Wildstar Item Database

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Found 33516 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Blighted Sacrifice AugmentGear1168
Blightslingers Primary WeaponWeapon - Pistols86
Blightwalkers FeetHeavy Armor1219
Blightwalkers FeetHeavy Armor1219
Bloodfire Dye  Dyes 
Bloodfire Long Pants LegsHeavy Armor252
Bloodfire Long Pants LegsHeavy Armor252
Bloodfire Medicine Pouch  Bag97
Bloodfire Red Dye  Dyes 
Bloodlust AMP  Skill AMP155
Bloodlust AMP  Skill AMP155
Bloodstone Canyon Claws Primary WeaponWeapon - Claws86
Bloodstone Canyon Minigun Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun86
Bloodstone Canyon Pistols Primary WeaponWeapon - Pistols86
Blue Sanity Requiem AugmentGear610
Blueprint: Housing "Defensive" Weaponry Prototypes  Schematic846
Blueprint: Housing Decorations Prototypes  Schematic846
Blueprint: Housing FABkits Prototypes  Schematic846
Blueprint: Housing Services Prototypes  Schematic846
Blueprint: Warplot Attack Ships Prototypes  Schematic846
Blueprint: Warplot Creature Encampments Prototypes  Schematic846
Blueprint: Warplot Creature Pens Prototypes  Schematic846
Blueprint: Warplot Deployable Traps Prototypes  Schematic846
Blueprint: Warplot Deployable Weapons Prototypes  Schematic846
Blueprint: Warplot Structures Prototypes  Schematic846
Bonetalon's Old Bones  Gear333
Bonetalon's Preserved Brain  Gear333
Bonetalon's Throbbing Heart  Gear333
Book Bag  Bag242
Boost AMP  Skill AMP155
Boost AMP  Skill AMP155
Bounce Back AMP  Skill AMP155
Bounce Back AMP  Skill AMP155
Bounty Hunter's Face Guard HeadHeavy Armor510
Bounty Hunter's Face Guard HeadHeavy Armor510
Bounty Hunter's Foot Guards FeetMedium Armor811
Bounty Hunter's Halo HeadLight Armor510
Bounty Hunter's Mask HeadLight Armor510
Bounty of the Beast  Gear233
Bounty of the Beast  Gear233
Breeches of the Breach LegsLight Armor1493
Breeches of the Breach LegsLight Armor1493
Breeches of the Breach LegsLight Armor1493
Breeches of the Breach LegsLight Armor1493
Bring It AMP  Skill AMP155
Bring It AMP  Skill AMP155
Broon Bane Chest Guard ChestHeavy Armor1619
Broon Bane Garment ChestLight Armor1619
Broon Bane Trenchcoat ChestMedium Armor1619
Brutality + PvPOffense  Crafting Supplies