Tag Archives: Tales

A Test of Loyalty

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  1. On a rock table, inside of a house, next to an ability trade kiosk, Bloodfire Village.
  2. On a small rock plateau that has small bones on and beside it, next to large bone ribs, in habitat of a huge creature Zonaga, close to a waterfall, Zonaga’s Lair Area.
  3. On ground, next to a dead animal, inside Pride’s Rest cave, just before the first possible left turn. Entrance to the Pride’s Rest cave is just Northwest from the tale location marked at map. Do not forget to kill Kelfa creature in southern part of this cave. Kelfa drops Kelfa’s Pelt. This item starts a quest “Fine Kelfa Rug”.
  4. At the edge of a campfire, next to a small tent, on an open field, The Aurin Enclave area.
  5. Northeast of Spearclaw Post, on a box next to two chairs and a TV around a campfire.
  6. At the start of a road that leads to Deadwind Hollow, next to a small fence and a totem.
  7. On a wooden table with bottles, under a canopy in the northern part of Jagged Rock Mine camp.




A Test of Loyalty

A Test of Loyalty

A Test of Loyalty

A Test of Loyalty

A Test of Loyalty

A Test of Loyalty

A Test of Loyalty


In the wake of the discovery of Nexus, the Dominion spymaster Axis Pheydra of the Imperial Corps of Intelligence found herself in need of an operative to serve as her eyes and ears in the field. Wary of treachery from within, Pheydra decided to create her own Mechari super-agent. She called this project the Lethality Efficiency eXperiment and named her lethal creation “Lex.”

Under Pheydra’s watchful eye, Lex trained rigorously in the arts of reconnaissance, assassination, tactical deployment, and
espionage. On the day he was to complete his training, Axis Pheydra called Lex into her quarters.

“You have exceeded my expectations, Lex. You have demonstrated superiority in every aspect of your training – a testament to your creator’s brilliance.”

“As that was you, I feel obligated to agree.”

“Your intelligence continues to impress me as well. For your final test, I want you to undertake a very special assassination.”

“I look forward to the challenge. Who is the target?”

Myrcalus, supreme ruler of the Dominion.”

For a moment, Lex thought his audio receptors had malfunctioned. Assassinate the emperor? The emperor was one of the Luminai, descended from the Eldan themselves! But agents of the ICI did not question orders. If Axis Pheydra desired the death of Emperor Myrcalus, he would deliver.

That very night, Lex infiltrated the emperor’s palace. Overcoming the ferocious and bloodthirsty Draken throneguards would draw too
much attention, so stealth, misdirection, and tactical elimination would have to serve instead.

After swiftly mapping the area and studying the patrol patterns of the guards, Lex deployed disorientation generators in strategic locations. Blinded and confused, the Draken guards slashed wildly at one another, allowing Lex to slip past the patrols and into the emperor’s private chambers.

His target stood unsuspecting in the center of the room, seemingly unaware of his approaching death. Without hesitation, Lex unsheathed his neurotoxin blades and leapt at Emperor Myrcalus. But just as the Mechari agent brought his weapons down for the killing blow, the emperor moved with inhuman speed, catching his arm just before the strike found its mark.

“You have done well,” she said. “Welcome to the ICI.” With casual grace, she handed him an unmarked gray wafer.

“A hologuise unit,” he said, examining it briefly.

“Indeed,” she said. “You will need it. There are additional targets that… require your attention.”

Lex listened carefully as she named them one by one. The list, he noted, was extensive.

Quick Facts

A Test of Loyalty

Faction: Dominion

No. of Collectibles required: 7

Type: Tales from Beyond the Fringe

A Duel for Deadeye

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  1. At northern edge of wooden platform that has on Ability Trade Kiosk and Merchant Gildergood (Bartender), Tremor Ridge area.
  2. On top of a wooden boards pile, that stands on wooden platform, bellow tent’s rooftop, next to a farm of Rowsdowers, Tremor Ridge area.
  3. On grass, next to a Builder Gemma (The Pioneering League) settler path NPC, Tremor Ridge area.
  4. On snow, next to a Protostar Crash Survivor, Southwestern Coldwater Gulch.
  5. On ground, near radar and bed with holographic top, close to one blue container, Deadstar Ravine area.
  6. On a wooden box, just before the entrance to Ganther’s Mine cave, Deadstar Ravine area. This is on a higher ground area then the rest of a Deadstar Ravine. You can jump to it from the rocks, near wooden platform, just northeast from the “A Duel for Deadeye” location marked at map.
  7. Between soldier’s DEMOLITION: Anchors Away stand on North and cave entrance to DREDplex: Skyhammer on south.




