her, the room beyond empty but for a lone figure perched serenely on
an onyx chair. Sword held before her, Tresayne stalked forward.

“I am Axis Pheydra,” the figure said. “Lower your weapon.”

In response, Tresayne, threw her sword with lightning speed at Pheydra’s head. With a sound like ripping silk, it twirled through the air and sank hilt-deep in the back of the chair, quivering harmlessly through Pheydra’s sneer. A hologram, Tresayne realized dully. Of course.

“We chose you well.” Pheydra rematerialized behind her. “You are indeed a fascinating specimen.”

Glaring through blood-matted tresses, Tresayne unsheathed her dagger. “You knew I’d attack.”

“We calculated its high probability. As we did your survival.”

“Did you calculate this?” She raised the blade to her throat. “I wish to renegotiate. My sisters come with me. They will share in my fate.”

Pheydra studied her and nodded.

“That can be arranged.”

Sheathing her dagger, Tresayne spat at the feet of the hologram, then turned to retrieve her sword.

“When do we leave?”

Quick Facts

The Maiden's Tale

No. of Collectibles required: 9

Type: Tales from Beyond the Fringe

The Yatish Fan Club Oath

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On top the tallest wooden platform in Marshal’s Haven area.




The Yatish Fan Club Oath


Welcome aboard, Marshal Scouts! Marshal Scouts very special Lopp – because Marshal Scouts choose to follow example of big hero Marshal Yatish. Now you learn Official Loyalty Oath of the Yatish Fan Club!

A Marshal Scout is Brave and Smart,
Never loses Faith or Heart.
A Marshal Scout is Swift and Bold,
Like heroes from the Days of Old!

A Marshal Scout is like Yatish,
Not afraid of Lopp nor Beast.
A Marshal Scout’s Loyal! Just!
Honor, Wisdom, Might, and Trust!

A Marshal Scout will always Fight,
Doing what is Good and Right.
A Marshal Scout is Strong and True,
Fights for Lopp like Me and You!

A Marshal Scout is Here to Say,
This Oath at least Three Times a Day!

Now you true Marshal Scout, be big help to big hero Marshal Yatish. Shiny, shiny, Marshal Scouts!

Quick Facts

Type: Journal

Forgemaster Statue Analysis

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On ground behind Forgemaster Kraagor and his statue?




Forgemaster Statue Analysis


ANALYSIS: Discovery X4-2OS1
REPORTING: Dr. Illios Sartorian, Xenosociologist

DESCRIPTION: A large sculpture of a native Nexus sentient.
– Species designated OSUN. This tribe is designated ULGAR in their writings and inscriptions.
– Inscription indicates this object depicts an individual identified as Forgemaster Trogun. This figure must have been of great historical significance to the Ulgar.
– The title forgemaster appears to be both literal and symbolic,
as Osun forges are ruled by masters. But this particular use of the title also includes icons depicting this Trogun as a member of a ruling Osun caste.
– As the Osun we have discovered thus far on Nexus generally do not place forgemasters in charge, this would seem to show that Kel Ulgar is specifically devoted to forging weapons, armor, perhaps even technology based on ancient Eldan designs.
– Such discoveries are of the utmost importance to my superiors at the Royal
Collegium, and will certainly be the focus of this expedition once security matters are settled.

EXPEDITION NOTES: The expedition to Kel Ulgar has so far gone without major incident, but this has, I admit, filled me with unexpected dread. While orbital scans and other sensitive equipment indicate the presence of massive life forms in the area, we have seen no evidence of the Osun themselves. We are setting up a guarded perimeter
including plasma screens, automated weapons, and the Dominion’s finest troops – well, the finest troops who could be spared to protect a relatively minor Collegium expedition – but I fear I will not be getting much sleep tonight. Tomorrow, we will open one of the many sealed metal doors that, we hope, will lead into the caverns beneath Kel Ulgar. It seems likely there may be Osun in those caverns, but with careful preparation we should be able
to avoid them and still extract much useful data. We shall see.

Quick Facts

Type: Journal