Tag Archives: classes

Carbine Promises Big Reveals And Upcoming Beta Testing

WildStar has been one of the most exciting games to follow in it’s development. The level of fan interaction, reveals, and general flair they have brought to the process has been putting other games currently in development to shame (I’m looking at you ESO). This made it strange, however, when carbine seemed to grow somewhat quiet over the past couple of months. There was still the great fan interaction, but very little new news was coming out about the game. It turns out they had a very good reason, and are planning to make up for lost time in a big way.

The team at Carbine had been hard at work over the past few months getting the game ready for its next stage of development. Now that they have reached that stage they are ready to show off all the new things they have been working on. Not only that, but the team is planning on streaming some gameplay on Twittch, which is something everyone can get excited about. And, to top it all off, they announced that the next round of beta testing will be starting in December.

You can read about all the upcoming fun after the break. If you’re as excited as we are be sure to let us know in the comments below. Continue reading