A Duel for Deadeye

A Duel for Deadeye

A Duel for Deadeye

A Duel for Deadeye

A Duel for Deadeye

A Duel for Deadeye

A Duel for Deadeye


Left an orphan by tragedy, young Aron Brightland grew up fast on the rusting starships of the Exile Fleet. It was a tough life for a young boy without a family. Survival meant learning to defend himself from fleet thugs and petty criminals, and Brightland became well-acquainted with a pair of pistols at an early age.

In time, Brightland struck out on his own as a bounty hunter, quickly earning a reputation as a relentless pursuer who always got his man – but the Fringe has a way of testing a man’s
mettle. Confident of his skills, the young Brightland took a bounty on an infamous Marauder: Captain Thokov. After tracking the captain to a seedy spaceport bar, Brightland walked in, drew his pistols and fixed the captain with a steely gaze.

“I’m bringin’ you in, Thokov. And they’re payin’ extra if you’re still breathin’.”

“Y’don’t say, lad? And what will ye be gettin’ for bringin’ a bloodthirsty spacedog like me to heel?”

“An extra ten percent. Plus I get to keep your hat.”

With lightning-quick speed, Thokov lashed out and disarmed Brightland, sending his pistol across the room – and moments later, a wicked Marauder blade appeared in the captain’s hand. Drawing his own knife from a well-worn boot, Brightland squared off against Thokov, and soon a screaming crowd gathered around them, smelling blood in the air.

The two combatants circled around one another like feral beasts, dodging and weaving as their knives flashed in the smoky air. Relying on his snake-like reflexes
and raw, animal instinct, Brightland’s blade soon drew blood, causing Thokov to cry out in rage and frustration – and after a few minutes it was obvious that Thokov had finally met his match.

Fearing that his captain would be defeated, Thokov’s first mate Lieutenant Pragg intervened, breaking a bottle over Brightland’s head. As Brightland staggered backwards from the treacherous sneak attack, Thokov’s blade struck him viciously in the face – resulting in a bone-deep gash that left his right eye a bloody
ruin. In the ensuing chaos, the Marauder captain and his thuggish lieutenant disappeared into the screaming mob, vowing to take their revenge on Brightland when their paths crossed once again.

Standing in the middle of the frenzied throng with blood running from the ruins of his eye, Brightland felt an icy rage. His pride had undone him. It wouldn’t happen again. He decided then and there he’d keep the eye as it was, a painful reminder not be so damned stupid. And he swore the next time he saw Thokov, he’d settle the score in blood.

Quick Facts

A Duel for Deadeye

Faction: Exile

No. of Collectibles required: 7

Type: Tales from Beyond the Fringe

The Vengeance of Kain

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  1. On a wooden table, behind a wooden house, close to a Gurtha Crow (Darkspur Cartel) hostile mob, Crowe Family Homestead area.
  2. On ground, next to a campfire, at the first tunnel crossroad in Duskfall Caverns. Entrance to Dusfkfall Cavenrs is a little bit of south from the tale map marked location. There is a soldier stand RESCUE OP: Gallow’s Duskfall at its entrance.


    Find and enter Duskfall Caverns.

  3. On ground, in eastern part of Blackpaw’s Den, next to a pile of bones, one animal carcass and etc. Entrance to Blackpaw’s Den cave is west from the tale map marked location.


    Find and enter Blackpaw’s Den.

  4. On floor of a house that does not have roof cover, there are only wooden beams, Gallow area.
  5. On top of a small book pile, that stands on a rectangle, reddish carpet, next to a chair with large back, behind Enforcer Aakdoom, in northern part of the most southern room of First Strike Mine. Entrance to the First Strike Mine is northwest from the tale map marked location.


