Tag Archives: Journal

Explorer’s Log


[An abandoned journal describing a Granok explorer’s discovery of Kel Voreth. Her camp appears to have been abruptly abandoned some time ago.]

Recording start. Start, damn it! You started? Good. Lousy, cheap, no-good piece of machinery. But it beats tryin’ to type. Wish I’d had enough for the holocam model, but ya get what ya can afford to pay for.

So this is Jexine of the Explorers Union, recording – ya still – yeah, okay – recording the find of – well, of a lifetime. I have never seen
anything like this. No one has. Well, okay, Thayd. Everyone knows about Thayd. Osun city us Exiles found and set up as a capitol. Needs better taverns if ya ask me, but ya didn’t, because you’re a recorder and I’m wastin’ power. Where was – yeah, Jexine. That’s me. Now ya can’t see me, so I’ll just point out I’m about two-and-a-half meters’ worth’a Granok woman that ya don’t wanna mess with, which is one’a the things that’s made me such an effective explorer, ya ask me. Like
there was that time I was tryin’ to scale a strange-lookin’ mountain when I first got here and climbed to the top, only to realize I was standin’ on top of a giant robot head! Eh, planted a flag anyway. Ya never know.

Where was I again? Osun! You guys will literally not believe this. And I mean that. I bet you really won’t. But I’m here to tell ya there is a full-on fully functionin’ and thrivin’ and smolderin’ and smokin’ Osun fortress filled with those giants lumberin’ bastards. It’s called
Kel Voreth, near as I can tell from the writin’, which is way too much like ol’ Cassian for my taste.

Kel Voreth’s out Auroria way, but it’s a bit early to send in a peace envoy to see if we can get ’em to turn against the Dommies. Ya ask me, and I know ya didn’t, they hate all of us. Hell, they told me as much when I met ’em. But then one’a their females brought out a round’a some pretty foul-tastin’ hooch that did a number on me all the same. In fact, gettin’ a little… groggy.

this might be my last entry. Last entry for the night. Why’d I say… I dunno. Maybe I’ll feel like doin’ my own thing, soon, but right now all I want to do is… stand… here. I must wait… for her. She will command… she will provide… will… free will… it is lies.

If you hear this. Read… this. Go. I am Jex… Jex… I am… I am. I do not. I. Am not.

Go. No. Further.


Quick Facts

Type: Journal

Forging the Slavemaster


To forge the perfect slavemaster required the fires of old. The fires of Kel Voreth. Only in this sacred and ancient place will the Osun be reborn as conquerors of Nexus once more. Only in Kel Voreth may Osun smiths create a body for a being as perfect as Slavemaster Drokk. And only I, Forgemaster Trogun, understand the secrets of transforming the constructs of the makers into armor for the soul of the fiercest Osun!

Yea, only the sacrifice of a great
Osun slavemaster is worthy of that immortal frame – and Drokk the Malevolent, scourge of the Makers, shall be that Osun! Drokk the Furious, who slew the Disciples of Fire when they tried to take what was ours. Drokk the Invincible, who tore through the invaders with hammer and axe, striking down the people of stone and the tiny fleshlings alike in clouds of blood and gore.

“But what if the process drives him mad?” some asked. “What price this indestructible slave master?”

And now the answer. What price indeed? A few lesser warriors. Fleshlings. Broken machines of the Makers. Yet clearly it was worth it. He is… magnificent.

He will keep the slaves of Kel Voreth in line, and rule over the Blood Pits. He shall be the first of an army of metal giants with the furious souls of Osun and the indestructible bodies forged from the secrets of the Makers themselves. And when the Osun of Kel Voreth are ready to rise up
and scour the surface of Nexus, throwing their battle-tested slaves onto the front lines, it will be Slavemaster Drokk who shall lead them!


Quick Facts

Type: Journal

Ruins of Kel Voreth Datacubes, Journals and Tales Locations

List of collectibles

1. DATACUBE ENTRY: Concealed KnowledgeDatacube
2. DATACUBE ENTRY: Dangerous AdvancementDatacube
3. DATACUBE ENTRY: Ruthless GamesDatacube
4. Explorer’s LogJournal
5. Forging the SlavemasterJournal
6. Preferred SubjectsJournal
7. Sharna’s DiaryJournal
8. The Power of ExaniteJournal

The Power of Exanite


Exanite! It is the single most glorious word I have ever heard. It is a word of the Makers, but it now belongs to the Osun of Voreth. And only I, Trogun, know the secrets of forging it into weapons and armor of terrible strength and power!

The offworlders and outsiders know not of exanite, but they will learn. They will learn at the hands of mighty Osun warriors wielding unbreakable blades, hammers that can shatter the very bones of the earth, and clad in shield and plate
that will never shatter.

Perhaps the fools believe they too can be masters of this holy metal. Perhaps they hope to steal its secrets away from me, from the Voreth Osun, from the Makers themselves. They are welcome to try. The pits thirst for new blood, and the souls of fleshlings who dare enter the sacred fortress of Kel Voreth will pay the price.

There are those among us, heretics and traitors, who claim I, Trogun, do not truly understand the secrets of exanite. Those who call
me fraud or deceiver. They claim it is the elementals of Voreth who truly forge the exanite. They say the forgemaster is nothing without his elemental masters. They are liars all! I, Trogun, am in control. The elemental demons of Voreth serve me, and me alone. They are slaves of the Osun, just as all interlopers on this world shall be when we are done.

So swears Trogun, Forgemaster of Kel Voreth!

