Wildstar Item Database

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Found 33516 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Professional's Invasive Hands33HandsMedium Armor640
Professional's Phasing Hands33HandsMedium Armor640
Protostar Classy Moon Boots33FeetLight Armor613
Protostar Classy Moon Boots33FeetLight Armor565
Protostar Crater Climbers33FeetMedium Armor613
Protostar Crater Climbers33FeetMedium Armor565
Protostar Defensive Aura33ShieldsGear613
Protostar Orbital Protoshield33ShieldsGear445
Protostar Prototronic Protoboots33FeetHeavy Armor565
Radioactive Weaponized Device33 Gear613
Reinforced Leather Toe Combat Boots33FeetMedium Armor565
Replaceable Necrocite Machette33Primary WeaponWeapon - Greatsword613
Robe of the Eldan Initiate33ChestLight Armor778
Runed Suede Coif33HeadHeavy Armor635
Runed Suede Coif33HeadMedium Armor635
Sealed Envirosuit Pauldrons33ShoulderHeavy Armor635
Sealed Envirosuit Pauldrons33ShoulderMedium Armor635
Sharpened Prototype Claws33Primary WeaponWeapon - Claws565
Shirt of the Eldan Initiate33ChestLight Armor778
Smoked Ribs33 General Meals430
Specialist's Hands33HandsMedium Armor613
Specialist's Restorative Hands33HandsMedium Armor640
Specialist's Ruthless Hands33HandsMedium Armor640
Steller Polyweave Force Plates33Primary WeaponWeapon - Paddles613
Stewed Grimgourd33 General Meals430
Stir-Fried Poultry33 General Meals430
Studded Leather Gauntlets33HandsMedium Armor565
Surgeon's Hands33HandsMedium Armor613
Surgeon's Restorative Hands33HandsMedium Armor640
Surgeon's Ruthless Hands33HandsMedium Armor640
Swordsman's Assailing Hands33HandsHeavy Armor640
Swordsman's Hands33HandsHeavy Armor613
Swordsman's Thwarting Hands33HandsHeavy Armor640
Synthetic Pumera Hide Treads33FeetLight Armor613
Treated Whimfiber Gloves33HandsLight Armor565
Twin Tube Howitzer33Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun565
Vanadium-Infused Combat Boots33FeetHeavy Armor565
Vanadium-Infused Headband33HeadLight Armor635
VegaD Aligned Platinum Guard33ChestHeavy Armor812
VegaD Aligned Reinforced Leather Guard33ChestMedium Armor778
VegaD Meshform Shoes33FeetLight Armor565
Vest of the Eldan Initiate33ChestLight Armor778
Warm Leather Pants33LegsLight Armor778
Well Made Protostar Force Plates33Primary WeaponWeapon - Paddles565
Airhooks32Primary WeaponWeapon - Claws613
Aligned Reinforced Leather Leg Chains32LegsMedium Armor747
ArctArms Augmented Feelers32HandsMedium Armor547
ArctArms Augmented Feelers32HandsHeavy Armor547
Autostabilized Biopolymer Ward32ShieldsGear547