Tag Archives: Explorer

STAKING CLAIM: Eastern Grimvault


Plant the $?f/Dominion/Exiles/[THIS IS A BUG. PLEASE REPORT.]; flag in strategic locations throughout Eastern Grimvault


Eastern Grimvault belongs to the $?f/Dominion/Exiles/[THIS IS A BUG. PLEASE REPORT.]; now!

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The Contagion may be taking over Eastern Grimvault, but the region is still littered with valuable resources. We need to claim these locations before the $?f/Exiles/Dominion/[THIS IS A BUG. PLEASE REPORT.]; can.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: Eastern Grimvault

Path: Explorer

Episode: Exploring Isigrol

EXPLORATION: The Black Focus


Plumb the depths of the blighted Exo-Lab buried beneath the Black Focus


The teleportation system will advance our plans for Grimvault dramatically!

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The Eldan installation near the Black Focus extends for hundreds of meters around, possibly underground as well. Find out what’s down there and what we can use.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Zone: Eastern Grimvault

Path: Explorer

Episode: Exploring Isigrol


  1. X: 4924 Y: -4968 Z: -1297

TRACKING: Did You See What I Saw?


Follow after the pheromone-spewing buzzbing… no matter what you think you see


Maybe the $f?/Chua/Mordesh/[THIS IS A BUG. PLEASE REPORT.]; can weaponize the pheromones for the battlefield!

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There’s a buzzbing giving off unusual pheromones that make other creatures ignore it. The $?f/Royal Collegium/XAS/[THIS IS A BUG. PLEASE REPORT.]; wants the creature tracked for proper study.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Zone: Eastern Grimvault

Path: Explorer

Episode: Exploring Isigrol


  1. X: 4898 Y: -4153 Z: -1306



Follow after the corrupted buzzbing…no matter what you think you see


Interesting report you turned in. Maybe the $f?/Chua/Mordesh/[THIS IS A BUG. PLEASE REPORT.]; can weaponize the pheromones for the battlefield!

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Sensors picked up a corrupted buzzbing giving off unusual pheromones. The $?f/Royal Collegium/XAS/[THIS IS A BUG. PLEASE REPORT.]; wants the creature tracked for proper study.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Zone: Eastern Grimvault

Path: Explorer

Episode: Exploring Isigrol


  1. X: 4898 Y: -4153 Z: -1306

STAKING CLAIM: Eastern Grimvault


Plant the $?f/Dominion/Exiles/[THIS IS A BUG. PLEASE REPORT.]; flag in strategic locations throughout Eastern Grimvault


Eastern Grimvault belongs to the $?f/Dominion/Exiles/[THIS IS A BUG. PLEASE REPORT.]; now!

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The Contagion may be taking over Eastern Grimvault, but the region is still littered with valuable resources. We need to claim these locations before the $?f/Exiles/Dominion/[THIS IS A BUG. PLEASE REPORT.]; can.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile, Dominion

Zone: Eastern Grimvault

Path: Explorer

Episode: Exploring Isigrol

Wildstar Paths General Information

What are Wildstar paths? Should I bother with any of it? Will I get some cool rewards in the Path quests? In this post we will answer those questions so you can have a head start once WildStar goes live.
One great aspect of the path system is that it shows, once again, that the developers at Carbine Studios are doing everything they can to inject a “soul” into the game, something that so many MMOs seem to be lacking lately.
Paths are a cool new feature that will give you a hours, days, even weeks of fun to keep you entertained. How is it able to do that you ask? Well with four different paths full of unique quests there are plenty of different options for players to enjoy.
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Choose Your Paths Wisely

We got not one, but two different videos today to show off the different Paths in WildStar. In this video Agent Voxine lets us know all about the different Paths players will be able to take. It’s full of WildStar’s special brand of humor and charisma, making it something you really must see. Check it out and let us know what you think.