Wildstar Item Database

Use the form bellow to filter through all available Wildstar items. You can use our item database to browse through all the items Wildstar has to offer or try and find the best in slot item for the class you are playing. We'll keep this database updated and we'll be adding new features regularly.



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Found 33516 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Bioencoded Coif50HeadMedium Armor4285Equip Item
Biomimetic Receptive Neural Chip50AugmentGear3219Equip Item
Biomimetic Receptive Polyboots50FeetMedium Armor3098Equip Item
Biomimetic Receptive Sequencer50 Gear3098
Biomimetic Receptive Shroud50 Gear3794
BitEcho Helm50HeadMedium Armor3794Equip Item
Bitmapper's Code Repairer50 Gear3098
Blink Shield50ShieldsGear2968Equip Item
Bloody Surgeon's Apron50LegsMedium Armor4285Equip Item
Boots of the Road Less Taken50FeetLight Armor3360Equip Item
Bracers of the Datamonk50HandsMedium Armor3360Equip Item
Breeches of Boldness50LegsHeavy Armor4285Equip Item
Brutal Eldan Gauntlets50HandsHeavy Armor1829Equip Item
Buffering Implant50 Gear3098
Burning Helm50HeadHeavy Armor4285Equip Item
Cached Memory of the Eldan50AugmentGear3219Equip Item
Caretaker's Boon50ShieldsGear3794Equip Item
Case Study Resonators50Primary WeaponWeapon - Paddles3794Equip Item
Celerity Amplifier50 Gear3794
Channeling Focus50 Gear3360
Cloaking Battle Suit50ChestMedium Armor4840Equip Item
Closed Network Field50ShieldsGear2968Equip Item
Cloth of the Virtual50LegsLight Armor4840Equip Item
Cloud Dancer Pauldrons50ShoulderLight Armor3499Equip Item
Cloud Dancers50FeetLight Armor3098Equip Item
Clutches of Ragnarok50HandsLight Armor3794Equip Item
Coat of Refraction50ChestMedium Armor4840Equip Item
Code Matron's Ward50ShieldsGear3219Equip Item
Codewalkers50FeetMedium Armor3360Equip Item
Cold Synthblood50AugmentGear3635Equip Item
Cold Synthblood50AugmentGear3635Equip Item
Commanding Grasps50HandsHeavy Armor3794Equip Item
Compiler's Cutter50Primary WeaponWeapon - Psyblade3794Equip Item
Conductivity Gel50 Gear3360
Cone of Precognition50ShieldsGear3635Equip Item
Constant Shooters50Primary WeaponWeapon - Pistols3794Equip Item
Core Sentinel's Nanolauncher50Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun3360Equip Item
Core Sentinel's Omnilauncher50Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun3360Equip Item
Cortical Holoprojector50AugmentGear3635Equip Item
Counterpointers50HandsHeavy Armor3360Equip Item
Critical Feedback Interface50 Gear3794
Crown of Achievement50HeadHeavy Armor3499Equip Item
Crushgore Chest Guard50ChestHeavy Armor3951Equip Item
Crystalline Multiphasic Cleats50FeetMedium Armor3098Equip Item
Crystalline Multiphasic Intensifier50AugmentGear2968Equip Item
Crystalline Multiphasic Shroud50ShoulderMedium Armor3499Equip Item
Curative Eldan Gauntlets50HandsMedium Armor1829Equip Item
Curb Stompers50FeetHeavy Armor3098Equip Item
Cybernetic Trigger Finger50AugmentGear2968Equip Item
Cypher of The Core50ShoulderMedium Armor4285Equip Item