Why I choose Granok


Nice thing about Wildstar is that it has so many alien races you can choose from when creating your character. Yes, there are restrictions if you are determined to play one class over the other (some races can play only certain classes), but in my case choosing a race is much more a matter of physics (and psyche).

I do not particularly dislike The Dominion, nor do I particularly favor the Exiles, but ever since I first saw the announcement for the game I knew which race I will be playing. It had to be the big rock dudes – the Granok. It is not that I particularly salivate over the idea that my Wildstar character gets moss stuck in most unpleasant places (A rolling stone gathers no moss – yeah right – myth busted), nor that I enjoy when I break people’s hands when we handshake. It is just that I am 6’7″ and 300lbs man in real life. Playing a cute little Aurin with bunny ears is just not something I can imagine myself doing. Falling on people and crushing them by being massive definitely is. If they had a race of bears in Wildstar I would choose that, but it is much cooler to be made out of living stone and wielding a 5 foot sword while your enemies run for cover.

Who will you choose?

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