Quick Facts

Type: Journal

Sharna’s Diary


[This diary details the capture of Sharna, a Draken female who was the sole survivor of an Osun attack on her village. She has been fighting in the Blood Pits so long, she had time to compile this document between matches. Her current fate is not indicated within the text.]

I thought the Osun to be great warriors. Enemies, yes, but enemies to be admired. Fierce and strong.

The Osun are cowards and thieves.

My village was just beginning. A small gift of land from the emperor on this strange Eldan
world. We hunted the prey of this new wilderness eagerly, and thanked the gods of old for this bounty. Then the Osun came. There was no honor in these creatures, no thirst for the hunt. They only sought to conquer and kill with no purpose but blood.

I may be the only survivor. I do not know. All I know is the Osun took me, broken and injured but still defiant, and threw me into this pit. And since then I kill every day to stay alive. Not for prey, as a Draken should, but for the amusement of these
gray giants. They will die swiftly for this.

I marked the days when I first arrived, but for naught. The Osun took sick joy in finding and destroying the marks when they threw me into the pit to fight for them. If I had to guess, I would say years. If I had to trust senses, it may have only been days.

And so I fight. Dumb beasts, other slaves – for that is all I am, I see that now – and I slay them all. The Osun do not allow surrender in the Blood Pits.

Quick Facts

Type: Journal

My Flight from Arboria

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On the ground, near two grey rocks, Greenleaf Glade.


Everstar Grove

Everstar Grove

My Flight from Arboria


The last battle on Arboria was a nightmare. So many of us didn’t make it to the ships, so many more stayed behind to cover our escape. Arwick led the resistance to the very end, until the queen ordered him to get aboard the escape craft. It was then that I, too, left my home. I was just as frustrated as Arwick seemed to be, but the queen had given us orders. What else could we do? We had to leave or face death on our homeworld.

And then the
place we went next – the ships of the Exile Fleet – was a nightmare, at least at first. Unless you are an Aurin, you probably can’t understand what it feels like to leave the soil of Arboria behind for a vacuum sealed metal can in cold outer space. But even the fleet was not without some connection to our home. The agriculture ships that kept everyone alive were in trouble, and it turns out we Aurin could help. That was how we thanked the humans
for getting us off the planet, but I still wonder if we made the right choice. After all, would the Dominion ever have found us if the humans hadn’t first?

As the queen says, that line of thought is like a weed that puts deep roots down in your heart. It will only grow into a tree of hate, and I have to save my hate for the ones truly responsible for the destruction I witnessed on Arboria: the Dominion.

And so we are here, on Nexus at last. I’ve been
invited to join the queen’s entourage for the landing in Everstar Grove. I’m looking forward to having soil and grass beneath my feet again. It’s been far too long.

[The rest of this personal journal is unfinished. It appears this Aurin’s journey ended once and for all on Nexus.]

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Type: Journal

Containment Protocols

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Containment Protocols journal can be found on the ground behind Victor Lazarin’s hologram, in Whisperwind Hollow area. This is the first settlement you reach after completing starting area – Arkship Docking Bay / Terminal Junction. The Journal is located on a metal platform with a big blue screen.


Everstar Grove

Everstar Grove

Containment Protocols


OUTBREAK LEVEL 1: Contagion Reported/No Physical Evidence
A Level 1 outbreak is the simplest form of outbreak to manage safely. A Level 1 outbreak may simply be an erroneous report.
Recommended Response: Investigation by ordinary authorities employing hazardous material gear to check validity of the report.

OUTBREAK LEVEL 2: Confirmed Contagion/Less than 5 Infected
A Level 2 outbreak is to be taken seriously and can quickly lead to a higher-level situation.

Recommended Response: A Reaper team (minimum 2) should proceed immediately to the site of the outbreak and eliminate infected individuals and confirm no Contagion remains present.

OUTBREAK LEVEL 3: Confirmed Contagion/More than 5 Infected
A Level 3 outbreak is of immediate concern to all surrounding communities. Chance for exponential infection among remaining Mordesh nears 100%.
Recommended Response: A full Reaper team (minimum 6) must eliminate the infected
individuals and capture potential infected for observation. Any sign of further infection must be dealt with immediately and lethally. The area must then be quarantined to non-Mordesh for six standard months.

OUTBREAK LEVEL 4: Confirmed Contagion/1 or More Communities Infected
A Level 4 outbreak requires an immediate military response per the Exile Accords.
Recommended Response: A military air strike must be ordered immediately with the express goal of wiping out the localized area of outbreak.
Reaper teams may not be dispatched until FCON completes this operation and confirms no life signs at site. Then a full Reaper team MUST confirm outbreak has been eliminated. A quarantine must then be observed for one standard year.

OUTBREAK LEVEL 5: Confirmed Contagion/Landmass Infected
A Level 5 outbreak is the second-worst type on record. If all Mordesh on a landmass (island or continent) are confirmed to be infected, the entire landmass must be considered lost.
Recommended Response:
Orbital bombardment of landmass with weapons of mass destruction. Reaper teams may not be dispatched until FCON completes this operation and confirms no life signs. Four full Reaper teams MUST confirm outbreak has been eliminated. Landmass is to then be quarantined for five standard years with no life forms of any kind allowed to escape.

OUTBREAK LEVEL 6: Confirmed Contagion/Planet Infected
A Level 6 outbreak is the worst type on record.
If all Mordesh on a planet are confirmed infected, the planet must be considered lost.
Recommended Response: Planetary evacuation of non-Mordesh and non-infected followed by full orbital bombardment of landmass with weapons of mass destruction. Planet is to then be permanently quarantined to all species with no life forms of any kind allowed to escape.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Type: Journal