Reading the official Wildstar races page I found a lot of diverse and different looking races to choose from (you like robots – they got them; demons – no problem; anime style – why not; they are all there and available), but Draken are the ones that caught my eye. I guess that is because, in my mind, they reminded me of rogues and starcraft zealots that, as game characters, I liked the most in my gaming history. Since I do not particularly fancy mechanical characters, nor little bunnies wielding deadly weapons I think I’ll play this race and, as you can probably deduce from my previous sentence, I will be playing a stalker.
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About Us

Why I choose Granok
Nice thing about Wildstar is that it has so many alien races you can choose from when creating your character. Yes, there are restrictions if you are determined to play one class over the other (some races can play only certain classes), but in my case choosing a race is much more a matter of physics (and psyche).
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The site you are on right now is a product of our need to share information we find with the MMORPG community. It all started more then 4 years ago with Lord of the Rings Online and our fan site Lotro Life. We continue to be fans of Lotro, but we soon had a need to talk about other games and news we came across. MMORPG Life network was founded in 2008 and over time has grown to include: Lotro Life, Aion Life, DCUO Life, WoW Life, Swtor Spy, GW2 Life, ESO Life and Gosu Noob.
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