Wildstar Item Database

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Found 33516 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Deluxe Viz Display 200050 Housing846
Desert Rebreather50AugmentGear1430
Deserved Gilt Trippers50LegsMedium Armor1904
Desolation50Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun1493
Desolation Pauldrons50ShoulderHeavy Armor1686
Dirt-caked Knuckle Guards50HandsHeavy Armor1493
Dirt-caked Palmpads50HandsLight Armor1493
Dirt-caked Polygloves50HandsMedium Armor1493
Discharged Shoulderclutch50ShoulderMedium Armor1904
Disruptor of Primal Essence50Primary WeaponWeapon - Paddles1377
Dominion Angel Statue50 Housing846
Dominion Bed50 Housing846
Dominion Medical Station (Open)50 Housing846
Dominion War Banner50 Housing846
Draken Horn Pillar50 Housing846
Draz's Linked Greaves50LegsMedium Armor1904
Dreglord's Herald50AugmentGear1430
Dreglord's Herald50AugmentGear1430
Drokk's Strife Analyzer50 Gear1686
Druid's Devotion50GadgetGear1489
Drusera's Aptitude Link50 Gear1377
Drusera's Courage Link50 Gear1377
Drusera's Dexterity Link50 Gear1377
Drusera's Performance Link50 Gear1377
Drusera's Power Link50 Gear1377
Drusera's Wisdom Link50 Gear1377
Drybone Boots50FeetHeavy Armor1686
Duneweb Silk Shirt50ChestLight Armor2151
Duplicant's Grips50HandsLight Armor1686
Dust Devil Battleblade50Primary WeaponWeapon - Greatsword1493
Dust Devil Trenchcoat50ChestMedium Armor1904
Dust Devils50Primary WeaponWeapon - Pistols1493
Dust Eater's Decorated Chestpiece50ChestMedium Armor1904
Dust Eater's Decorated Garment50ChestLight Armor1904
Dust Eater's Decorated War Vest50ChestHeavy Armor1904
Dustbowl Energy Web50ShieldsGear1430
Dustwalker Longpants50LegsLight Armor2151
Dustwalker Overpants50LegsHeavy Armor2151
Dustwalker Slacks50LegsMedium Armor2151
Dusty Bonestripper Beak50 Gear1686
Dusty Heat Resistant Slacks50LegsLight Armor1904
Earthen Fingershards50Primary WeaponWeapon - Claws1493
Earthen Legwraps50LegsLight Armor1904
Earthen Pantaloons50LegsMedium Armor1904
Earthen Pants50LegsHeavy Armor1904
Easy Gilt Trippers50LegsLight Armor1904
Edge of the Mirage50Primary WeaponWeapon - Psyblade1686
Eldan Blessed Galactium Grip50 Gear1493
Eldan Disruptor Replica50ShieldsGear1615
Eldan Enhanced Neural Transmitter50AugmentGear1430