Wildstar Item Database

Use the form bellow to filter through all available Wildstar items. You can use our item database to browse through all the items Wildstar has to offer or try and find the best in slot item for the class you are playing. We'll keep this database updated and we'll be adding new features regularly.



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Found 33516 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
[Prototype] Immaculate Relic Item 48 Quest Item68
[Prototype] Immaculate Relic Item 58 Quest Item68
[Prototype] Instant Knowledge Cube Xavier's Superstitious Habits Vol.112 Junk126
[Prototype] Instant Knowledge Cube: 12 Easy Calming Routines Vol.112 Dyes 
[Prototype] Instant Knowledge Cube: Tsrah's Compendium Vol.112 Dyes 
[Prototype] Instant Knowledge Cube: Zallion's Strength Conditioning Techniques Vol.112 Junk126
[Prototype] Instant Knowledge Cube: Zif's Guide to Wildwood Valley12 Junk126
[Prototype] Jelly Beans1 Quest Consumable 
[Prototype] Lunch Pail1 Quest Consumable 
[Prototype] Medkit1 Quest Consumable 
[Prototype] Mining Pick1 Quest Item 
[Prototype] Money Jar1 Quest Consumable 
[Prototype] Moneybag1 Junk 
[Prototype] Mysterious Rock1 Quest Consumable 
[Prototype] Mysterious Vegetation1 Quest Consumable 
[Prototype] Nanny's Apple Crumble1 Quest Consumable 
[Prototype] Numbing Agent1 Quest Item 
[Prototype] Old Reliquary1 Quest Consumable 
[Prototype] Pristine Eldan Bust12 Quest Item126
[Prototype] Pristine Eldan Crest12 Quest Item126
[Prototype] Pristine Eldan Medallion12 Quest Item126
[Prototype] Pristine Eldan Pendant12 Quest Item126
[Prototype] Pristine Eldan Tabard12 Quest Item126
[Prototype] Pristine Relic Item 18 Quest Item68
[Prototype] Pristine Relic Item 28 Quest Item68
[Prototype] Pristine Relic Item 38 Quest Item68
[Prototype] Pristine Relic Item 48 Quest Item68
[Prototype] Pristine Relic Item 58 Quest Item68
[Prototype] Rare Tradeskill Herb 11 Quest Item 
[Prototype] Rare Tradeskill Herb 21 Quest Item 
[Prototype] Rare Tradeskill Herb 31 Quest Item 
[Prototype] Rare Tradeskill Rock 31 Quest Item 
[Prototype] Rough Gold Nugget12 Junk126
[Prototype] Rusty Firearm1 Quest Item 
[Prototype] Rusty Flask1 Quest Item 
[Prototype] Sandwich1 Quest Consumable 
[Prototype] Sergeant's Insignia1 Quest Item 
[Prototype] Shiny Rock1 Quest Item 
[Prototype] Sock of Coins1 Junk 
[Prototype] Standard Rations1 Quest Item 
[Prototype] Tablet Fragment1 Quest Item 
[Prototype] Tarnished Eldan Bust12 Quest Item126
[Prototype] Tarnished Eldan Crest12 Quest Item126
[Prototype] Tarnished Eldan Medallion12 Quest Item126
[Prototype] Tarnished Eldan Pendant12 Quest Item126
[Prototype] Tarnished Eldan Tabard12 Quest Item126
[Prototype] Tarnished Relic Item 18 Quest Item68
[Prototype] Tarnished Relic Item 28 Quest Item68
[Prototype] Tarnished Relic Item 38 Quest Item68
[Prototype] Tarnished Relic Item 48 Quest Item68