Wildstar Item Database

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Found 33516 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Layered Electroweave Charginators41Primary WeaponWeapon - Paddles916
Layered Intech Knickers41LegsLight Armor1168
Locked Exile Chest41 Housing587
Magnificent Freelancer's Psyblade41Primary WeaponWeapon - Psyblade916
Modified Magniweave Technopants41LegsMedium Armor1168
Modified Protoplate Knuckle Guards41HandsHeavy Armor916
Modified Protoplate Shoes41FeetLight Armor916
Modified Scout's Sidearms41Primary WeaponWeapon - Pistols956
Modified Xenocite Battle Pants41LegsHeavy Armor1219
Modified Xenocite Chaps41LegsMedium Armor1219
Oscillating Galactium Scope41 Gear916
Overhauled Manaweave Laser Pistols41Primary WeaponWeapon - Pistols916
Particolored Exanite Astral Slicer41Primary WeaponWeapon - Psyblade956
Patched Nebulous Shawl41ChestLight Armor1168
Plasma Web Flash Projector41ShieldsGear916
Portrait of a Woman41 Housing587
Primal Necrocite Trench41ChestLight Armor1219
Primal Necrocite War Vest41ChestHeavy Armor1168
Pristine Officer's Machete41Primary WeaponWeapon - Greatsword916
Purifier41 Gear995
Simple Xenocite Stockings41LegsLight Armor1219
Stonepasser41 Gear995
Stretched Polyfiber Walkers41FeetMedium Armor916
Stretched Scaled Suit Pants41LegsHeavy Armor1168
Superior Aggressor's Regulator41 Gear991
Superior Aggressor's Regulator41 Gear844
Superior Aggressor's Ward41ShieldsGear956
Superior Aggressor's Ward41ShieldsGear844
Superior Ambusher's Regulator41 Gear844
Superior Ambusher's Regulator41 Gear991
Superior Ambusher's Ward41ShieldsGear844
Superior Ambusher's Ward41ShieldsGear956
Superior Annihilator's Regulator41 Gear991
Superior Annihilator's Regulator41 Gear844
Superior Annihilator's Ward41ShieldsGear956
Superior Annihilator's Ward41ShieldsGear844
Superior Demolitionist's Regulator41 Gear991
Superior Demolitionist's Regulator41 Gear844
Superior Demolitionist's Ward41ShieldsGear956
Superior Demolitionist's Ward41ShieldsGear844
Superior Foebleeder's Regulator41 Gear844
Superior Foebleeder's Regulator41 Gear991
Superior Foebleeder's Ward41ShieldsGear844
Superior Foebleeder's Ward41ShieldsGear956
Superior Manaweave Spaulders41ShoulderMedium Armor1034
Superior Marauder's Regulator41 Gear844
Superior Marauder's Regulator41 Gear991
Superior Marauder's Ward41ShieldsGear844
Superior Marauder's Ward41ShieldsGear956
Superior Prodigy's Regulator41 Gear991