General info
- Level 15 Adventure, available only for Dominion players.
- Entrance is in Auroria, east of Ilium.
- This is Choose Your Own Story adventure type.
- The aim of this adventure is to complete five tasks in a timely manner.
- Adventure takes place in Riot in the Void map. It starts in a spaceship that takes you to an asteroid.
- While some tasks / events take place inside the prison complex, others must be completed outside, in open area of Riot in the Void. If you are inside, and you receive a task that takes place outside, open Riot in the Void global map and see where you should go.
- Riot in the Void Entrance
- Riot in the Void Map Entrance
- Riot in the Void Map
Medal Requirements
Gold Medal Requirement : Complete adventure in under 30 minutes, without wiping.
Silver Medal Requirement : Complete adventure in under 35 minutes.
Bronze Medal Requirement : Complete adventure.
The Prison Yard
When you get to the prison, you will be transform into Exile, and the snipers will shoot at you. If the sniper hits you, it will stun and teleport you back to the entrance of the adventure. You can avoid this by running from one blue circle to another, until you reach the door that leads inside the complex, where you should speak to Warden Rhadman and choose one of the choices listed below:
First group of Event Choices
Choose one of the following missions
1. Arms Race In order to complete this task you should detonate 8 Weapons Catches inside Prison Complex. They are all marked on the map.
2. Felony Geology To complete this task you should secure six mining equipment inside Rockbreaker Mine. Just interact with them, then memorize it and repeat six times this pattern.
3. Cold Storage Look for an Elevator that takes you to Maximum Security part of the prison, where you should stop about 20 Max-Sec (2.6k HP) Inmates from escaping. They usually come in groups of 2 or 3, from two prison cells on different sides. As soon as you notice on your minimap their spawn location, run there and act quickly. Be careful because they have long frontal telegraphs, big absorption shield and their spawn rate is pretty high.
- 1. Arms Race
- 2. Felony Geology
- 3. Cold Storage – Elevator Switch to Maximum Security
- 3. Cold Storage – Stop the Max-Sec Inmates from escaping
Second possible group of Event Choices
1. Shooting Gallery In order to complete this task you should Eliminate 8 Rioting Prisoners and reprogram 4 Turret Controls. Once you interact with turret, memorize and repeat lighting pattern in the same order in which it appears on four buttons.
2. Breaking Beakers event takes place in Power Plant Section of Riot in the Void. You should take the elevator back to the surface, and follow the hint arrow until you reach Lab equipment. Each time you destroying Lab Equipment, two Reprogrammed Guardbots will spawn. Tell your group not to destroy all Lab Equipment at once, or you will pull to many Guardbots, and get overwhelmed with mobs.
3. Yard Time This task takes place in The Yard. In order to complete it you should save 9 Overwhelmed Guards.
- 1. Shooting Gallery – reprogramming turret
- 2. Breaking Bakers
- 3. Yard Time
Third group of Events
After completing chosen tasks from the first and second group of events, you’ll get a new random task. It’s a mission where you should defeat one of the following three bosses – Agent Vadim, Professor Goldbough or Jarak.
1. Agent Vadim While defeating this boss, the best strategy for all members of the group (except tank) is to stand behind the boss, while the tank should be positioned in front of him. This boss has 4 attacks. The strongest attack is frontal telegraph, and it’s pretty hard to interrupt it. Boss will also knock back all the group from time to time, or throw objects at you. As you approach the end of the fight, boss will use his drain skill on a random player, and regenerate its HP. Interrupt this skill immediately.
After defeating Vadim you’ll get the following choices:
– The Sky Is Falling
– Hidden Agendas
2. Jarak You’ll face Jarak in weapons room. Avoid his strong frontal Smiting Blow and AOE Whirlwind attacks. Although he doesn’t spawn adds, you’ll have to defeat wandering armed prisoners while fighting the boss, which can be little tricky.
After defeating Jarak you’ll get the following choices:
– The Sky Is Falling
– Demented Demolition
3. Professor Goldbough (55k HP, 1 interrupt armor) has strong range attack Loftice Cannon, and also ability to stun players. During the fight she will spawn several adds. Interrupting her skills and controlling adds are the key for successful fight.
Fourth group of Events
This group of events might be different, depending on the boss you killed in the previous phase.
1. The Sky is Falling
This mission lasts about 3.5 minutes. During this time you have to reboot 4 Shield Generators, surrounded by 3-4 mobs. While the tank is pulling mobs, one party member should reboot the generator. The timer stops after rebooting all generators and defeating all enemies guarding them.
3. Hidden Agendas While the prisoners are trying to gain access to the Master Control Room, you have to protect the Cloaking controls for 3 minutes. This task is very similar to the previous one Demented Demolition. Prisoners will appear in several waves as a group of 3-4 mobs.
Final event tasks
After regrouping at Warden Rhadman you’ll receive the final task. You have to defeat one of three bosses. After defeating the boss, you’ll get related achievement.
1. Agent Vadim While defeating this boss (78K), the best strategy for all members of the group (except tank) is to stand behind the boss, while the tank should be positioned in front of him. This boss has 4 attacks. The strongest attack is frontal telegraph, and it’s pretty hard to interrupt it. Boss will also knock back all the group from time to time, or throw objects at you. As you approach the end of the fight, boss will use his drain skill on a random player, and regenerate its HP. Interrupt this skill immediately.
2. Jarak (102k HP, 2 interrupt armors) is a warrior boss type. Avoid his strong frontal Smiting Blow and AOE Whirlwind attacks. You’ll face him in open area, where he spawns 3 types of adds, that should be defeated as soon as possible.
3. Professor Goldbough (55k HP, 1 interrupt armor) has strong range attack Loftice Cannon, and also ability to stun players. During the fight she will spawn several adds. Interrupting her skills and controlling adds are the key for successful fight.