Wildstar Item Database

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Found 33516 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Dreadbot Sabatons17FeetMedium Armor307
Filed Mammodin Hoof Psyblade17Primary WeaponWeapon - Psyblade307
Fine Canvas Pants17LegsLight Armor418
Fine Canvas Shirt17ChestLight Armor418
Fine Steel Greaves17LegsHeavy Armor418
Fine Thick Leather Greaves17LegsMedium Armor418
Frayed Canvas Epaulets17ShoulderLight Armor285
Gauntlets of the Windspire17HandsHeavy Armor307
Girrok-Slayer Chest Guard17ChestMedium Armor418
Gloves of the Windspire17HandsMedium Armor307
Greengrowth Boots17FeetMedium Armor307
Greengrowth Slippers17FeetLight Armor307
Legionnairy Accolades17ShoulderMedium Armor300
Malverine Leather Battle Pants17LegsHeavy Armor418
Malverine Woolies17LegsLight Armor418
Malverine-Fur Overpants17LegsMedium Armor418
Mammodin Hoof Grip Greatsword17Primary WeaponWeapon - Greatsword307
Microwarp Flux Core17 Gear307
Microwarp Flux Core17 Gear333
Mittens of the Windspire17HandsLight Armor307
Mysterious Astral Star17Primary WeaponWeapon - Psyblade307
Mysterious Autocannon17Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun307
Mysterious Gravblade17Primary WeaponWeapon - Greatsword307
Mysterious Infusinators17Primary WeaponWeapon - Paddles307
Mysterious Microhowitzers17Primary WeaponWeapon - Pistols307
Mysterious Slicers17Primary WeaponWeapon - Claws307
Nitro Ionized Fist Plates17Primary WeaponWeapon - Paddles307
Poacher's Cuirass17ChestHeavy Armor418
Polaris Flaming Comet Pistols17Primary WeaponWeapon - Pistols307
Protector's Boots17FeetMedium Armor307
Protector's Stompers17FeetHeavy Armor307
Repurposed Dominion Suit Pants17LegsHeavy Armor418
Robust Stompers17FeetHeavy Armor307
Robust Stompers17FeetMedium Armor307
Rockhorde Defensive Grid17ShieldsGear307
Smashing Stompers17FeetHeavy Armor307
Sturdy Leather Gloves17HandsLight Armor307
Sturdy Leather Shoes17FeetLight Armor307
Sturdy Reinforced Leather Boots17FeetMedium Armor307
Sturdy Reinforced Leather Gauntlets17HandsMedium Armor307
Sturdy Titanium Boots17FeetHeavy Armor307
Sturdy Titanium Gauntlets17HandsHeavy Armor307
Superior Cavalier's Legs17LegsHeavy Armor473
Superior Cavalier's Legs17LegsHeavy Armor453
Superior Charlatan's Leggings17LegsLight Armor473
Superior Charlatan's Leggings17LegsLight Armor453
Superior Dilettante's Leggings17LegsLight Armor453
Superior Dilettante's Leggings17LegsLight Armor473