    Find and enter the First Strike Mine.

  6. On a small, wooden crate, next to a wrecked wooden house, western Grim’s Lumber Mill area.
  7. On the edge of a small bench, at the platform with Lulu Blackbush NPC quest giver, eastern Rockridge Hollow area. This is the same platform where you can find XAS Retrofilled Cannon, that is a part of a challenge Bull’s-Eye!. Rather fun event where you should land at the middle of a small pound while you had been shot from the XAS Retrofilled Cannon.




The Vengeance of Kain

The Vengeance of Kain

The Vengeance of Kain

The Vengeance of Kain

The Vengeance of Kain

The Vengeance of Kain

The Vengeance of Kain


Justice Kain and the Hangman passed quietly through the door of the airlock, but as soon as their boots hit the floor, the young Granok justice felt the stone on the back of his neck go frosty. The ship was cold and silent. The air tasted of oily smoke.

It had only been a few months since Kain had been sworn in by the legendary Judge Karl “the Hangman” Denshaw, and they had been busy months indeed. Rumor had it that the infamous Darkspur Cartel had infiltrated the fleet, and the Hangman had sworn to
take them down or die trying.

Drawing their weapons, they ventured into the ship’s interior, navigating by emergency lights recessed in the floor. They found corpses everywhere, presumably from the ship’s crew. It was obvious there had recently been a gunfight, but now the ship was completely quiet. They stepped carefully over the grisly scene, passing into the shadowy depths of what looked like a deserted cargo hold.

Suddenly, the air around them erupted in gunfire. An ambush! Kain and the Hangman
dove for cover, landing behind a stack of wooden crates. Smoke filled the room, and the laughter of Cartel thugs echoed hollowly in the hold. Kain looked over to Denshaw… and saw a dark stain spreading over the chest of the judge’s uniform.

“Damn, Kain. They got me and got me good.”

“Hang on, Judge,” said Kain. “I’ll get you outta here.”

“Too late for that. But you can do something for me.”

“Name it.”

The Hangman pulled the badge from his blood-soaked vest, and with a shaky hand pinned
it on Kain’s uniform.

“You’re ready for this,” the Hangman said. “Now swing the hammer of justice, and swing it hard.”

Denshaw’s eyes flickered and closed. Cold fury rose up in Judge Kain.

“Consider it done,” Kain said.

Kain stood, a pistol in each hand, firing at the Cartel thugs hiding in the depths of the hold. Kicking the wooden crates aside, he heedlessly walked into a deadly barrage of Cartel bullets like a vengeful wraith, his eyes lit with an unholy fire. First one enemy dropped, then
another, their laughter quickly becoming shouts of panic and fear. At some point he realized he was wounded, but the carnage didn’t end until the last man lay dead on the floor.

Kain walked into a dark room on the other side of the cargo hold. At the center of the room was a holo-projector, and standing upon it was the flickering image of a large, well-dressed Krogg.

“Last one standin’, huh?” said the hologram. “You cost me a lot of money today, lawman.”

Kain said nothing.

“I’m Black Jack
Moragg. I like to be acquainted with people I’m gonna kill. And you are?”

“The name’s Kain. Remember it. Because I swear by the scales of Lady Justice, I’m gonna find you. And I’m gonna bury you.” Then he tipped his hat, pulled his pistols from their holsters, and blew the holo-emitter to scrap.

Turning to leave, Kain looked down at the badge pinned on his chest. There was blood on it, but whose it was he didn’t know. He took hold of it, wiped it off with his sleeve, and walked out the room.

Quick Facts

The Vengeance of Kain

Faction: Exile

No. of Collectibles required: 7

Type: Tales from Beyond the Fringe

Happy Birthday, Belle Walker

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  1. On a wooden platform, Exo-Site 14.
  2. On a sleeping bag, Annihilator Silo 14.
  3. On an Eldan Wall, south from a giant robot at the center of Annihilator Silo 14.
  4. On top of a small rock plateau, southwest of a huge giant Robot at the center of Annihilator Silo 14.




