Tag Archives: Explorer

OPERATIONS: Statue of Visitation


Find a way to examine the Eldan Statue above Bio-Mech Facility Alpha

_poi_OPERATIONS_Statue_of_Visitation_image_WildStar64_2014_06_24_14_29_51_943.jpg Activate Eldan Control Panel.
_poi_OPERATIONS_Statue_of_Visitation_image_WildStar64_2014_06_24_14_30_09_170.jpg Use the elevator system to reach the higher platform.
_poi_OPERATIONS_Statue_of_Visitation_image_WildStar64_2014_06_24_14_31_01_380.jpg At the platform with Statue of Visitation, take care of winds that blows. Keep moving in opposite direction to counter their effects.
_poi_OPERATIONS_Statue_of_Visitation_image_WildStar64_2014_06_24_14_31_20_168.jpg Examine Statue of Visitation for the path mission completion.


The statue has some inscriptions that will be of considerable interest to the $?f/Exploration Society/Explorers Union/Guild;.

Unlock Text

An Eldan statue sits atop the entrance to Bio-Mech Facility Alpha. Find a way up there and examine it.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Zone: Western Grimvault

Path: Explorer

Episode: Exploring Western Grimvault


  1. X: 221 Y: -4097 Z: -847


Western Grimvault



Find the central hub to unlock the teleporters of Bio-Mech Facility Alpha


Using the antechamber as a shortcut will give the $?f/Exploration Society/Explorers Union/Guild; an advantage over the $?f/Exiles/Dominion/Guild;, without a doubt.

Unlock Text

Energy readings from the Outer Core Chamber indicate a teleporter system with access pads connected by a central hub. Locating the hub should be a top priority!

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Zone: Western Grimvault

Path: Explorer

Episode: Exploring Western Grimvault


  1. X: 430 Y: -5348 Z: -1034

CARTOGRAPHY: The Lightspire


Locate a suitable position to deploy a beacon near the Lightspire


The beacon’s scans indicate that the Lightspire is composed of solid exanite! This may be the greatest discovery the $?f/Dominion/Exiles/[THIS IS A BUG. PLEASE REPORT.]; has made since finding Nexus!

Unlock Text

The $?f/Royal Collegium/XAS/[THIS IS A BUG. PLEASE REPORT.]; wants to collect more data on the Lightspire, the Eldan structure at the center of Grimvault. Find a suitable location then place a beacon to collect scan data.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Zone: Southern Grimvault

Path: Explorer

Episode: Exploring Southern Grimvault



Use Eldan platform controls to reach the top of a Complex Alpha Tower


The complex is so huge that even the beacon’s scanning range doesn’t cover its immensity.

Unlock Text

The vastness of the complex is difficult to comprehend from the ground. Our efforts would be greatly aided by an Explorer beacon at the top of a nearby tower.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: Western Grimvault

Path: Explorer

Episode: Exploring Western Grimvault

SCAVENGER HUNT: Chasing Amelia


Locate Amelia within the crashed ship, the Widowmaker

_poi_SCAVENGER_HUNT_Chasing_Amelia_image_WildStar64_2014_06_24_14_31_40_587.jpg Abigail Brightfield gives the clues.
_poi_SCAVENGER_HUNT_Chasing_Amelia_image_WildStar64_2014_06_24_14_34_55_699.jpg All 3 Clue locations are inside The Widowmaker.
_poi_SCAVENGER_HUNT_Chasing_Amelia_image_WildStar64_2014_06_24_14_37_51_894.jpg Clue 1: Kill Strain cratures. This one was lucky for me.
_poi_SCAVENGER_HUNT_Chasing_Amelia_image_WildStar64_2014_06_24_14_37_09_630.jpg Clue 2: Consumable Freezer.
_poi_SCAVENGER_HUNT_Chasing_Amelia_image_WildStar64_2014_06_24_14_38_15_365.jpg Clue 3: Use jump boosts.


Turns out Abigail Brightfield was so grateful she broke out her pocketbook and gave the Explorers Union a grant, all ’cause you helped find her life-long pet.

Unlock Text

Abigail Brightfield’s beloved Amelia went missing inside the crashed Widowmaker. Take time from hunting relics and help a distressed Exile out!

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: Western Grimvault

Path: Explorer

Episode: Exploring Western Grimvault


  1. X: 287 Y: -4170 Z: -890


Western Grimvault

OPERATIONS: Hit the Lights


Turn on the generators to power up spotlights on the Command Deck

_poi_OPERATIONS_Hit_the_Lights_image_WildStar64_2014_05_13_11_52_22_785.jpg You can find four generators just bellow the main command deck.
_poi_OPERATIONS_Hit_the_Lights_image_WildStar64_2014_05_13_11_52_26_911.jpg While close to them use keyboard button “F” (by default) for repair.
_poi_OPERATIONS_Hit_the_Lights_image_WildStar64_2014_05_13_11_52_58_174.jpg Check the whole area for all four of them.


With power restored to the spotlights on the Command Deck, more FCON units arrived to help keep the Dominion at bay.

Unlock Text

Explore the lowest floor of the Command Deck and turn on the generators so we can get FCON more visibility on the action.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: The Gambler’s Ruin

Path: Explorer

Episode: Eyes on the Ruin


  1. X: -1391 Y: -70 Z: 284
  2. X: -1336 Y: -94 Z: 298
  3. X: -1358 Y: -132 Z: 303
  4. X: -1320 Y: -70 Z: 299


Arkship Bridge

SURVEILLANCE: Ascend the Asteroid


Activate the Ascension Assistant bot for help climbing the asteroid

_poi_SURVEILLANCE_Ascend_the_Asteroid_image_WildStar64_2014_05_13_12_02_11_431.jpg Activate the Ascension Assistant bot for help climbing the asteroid
_poi_SURVEILLANCE_Ascend_the_Asteroid_image_WildStar64_2014_05_13_11_59_24_338.jpg Climb on the asteroid.
_poi_SURVEILLANCE_Ascend_the_Asteroid_image_WildStar64_2014_05_13_12_00_06_027.jpg When you are inside the blue circle, use the path action key G (by default), or simply click on the explorer path mission in lower right corner (by default).


Nice work climbin’ up the asteroid. The surveillance beacon you left up there will help the Exiles keep a watchful eye the Greenhouse.

Unlock Text

The Explorer’s Union left an Ascension Assistant bot near the asteroid. Use it to climb to the top of the asteroid to plant a surveillance device.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Zone: The Gambler’s Ruin

Path: Explorer

Episode: Eyes on the Ruin


Arkship Greenhouse