Wildstar Item Database

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Found 33516 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Lectro's Autofit Body Suit50ChestMedium Armor1904
Lectro's Windshaped Crown50HeadLight Armor1686
Legacy of Xi50ShoulderLight Armor1686
Leggings of the Attendant50LegsLight Armor2151
Leggings of the Reclaimer50LegsMedium Armor2151
Life Giver Rune of Crit Severity50 Life Rune846
Life Giver Rune of Critical50 Life Rune846
Life Giver Rune of Critical50 Life Rune846
Life Giver Rune of Critical50 Fire Rune846
Life Giver Rune of Insight50 Water Rune846
Life Giver Rune of Insight50 Life Rune846
Life Giver Rune of Insight50 Water Rune846
Life Giver Rune of Recovery50 Water Rune846
Life-Mender's Bioshield50ShieldsGear1615
Life-Mender's Shoulder Pads50ShoulderLight Armor1904
Life-Stitched Cowl50HeadLight Armor1904
Lifegiving Shemagh50HeadLight Armor1904
Lightning Cannon50Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun1686
Lightning Crested Helm50HeadMedium Armor1904
Lightningcrack Shell50ShoulderMedium Armor1904
Lightweight Cankertube Exterminators50HandsLight Armor1377
Locket of the Lord of Leaves50GadgetGear1489
Logic Bomb Rune of Armor50 Logic Rune846
Logic Bomb Rune of Armor50 Logic Rune846
Logic Bomb Rune of Crit Severity50 Logic Rune846
Logic Bomb Rune of Crit Severity50 Logic Rune846
Logic Bomb Rune of Critical50 Fire Rune846
Logic Bomb Rune of Shield Cap50 Logic Rune846
Logic Bomb Rune of Shield Cap50 Fire Rune846
Logic Bomb Rune of Shield Cap50 Air Rune846
Longcoat of Corruption50ChestLight Armor1756
Longcoat of the Arid Desert50ChestHeavy Armor1904
Loose Lips Galixio's Shirt50ChestLight Armor1904
Loose Lips Galixio's Tunic50ChestLight Armor1904
Lord's Last Stand50FeetHeavy Armor1686
Lucy's Force Sphere50ShieldsGear1319
Lucy's Kinetic Web50ShieldsGear1319
Lucy's Prototype Barrier50ShieldsGear1319
Lucy's Superweave Field50ShieldsGear1319
Lure of the Strain50 Gear1686
Lurr's Ray Guns50Primary WeaponWeapon - Pistols1493
Magic Fire Starter Rune of Assault Power50 Fire Rune846
Magic Fire Starter Rune of Crit Severity50 Life Rune846
Magic Fire Starter Rune of Critical50 Life Rune846
Magic Fire Starter Rune of Critical50 Fire Rune846
Magic Fire Starter Rune of Critical50 Life Rune846
Magic Fire Starter Rune of Recovery50 Water Rune846
Magic Fire Starter Rune of Strikethrough50 Water Rune846
Magma Flare Intensifier50 Gear1686
Magma Shine Breastplate50ChestHeavy Armor2151