Tag Archives: Journal

Gravitic Destabilizer Instruction Manual

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On a basket filled with fruits, next to a tree, western Bingberry Orchard.




Gravitic Destabilizer Instruction Manual


Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of a top-of-the-line Protostar Gravitic Destabilizer!

Utilizing state-of-the-art Protostar components to harness the power of loftite, the Protostar Gravitic Destabilizer will take you to new heights!

Though designed specifically with the discerning produce harvester in mind, the Protostar Gravitic Destabilizer is perfect for any one of a million functions!

Use your Destabilizer to:

Leap chasms!
Catch animals in flight!
chapel ceilings!
Cheat* at team sports!

And much, much more!

Should you experience any difficulties whatsoever with your Protostar Gravitic Destabilizer, do not hesitate to contact Protostar Customer Service. Please have your Protostar Gravitic Destabilizer serial number on hand!

To use your Protostar Gravitic Destabilizer:

Turn the power switch to the “On” position.

Paint yourself with Gravitic Destabilization rays.
Leap and harvest!

It’s that simple!

Remember! Wear appropriate protective gear! Protostar is not responsible for injury, dismemberment, death, or other physical impairment caused by improper use of the Protostar Gravitic Destabilizer.

(*Protostar does not condone unsportsmanlike conduct of any kind!)

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Type: Journal

Love Letter to the Queen

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This Journal can be found on a table, between two Aurins, Elderoot Refuge. You can find NPC called Queen Myata Everstar nearby. She is part of the quest “The Arboretum”, step – Check in with Queen Myala Everstar. There is an Ability Training Kiosk nearby as well.


Everstar Grove

Everstar Grove

Love Letter to the Queen


I love you so very much, my queen.

I am no consort. I am no warrior. I am no hunter.

I am not even Aurin.

To you, I am no one.

I will love you from afar, drinking in your visage with eyes thirsty for your beauty.

When death takes me into its charnel embrace, I will continue to love you.

From beyond the grave, my adoration will swirl about you like ashes on the wind.

Do not fear me, my queen.

For I love you.


Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Type: Journal

Bresh Silverstalk’s Journal

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Inside of a wrecked house, near stone chimney, rectangular carpet, between barrels, Wrecked Winery.




Bresh Silverstalk’s Journal


Farming was a mistake.

Galeras is nice enough, sure, but between the high winds and the hostile wildlife, we would’ve been better off begging in the streets of Thayd.

The house is a mess. I’m no more a carpenter than I am a farmer. Just ask Myanna. As soon as I nail up a new board, the wind tears another one from the frame.

I’ve had enough of bloody fingers and windy nights!

* * *

Venan has been hearing sounds outside. Growls and grunts. It could be anything.

He and his mother look to
me for reassurance… for protection. I may not know how to build a house, but I sure as sugar know how to protect my family.

I’m going out there.

* * *

Canimid! What in the Matria’s name are they doing here? Sniffing around what’s left of my crops, that’s what! One of them spotted me and let out a roar that would’ve stripped the stones from a Gnoxian. My pistol shot didn’t so much as annoy the beast!

We’re heading down into the cellar now. There’s little enough time to do
anything else, and we can’t run away from the canimid. They’ll just chase us down and feast on us.

If you’re reading this, we’re either dead already, or we’re trapped in our own cellar. Please help us, if you can! Don’t let my wife and little boy die because I wasn’t brave enough to fight those stinking canimid monsters!

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Type: Journal

The Sacred Plan


I accept the gift of the Masters. I, high priest of the Thundercall Pell, do holy work here in the world. The Masters look on in glory, and are proud of our efforts.

I alone among the Thundercall have seen its power. Its potential. The Masters left it for me to find, for the Thundercall to use, for the Chosen of the Storm to change.

To become a god!

But the gifts of the Masters are not without challenges. Tests. For this Great
Work the faithful must do, we Disciples, before the Masters will allow us to rise to meet them.

The Masters call upon us to sacrifice his mortal life – and so it shall be. The greatest of us, one chosen by the Masters, shall become a god. And the wisest of us, the one called Blade-Wind, shall be the conduit that transforms the Chosen. Both shall end their mortal lives.

The power of the gods shall flow through Blade-Wind, and no other. Shaped, driven, bent to my will, the power shall infuse the Chosen, the Pell who will become a god. The Storm shall awaken within. And I, high priest of the Thundercall Pell, shall create a new god over which I shall be master!

I summon my chanters. I summon my acolytes! My sentinels, strong as the sky! Join me. Together we shall be true immortals.
We will live forever in the wind, the stars, the lightning. We thrive in the thundering heart of the Stormtalon. We unleash this gift of the gods upon this world, and rejoice!

The Talon of Storms is but the first.

Quick Facts

Type: Journal

Stormtalon’s Lair Datacubes, Journals and Tales Locations

List of collectibles

1. DATACUBE ENTRY: Divine IncubationDatacube
2. DATACUBE ENTRY: Elemental StabilizationDatacube
3. DATACUBE ENTRY: Power ConduitDatacube
4. Health Station User’s ManualJournal
5. Spurned by the GodmakerJournal
6. The Call of ThunderJournal
7. The Sacred PlanJournal

Spurned by the Godmaker


I, acolyte of the high priest, write these words.

-Stone-people – Resisted the lightning. Resisted the call of thunder. Did not resist headsman’s axe.
-Humans – Consumed by primal power. No resistance. Cooked to death. Foul stench will never die.
-Gray Ones – Vile substance! Lightning burns away bone and flesh. Death follows.

-Forest-Stalkers – Touched by the power. Senses strong. Mind strong. Bodies not.
-Bird-Men – Too strong. Slaughtered many Thundercall. Destroyed by the high priest.

It is clear. Only Pell can use the Godmaker. The Masters give us the Godmaker to ready for their return. We must show them we are ready. The shell will be chosen. The god placed within. The glory will be all to the Masters.

Quick Facts

Type: Journal

The Call of Thunder


Heed the words of the high priest,
greatest of those who call the thunder,
and stand in awe, for we beseech the Masters.
The gods of the heavens, holy wings of unforgiving light,
the Masters of All.

The great Godmaker, gift of the Masters,
awaits one worthy of the power of wind and sky.
Disciples of Air, one called by the Thunder,
one who to embrace great power,

and sacrifice in pain.

Godmaker, heed us. Godmaker, forgive us. Godmaker, guide us.
Stormtalon tears the sky. Stormtalon fears no god.
Stormtalon knows no Master but the Invoker.
What is sacrificed in pain is visited a thousandfold upon the chosen,
for Stormtalon awakens.

Quick Facts

Type: Journal