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The site you are on right now is a product of our need to share information we find with the MMORPG community. It all started more then 4 years ago with Lord of the Rings Online and our fan site Lotro Life. We continue to be fans of Lotro, but we soon had a need to talk about other games and news we came across. MMORPG Life network was founded in 2008 and over time has grown to include: Lotro Life, Aion Life, DCUO Life, WoW Life, Swtor Spy, GW2 Life, ESO Life and Gosu Noob.
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Video: What Is WildStar?

With Beta access just starting up there are a lot of people out there wondering something; just what is WildStar? Well the folks over at Carbine Studios have put out this video to answer that very question! Check it out and get the low down on what you will be in for if you hop into the world of WildStar. We’re sure you’ll be just as excited as we are after watching!

WildStar Dungeon Lead Promises Big, Dynamic Content For Raiders

The WildStar dungeon lead, who goes by the name Timetravel, spoke today on a bunch of different features the team wants to implement for endgame raids. Engaging fights based on the games combat system, dynamic and challenging content, weekly challenges, and rankings are all features that the development team wants to deliver for WildStar players.

Continue reading to see the whole article straight from WildStar’s official site, and make sure to sign up for the beta if you want some firsthand experience in testing out all the raiding fun for yourself! Continue reading

WildStar Talks Player Housing At PAX East

WildStar made a big splash at PAX East this year among not only players who have been following the game’s development, but also among people who were just hearing about the game for the very first time. Part of it was due to the dedication and friendliness of the team, part of it was due to the quirky humor and art style of the game, but one big feature really caught the eyes of anyone who checked out the game; player housing.

Player housing is set to become one of the big features in WildStar, something that has many players very excited. After seeing some of the ways players can utilize and customize their house at PAX it is not hard to understand why they are excited. From unique designs to special bonuses, the housing system is sure to be a feature players will be able to sink many hours into in their WildStar adventure. Keep on reading to learn all about the different features that were shown off and that have players pumped. Continue reading

Video: Housing DevSpeak

Today marks the beginning of a new series of a new WildStar video series, DevSpeak. In these videos we will get a run down on some of the exciting features in WildStar straight from the developers themselves.

This first video is all about a feature that I know a bunch of players are excited about; player housing. If the video is any indication you can expect maintaining your house to be a exciting affair that does not lack for the quirky fun that WildStar is becoming known for. But don’t take my word for it, check out the video yourself and let us know what you think!

Developers Talk PVP In The Latest “What is WildStar”

Anyone who’s a fan of Player vs Player combat should be sure to check out the most recent “What is WildStar” post over on the official WildStar site. In it we get some of our first information on the unique type of Arena Combat players can expect to engage in while playing WildStar.

Players will get to face of against each other in 2v2, 3v3, and 5v3 combat, and will have the ability to make formal teams for each size in order to earn team rating pints. Check out the full post below for all the info, and let us know what you think in the comments below! Continue reading

Econ Devblog Shines Light on the Circuit Board Crafting System

Today we were treated to a nice developer blog going over some of the aspects of what the WildStar team is calling their “Circuit Board Crafting System”, or CBC for short. The CBC is the basis for one of our two crafting systems, and is also used by non-crafters to modify their items.

The post mainly focuses on modding items, but it includes a few nice teasers for the crafters out there as well. The blog focuses heavily on the idea of each item in the game having a schematic that contains slots that can be filled with items known as microchips. These microchips can affect stats, abilities, and the power of the weapon itself.

Continue reading to check out the full blog post itself, and let us know in the comments what you think about the CBC. Continue reading