Wildstar Item Database

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Found 33516 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Advanced Fibertronic Magniboots34FeetHeavy Armor584
Advanced Freelancer's Revolvers34Primary WeaponWeapon - Pistols633
Advanced Ultraweave Revolvers34Primary WeaponWeapon - Pistols584
Anomalous Intech Laser Sight34 Gear633
Anti-Charged Hand Bars34Primary WeaponWeapon - Paddles584
Anti-Particle Manaweave Shield34ShieldsGear584
Belaying Bulwark34ShieldsGear662
Bioengineered Magnimesh Pants34LegsMedium Armor811
Branded Cobalt-Alloy Leggings34LegsHeavy Armor811
Choice Manaweave Woolies34LegsLight Armor811
Clairvoyant's Afflicting Shawl34ShoulderLight Armor749
Clairvoyant's Meditative Shawl34ShoulderLight Armor749
Clairvoyant's Shawl34ShoulderLight Armor520
Cobalt Hardened Gauntlets34HandsHeavy Armor633
Cobalt Hardened Gauntlets34HandsMedium Armor633
Conditioned Biofabric Regalia34ChestLight Armor811
Crystallized Deathbringer's Battle Blade34Primary WeaponWeapon - Greatsword633
Crystallized Polymer Battle Blade34Primary WeaponWeapon - Greatsword584
Decorated Ceremonial Headdress34HeadLight Armor661
Decorated Nebulous Gauss Rifle34Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun633
Decorated Polymer Boots34FeetMedium Armor633
Decorated Prototype Gauss Rifle34Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun584
Defender's Bombarding Shoulders34ShoulderHeavy Armor749
Defender's Shoulders34ShoulderHeavy Armor520
Defender's Warding Shoulders34ShoulderHeavy Armor749
Diamond-Hilted Psyblade34Primary WeaponWeapon - Psyblade584
Drum-Fed Charged Slugthrower34Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun584
Duelist's Fusillade Shawl34ShoulderLight Armor749
Duelist's Invigorating Shawl34ShoulderLight Armor749
Duelist's Shawl34ShoulderLight Armor520
Enhanced Fibertronic Galoshes34FeetHeavy Armor633
Etched Cobalt Helmet34HeadMedium Armor520
Etched Cobalt Helmet34HeadHeavy Armor520
Etched Electrofiber Hand Guards34HandsMedium Armor584
Etched Vanadium Hand Guards34HandsHeavy Armor584
Everpool Bark Plated Gloves34HandsHeavy Armor584
Extendable Hand Blades34Primary WeaponWeapon - Claws584
Extravagant Ultrapolymer Striders34FeetHeavy Armor584
Fine Woven Deathbringer's Bindings34HandsLight Armor584
Grandiloquent Electrowebbed Stompers34FeetMedium Armor584
Handsewn Skirmisher's Shoes34FeetLight Armor584
Hardened Leather Chest Guard34ChestMedium Armor811
Hardened Platinum Chest Guard34ChestHeavy Armor811
Heavy Curved Sword34Primary WeaponWeapon - Greatsword584
Hemp Woven Leggings34LegsLight Armor811
Hexbead Polycell Battle Pants34LegsMedium Armor811
Improved Biofiber Helmet34HeadMedium Armor661
Infused Warpweave Foot Pads34FeetLight Armor633
Inscribed MicroFlex Chest Guard34ChestMedium Armor846
Jabbit Skin Epaulets34ShoulderLight Armor661