Happy Birthday, Belle Walker

Happy Birthday, Belle Walker

Happy Birthday, Belle Walker

Happy Birthday, Belle Walker


Her father’s gift had arrived in Belle’s workshop on the Gambler’s Ruin earlier that afternoon. She’d been staring at it for hours, not sure exactly what to make of it. Her scanbots Rusty and Bolt hovered at her shoulder, watching her work.

“I know it’s an Eldan artifact,” she sighed. “That’s about it.”

“Dorian must want you to figure it out!” Rusty said.

“Thanks, Rusty,” Belle said. “Bolt?”

“It is a dangerous alien object. I’d leave it alone. Not that you’ll listen,” the scanbot said.

“Worry-wart,” Belle said. “It’s my birthday, and I aim to open my present.”

“What a surprise,” Bolt said, zipping off down the hall. “I’ll be in the cargo hold, awaiting disaster.”

“I’ll get him, Belle!” Rusty said, following his counterpart. “Get back here, you stubborn, cowardly…”

Belle smiled and turned back to her work. The object had a neural core, but the Eldan code stored within was extremely complex and comprised of strange symbols. Mesmerized, she delved further, looking for larger
patterns, relying on the intuition that made her the best technologist in the fleet.

And then it hit her. Those symbols were data-markers, those were gateways, and those.

Her fingers tapped out the most logical pattern she could see. Immediately the sphere floated off the table and hung suspended in the air.

“Gotcha,” Belle said.

The sphere responded immediately. Its outer shell unfolded a pair of powerful looking arms, one ending in appendages, the other in what looked like a weapon. Long
armored legs descended from the spherical torso to the deck of Belle’s cabin. It aimed its weapon arm at the young human.

“PROTECT THE PROJECT,” the Eldan construct said.

Belle dove out of the way as an acrid beam of energy burned a glowing orange hole in the door behind her. “Shootin’ stars!” she cursed. She tapped the datachron on her wrist. “Bolt! Rusty! Code-Priority-Get-Your-Blasted-Cans-Back-In-Here!”

The construct fired again. Belle hit the deck just in time, but the beam punched a hole
in the viewport that violently depressurized the cabin. Belle clutched at the nearest anchor, the bolted-down legs of her dining table.

The construct had mass, but not balance. With nothing to grasp, it flew headfirst into the shattered viewport and lodged there like a cork, helplessly flailing its arms and legs but still firing its plasma weapon. Belle took cover just as Rusty and Bolt returned.

“Bolt,” she cried as the air filled with plasma, “Zap ‘im!”

“If I must,” the scanbot replied, and
sent several thousand volts through the alien machine. Still lodged in the ship’s hull, its arms and legs folded in on themselves. Moments later the construct was once again a sphere, albeit one holding all the air inside Belle’s cabin.

“Well,” Belle said, admiring the new decor. “Daddy always said if at first you don’t succeed, try breakin’ somethin’.” With a grin, she retrieved a laser cutter and eyed the dormant construct. “Happy birthday to me.”

Quick Facts

Happy Birthday, Belle Walker

Faction: Exile

No. of Collectibles required: 7

Type: Tales from Beyond the Fringe

Kara Takes Command!

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  1. On wooden platform, behind barricades, between three hand cannons, East Gate.
  2. On top of a television monitor, inside of a blue container, near the house nearby, Kendra’s Roan Ranch. Quest that takes you inside of this container is “Secret Plans: Project Groundswell”.
  3. On ground, inside of Southwestern part of Whistlewind Caverns. There is a NPC Gnarls standing near. He is part of a quest “WANTED: The Canimid Problem [Group 2+]”, part- Kill Gnarls.
  4. On a small, grey table, in front of a “golden” tent, next to a medical unit and Chief Medical Officer Terentius, Crimson Base of Operations.
  5. On a small, red crate, on platform with Noxbane Biotech NPC on, Noxbane Prison Camp. This platform is surrounded with two semicircular edges that have control panels and three radars – Satellite Transmitters. One of this Satellite Transmitters is part of quest “Advance Recon: Prison Camp”, part- Hack the Satellite Transmitter.
  6. On a small, circular, metal piece, next to a tank, close to a road that leads to Traverse Tunnels at south, Spaceport Horizon area, Thayd.
  7. On a wooden box, close to a large nearby barn, Nibben’s Ranch.
  8. On top of a pile of bomb shells, on a large platform, Fuelfuze Depot. Dominion Helicopters land on this area.




