Wildstar Item Database

Use the form bellow to filter through all available Wildstar items. You can use our item database to browse through all the items Wildstar has to offer or try and find the best in slot item for the class you are playing. We'll keep this database updated and we'll be adding new features regularly.



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Found 33516 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Random Hands Special50 Crafting Supplies846
Random Head Special50 Crafting Supplies846
Random Legs Special50 Crafting Supplies846
Random Shield Special50 Crafting Supplies846
Random Shoulder Special50 Crafting Supplies846
Random Special50 Crafting Supplies846
Random Special50 Reagent - Crafting846
Random Special50 Reagent - Crafting846
Random Weapon Special50 Crafting Supplies846
Reboot50 Crafting Supplies846
Recharge50 Crafting Supplies846
Red Paper Lantern50 Housing846
Reduced Burden50 Crafting Supplies846
Reflexive Shield50 Crafting Supplies846
Refresh50 Crafting Supplies846
Regalia of Primal Life50ChestLight Armor1619
RegIS Protostar Bindings50HandsLight Armor1269
RegIS Sewn Xenocite Footguards50FeetLight Armor1269
Reinforced Attack Ship50 Warplot846
Reinforced Creature Encampment: Osun50 Warplot846
Reinforced Creature Encampment: Swordmaiden50 Warplot846
Reinforced Creature Pen: Chompacabra50 Warplot846
Reinforced Creature Pen: Frizlet50 Warplot846
Reinforced Creature Pen: Moodie50 Warplot846
Reinforced Creature Pen: Pumera50 Warplot846
Reinforced Furnace50 Warplot846
Reinforced Manamesh Shoulderwraps50ShoulderMedium Armor1430
Reinforced Military Research Center50 Warplot846
Reinforced Necrocite Headguard50HeadHeavy Armor1493
Reinforced Officer's Shoulderwraps50ShoulderMedium Armor1493
Reinforced Refinery50 Warplot846
Reinforced Roguelike Shoulders50ShoulderMedium Armor1555
Reinforced Superwebbed Headguard50HeadHeavy Armor1430
Revitalize50 Crafting Supplies846
Rifle of Primal Virility50Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun1269
Rigel Electromesh Overshirt50ChestMedium Armor1619
Rigel Magnimesh Overpants50LegsMedium Armor1619
Rightful Gilt Trippers50LegsMedium Armor1756
Robust Eldritch Controller50AugmentGear1319
Round Swirly Rock50 Housing846
Sabatons of the Expedition50FeetMedium Armor1269
Saber of the Detective50Primary WeaponWeapon - Greatsword1269
Sacrificial Booster50 Gear1377
Sacrificial Enhancer50 Gear1377
Sacrificial Magnifier50 Gear1377
Sand Raider's Microhowitzers50Primary WeaponWeapon - Pistols1269
Sandals of the Desolate Sands50FeetLight Armor1269
Sandswept Bloodletters50Primary WeaponWeapon - Claws1269
Sandswept Sword Hilt50 Gear1269
Savage Eldritch Controller50AugmentGear1319