Wildstar Item Database

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Found 33516 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Fibertronic Brainwave Booster24AugmentGear399
Fibertronic Brainwave Booster24AugmentGear399
FlawTrack SV Ocular Overlay24AugmentGear399
FlawTrack SV Ocular Overlay24AugmentGear399
Fur Coated Palerock Mitts24HandsMedium Armor433
Fur Coated Thermock Mitts24HandsMedium Armor433
Fur-Lined Palerock Gauntlets24HandsMedium Armor433
Fur-Lined Thermock Gauntlets24HandsMedium Armor433
Fur-Padded Palerock Gloves24HandsLight Armor433
Fur-Padded Palerock Gloves24HandsLight Armor433
Gold Filigree24 Architect300
Gribbon-Feather Mantle24ShoulderLight Armor455
Gribbon-Feather Mantle24ShoulderLight Armor455
Gunnery Britches24LegsLight Armor510
Gunnery Britches24LegsLight Armor510
Handsome Thick Leather Shoulder Boards24ShoulderMedium Armor455
Handsome Titanium Pauldrons24ShoulderHeavy Armor455
Hardened Turtog Shell Plate24ChestMedium Armor553
Hardened Turtog Shell Plate24ChestMedium Armor553
High Powered Phase Pistols24Primary WeaponWeapon - Pistols399
Hyperlight Bonded Aramid Pants24LegsMedium Armor510
Hyperlight Bonded Aramid Pants24LegsMedium Armor510
Icehorn Hide Gloves24HandsMedium Armor433
Icehorn Hide Gloves24HandsMedium Armor433
Inlaid Oilcloth Robe24ChestLight Armor553
Interrogator's Afflicting Shawl24ShoulderLight Armor493
Interrogator's Meditative Shawl24ShoulderLight Armor493
Interrogator's Shawl24ShoulderLight Armor358
Jabbit Fur Tassled Boots24FeetLight Armor399
Jabbit Fur Tassled Boots24FeetLight Armor399
Mammodin Fur Gloves24HandsLight Armor399
Mammodin Fur Gloves24HandsLight Armor399
Mammodin Hide Moccassins24FeetMedium Armor399
Mammodin Hide Moccassins24FeetMedium Armor399
Manawoven Hand Wraps24HandsLight Armor399
Manawoven Hand Wraps24HandsLight Armor399
Massive Weighted Scimitar24Primary WeaponWeapon - Greatsword399
Mechanist's Bombarding Shoulders24ShoulderHeavy Armor493
Mechanist's Shoulders24ShoulderHeavy Armor358
Mechanist's Warding Shoulders24ShoulderHeavy Armor493
Mercenary's Assailing Shoulders24ShoulderHeavy Armor493
Mercenary's Shoulders24ShoulderHeavy Armor358
Mercenary's Thwarting Shoulders24ShoulderHeavy Armor493
Microfusion Intech Repulsor24ShieldsGear399
MindRazer's Afflicting Shawl24ShoulderLight Armor493
MindRazer's Meditative Shawl24ShoulderLight Armor493
MindRazer's Shawl24ShoulderLight Armor358
Moon Stitched Doublet24ChestLight Armor553
Moon Stitched Doublet24ChestLight Armor553
Muscle Stimulator Implants24AugmentGear399