Kara Takes Command!

Kara Takes Command!

Kara Takes Command!

Kara Takes Command!

Kara Takes Command!

Kara Takes Command!

Kara Takes Command!



Kara Takes Command!


For as long as Kara could remember, she had been a Destroyer.

Both of her parents had been killed in action while serving with the legendary Durek Stonebreaker’s free company, the Destroyers. With no family and no home, the girl had been raised by the gruff but well-meaning mercenaries, who sang her rowdy war anthems as lullabies and gave her gun parts and spare cartridges as toys. By the time Kara was old enough to join up, she was the best shot in the company and could read a tactical display better
than the commander himself.

Kara told Durek that she wanted to take the oath and join the Destroyers – but he refused. Durek said he had his own reasons, but everyone knew what they were. He was protecting her, pure and simple.

And then it happened. During a standard crash-n-smash mission, Durek’s squad had dropped onto an asteroid to eliminate hostile targets, but failed to reach the extraction point. Standing orders from Durek were to clear out if he didn’t make it, but no one wanted to leave him
behind. As the Destroyers shared grim looks and worried words, Kara stood and cleared her throat for attention. She had made her decision.

“Slag it all to hell. We’re goin’ down there!”

“Whaddaya mean? Who’s gonna lead us?’

“Who do you think, rockhead? Suit up, troops. We got ourselves a commander to retrieve.”

Kara brought up her plan on the tactical display. The grizzled mercs squinted, grunted, and then grudgingly nodded. Punching in the coordinates for Durek’s last known location, she led
the team to the drop pods.

The Destroyers hit the surface hard. At Kara’s signal, they fanned out, heading toward the sound of a fierce firefight. Surveying the battlefield from behind a stone outcrop, Kara had to admit things looked pretty grim. Durek and his squad were in a bad spot, caught between two intersecting lines of fire. The commander was still alive, but he was running out of time. It was now or never. Kara set her jaw, shouldered her rifle, and gave the signal to fire.

To Kara’s
surprise, the attack went exactly as she’d planned. The rescue depended on hitting the enemy hard from multiple directions and convincing them that a much larger force had been deployed against them. Coordinated grenades created the illusion of serious firepower, while a constant deadly barrage of bullets kept the enemy pinned down. Battered by firepower on both sides, the enemy broke ranks and scattered.

A proud Kara led her troops to the commander’s location. Battered, bruised, but still very much
alive, Durek stood up, lit a cigar, then placed a hand on Kara’s shoulder.

“Not bad, kid.”

“Not bad, kid.”

“Not bad? Pretty sure I just saved your ass, Durek. Guess that makes me Private Kara.”

“I don’t think so.”

Kara’s smile faded, and she turned to go, but Durek’s voice rang out behind her.

“Destroyers, ten… HUT! All salute, Sergeant Kara!”

The mercs’ thunderous cheer was the sweetest music she’d ever heard. Durek chomped his cigar, gave her a crisp salute, and walked away.

Quick Facts

Kara Takes Command!

