Wildstar Item Database

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Found 33516 Items

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Schematic: 'Adventus' Prototype CW-2 PSB Assault  Schematic846
Schematic: 'Adventus' Prototype CW-2 PTL Assault  Schematic846
Schematic: 'Adventus' Prototype CW-2 RSN Assault  Schematic846
Schematic: 'Adventus' Prototype CW-3 CLS Assault  Schematic846
Schematic: 'Adventus' Prototype CW-3 GRS Assault  Schematic846
Schematic: 'Adventus' Prototype CW-3 HVG Tank  Schematic846
Schematic: 'Adventus' Prototype CW-3 PSB Assault  Schematic846
Schematic: 'Adventus' Prototype CW-3 PTL Healing  Schematic846
Schematic: 'Adventus' Prototype CW-3 RSN Assault  Schematic846
Schematic: 'Adventus' Prototype CW-4 CLS Tank  Schematic846
Schematic: 'Adventus' Prototype CW-4 GRS Assault  Schematic846
Schematic: 'Adventus' Prototype CW-4 HVG Assault  Schematic846
Schematic: 'Adventus' Prototype CW-4 PSB Healing  Schematic846
Schematic: 'Adventus' Prototype CW-4 PTL Assault  Schematic846
Schematic: 'Adventus' Prototype CW-4 RSN Assault  Schematic846
Schematic: 'Epochos' Prototype CW-1 CLS  Schematic846
Schematic: 'Epochos' Prototype CW-1 GRS  Schematic846
Schematic: 'Epochos' Prototype CW-1 HVG  Schematic846
Schematic: 'Epochos' Prototype CW-1 PSB  Schematic846
Schematic: 'Epochos' Prototype CW-1 PTL  Schematic846
Schematic: 'Epochos' Prototype CW-1 RSN  Schematic846
Schematic: Epochos' Prototype AS-1 CM  Schematic846
Scout's Antiparticle Aegis ShieldsGear82
Scout's Radioactive Aegis ShieldsGear82
Scout's Resonant Aegis ShieldsGear82
Scout's Reverberant Aegis ShieldsGear82
Scrab Hide Sack  Bag24
Secret Agent's Neural Core AugmentGear436
Seeker Drone Blasters Primary WeaponWeapon - Pistols747
Seeker Drone Blasters Primary WeaponWeapon - Pistols747
Sentry Drone Heavy Blaster Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun747
Sentry Drone Heavy Blaster Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun747
Sentry's Protomesh Kilt LegsLight Armor363
Sentry's Protoplate Greaves LegsHeavy Armor363
Sentry's Protopolymer Pantaloons LegsMedium Armor363
Sentry's Ultrafiber Polygloves HandsLight Armor252
Sentry's Ultramesh Grips HandsMedium Armor252
Sentry's Ultraweave Knuckle Guards HandsHeavy Armor252
Sergeant's Augmentor  Gear619
Sergeant's Duffel Bag  Bag358
Sergeant's Strengthener  Gear619
Sergeant's Supplement  Gear619
Serrated Claw of Spithra Primary WeaponWeapon - Greatsword270
Shadeslate  Mining459
Shadeslate Dye  Dyes 
Shadeslate Dye  Dyes 
Shadeslate-Chrysalus Power Core  Crafting Supplies612
Shard of the Stalagmight ShieldsGear215
Shards of the Stormbolt Primary WeaponWeapon - Claws285
Shatterforce AugmentGear1168