Faction: Exile

No. of Collectibles required: 8

Type: Tales from Beyond the Fringe

Dorian Walker and the Lost Valley of the Pell

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  1. On a wooden chair, bellow small tent, near Seller Stanfort (General Goods Vendor), west from a nearby Transmat Terminal, Camp Dustdevil.
  2. On a small, wooden platform, close to a lampost.
  3. On ground, near control consoles, inside of a Thundering Grotto Cave. This cave has entrance just a bit North from the location marked on map. Quest that guides you toward this cave is “Rescuing the Taken”, part- Find the Thundering Grotto. Killing the Wind-Wail the Storm Shaman that is the next quest objective grants an item Blood Drenched Tome. This item starts a level 16+ quest “A Book of Blood”. Beside the fact that there is another quest “Mysterious Mixture” that you can take from Ritual Mixture barrel this is pretty experience rewarding cave.
  4. On ground, near Northern part of a large house and nearby totem, Thundercall Village. There is a Koryn Surne’s Datachron on ground nearby. It is needed for quest “To Pell and Back”, part- Find Koryn Surne’s Datachron.
  5. On ground, in Western part of Thundercall Village, near wrecked house and Thundercall Wind-Witch.
  6. On top of a wooden box, bellow small tent, close to a large space ship.
  7. Above the entrance to dungeon Stormtalon’s Lair. On top of a rock path you can find bowl with fire on. Tale piece is just next to it.
  8. On ground, next to an entrance to a house.




Dorian Walker and the Lost Valley of the Pell

Dorian Walker and the Lost Valley of the Pell

Dorian Walker and the Lost Valley of the Pell

Dorian Walker and the Lost Valley of the Pell

Dorian Walker and the Lost Valley of the Pell

Dorian Walker and the Lost Valley of the Pell

Dorian Walker and the Lost Valley of the Pell

Dorian Walker and the Lost Valley of the Pell


If he’d been in a tougher situation, Dorian Walker couldn’t remember it.

It had been only a few days since he’d found Nexus, and just a few hours since he’d set the Blue Horizon down at the south end of a long canyon in the middle of a windswept region he’d nicknamed Galeras. As soon as he’d stepped off the ramp, a group of strange aliens had appeared out of the mist and forcibly taken him to their small village at the end of the canyon. They called themselves the Pell.

Everything in their village,
from the dilapidated huts to the mysterious glowing totems, appeared to be made from scavenged pieces of what he assumed must be Eldan technology.

Now Dorian was tied to a pseudo-technological altar made of bones and feathers, surrounded by smoky torches thrust into the sands of the canyon floor. A tall, elaborately dressed Pell stood before him; a priest of some kind, unless Dorian missed his mark. The priest called out in a strange, guttural tongue, and soon the hunched, birdlike forms of Pell
villagers emerged from the shadows, wrapped in tattered robes. Chanting incomprehensibly they shuffled forward, flickering firelight glinting in their beady, menacing eyes.

Things being what they were, Dorian thought he’d better reason with them.

“Hey there, chief. Name’s Dorian Walker. I’m new around here. Don’t want any trouble.”

“We are the Disciples of Air. You came from the sky. Did the Masters send you?” the priest rasped.

“Yes and no,” Dorian replied. “I did come from up there, but I
can’t say that I know any masters.”

“We serve the Masters, but the Masters are gone,” the Pell said. “Still, their great work must continue.”

“Ah. Well, I can see you’re busy. If you’d be so kind to untie me, I’ll just be on my way.”

“You will aid the Disciples. You will continue the great work.” A chill ran down Dorian’s spine, as the priest raised a staff into the air. “As a sacrifice to the Masters!”

The staff crackled with blue electricity. Dorian figured time for peaceful first contact
had officially run out.

Using the strength of his cybernetic arm, Dorian broke free of the ragged ropes that held him. As the priest screamed in surprise and rage, Dorian leapt to his feet, grabbed a hyperflare from a pouch on his belt, clenched his eyes shut, and threw it to the ground with all his might. The flare exploded with the light of a small sun, casting giant twisted shadows on the surrounding canyon walls.

“Masters’ Fire!” the high priest shrieked, and the assembled Pell fell to the
ground and collectively wailed in agony. That gave Dorian the opening he needed. With every ounce of energy in his septuagenarian frame, he charged back to the Blue Horizon, disabling the security lockouts as he ran. By the time the Pell saw he was gone, the ship was blasting off into the atmosphere on a column of blue-white smoke.

“I really did regret that,” Dorian would later write in his journal, “They seemed like nice enough folk. Once you looked past the fact that they wanted to kill you.”

Quick Facts

Dorian Walker and the Lost Valley of the Pell

Faction: Exile

No. of Collectibles required: 8

Type: Tales from Beyond the Fringe

Durek Stonebreaker and the Mercenaries of Gnox

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  1. On top of one out of tree wooden crates, bellow the brown, 4 sticks tents at the center of Clearfield Farm.
  2. On ground, inside of a house that is behind Researcher Danella, Stormwing Fortress.
  3. On small, wooden platform with Granok on it, behind quest giver Scout Grekka (Skywatch Strike Force), Grosswidn Post.
  4. On ground, near pile of junk and a plate with fire on it, Kel Vishal. This is area of map where you can complete the quest “WANTED: The Osun, the Witch , and the Warlord [GROUP 5+]”.
  5. Close to a back side of a nearby house, inside of what it seems a nest with eggs, Feathersquall Ridge.
  6. On ground, next to Satellite Scramble, Temple of Osiric.
  7. On a wooden platform, behind group of sandbags, next to a cannon, southwestern Skywatch.
  8. On ground, of a burned out tent, northeast of Crosswind post, southeast of Skywatch.

    We would like to thank AZULLES for additional information.




Durek Stonebreaker and the Mercenaries of Gnox

Durek Stonebreaker and the Mercenaries of Gnox

Durek Stonebreaker and the Mercenaries of Gnox

Durek Stonebreaker and the Mercenaries of Gnox

Durek Stonebreaker and the Mercenaries of Gnox

Durek Stonebreaker and the Mercenaries of Gnox

Durek Stonebreaker and the Mercenaries of Gnox

Durek Stonebreaker and the Mercenaries of Gnox


The sound of a horn shattered the deep silence of the Blackridge Plain. Surrounded by a throng of heavily armed warriors, the tribal leaders of the Seven Stone Nations exited their tent and stood in a solemn line before the murmuring crowd.

The war against the Dominion invaders had been raging for weeks. Although the battle-hardened Granok had fought fearlessly, the superior technology of the Dominion was too powerful. Hundreds of thousands of the Seven Nations’ mightiest warriors had fallen in battle.
The War of Gnox was all but done.

“We will not betray the ancient creed,” they said. “To the end, we will follow the Way of Stone.”

Their words were terse and few. They would not adopt the ways of these strange invaders. They would not steal their weapons or use their machines of war. If this path led to death, then so be it.

The assembled Granok stoically accepted their fate – all but one. Driven by a seething hatred of the Dominion, a young warlord named Durek refused the elders. Proud and
defiant, Durek and a band of bold warriors gathered in secret, then swore a blood oath that they would destroy the invaders or die trying.

“That was the hard part,” Durek rumbled to his followers. “Tomorrow, we get to have some fun.”

They attacked a Dominion military camp at dawn. With a thunderous shout, Durek waded into battle wielding a mighty warhammer. The Dominion soldiers who challenged him were scattered like broken toys, their armor shattered from the force of his attack. Dropping his ham
mer, Durek reached down and picked up a Dominion rifle, his finger just barely fitting inside the trigger guard. The weapon let loose a powerful barrage of energy, felling another dozen soldiers. Other Granok warriors soon did the same.

Moments later, a massive explosion threw Durek to the ground. Stunned but alive, he staggered to his feet and ran towards the armored Dominion vehicle that had launched the explosive. Closing the distance in a matter of seconds, Durek leapt on top of it, ripped off its
access hatch, and threw the vehicle’s terrified driver to the ground.

Durek squeezed into the cockpit, looking over the blinking lights on the console. Despite the disapproval of the tribal elders, Durek had closely studied the shattered wrecks of Dominion machines – and now he placed his hands gingerly on what he assumed was the steering mechanism. The machine lurched, and then rumbled forward in response.

A red button was blinking just above his thumb. Weapons systems.

Durek hesitated, his
finger poised. The words uttered by the Chief Elder the day before echoed in his head: To betray the Way of Stone is to renounce what makes us Granok. It chips away our identity and will lead only to suffering, misery, and death

He gazed through the viewscreen at the Dominion soldiers. They had invaded his home. Killed his people. Destroyed everything that he held dear.

Setting his jaw, he hit the button.

Quick Facts

Durek Stonebreaker and the Mercenaries of Gnox

Faction: Exile

No. of Collectibles required: 8

Type: Tales from Beyond the Fringe