WildStar Known Headstart Issues

Carbine team is currently investigating and tracking the following issues:

  • Players are unable to view Realm List/Enter Realms
  • Players are seeing extremely long queue times
  • Players cannot speak/do not have permissions to use chat channels
  • Players are missing their entitlement items (Boom Boxes, Pre-Order bonuses etc)
  • Players cannot create characters/have less character slots than intended
  • Players unable to create characters due to no UI being loaded after entering a Realm.
  • Some users are seeing an Error 15 message preventing login.
    POSSIBLE FIX: We recommend using a hard line into your Router (if possible) rather than a WiFi connection to see if this resolves the issue
  • A new EN-PvP Realm (Ravenous) has been opened to help alleviate traffic
  • Users are reporting their Reserved names are not available.
  • Some users are reporting they are being bounced between NA and EU, receiving a “No Valid Game Account” message.
    Update: We’re still investigating the issue with “No Valid Game Account”.

More info as we have it.

6 thoughts on “WildStar Known Headstart Issues

  1. Earl

    I know you guys are investigating on the issue with “No Valid Game Account” but I was just wondering if the affected players are able to get compensated for this loss?

    1. Algov

      The no valid game account was a problem I had also. I fixed it by going into my wildstar account and adding the game to it manually. It did not auto add it to my created account so I had the game downloaded and the account created but not joined. As soon as I did this I was able to log in normally.

  2. John Fougere

    My wife and I signed up together. We are using Identical systems with identical software installed. She is level 14, I am level 10. We were supposed to be playing this together. The disparity between our levels is a direct result of the BS being displayed by the login issues. I mean come on DDOS attack? Can’t you do any better than that..this is a preventable attack ffs. Were you not prepared? I pad a premium to get a head start and all I am getting is a bunch of logon issues …big fucking deal.

  3. Prof

    Are you saying that being prepared would have stopped every DDOS attempt? No, its not a failsafe. Things are going to go wrong at some point, and they’ll attempt to fix it.
    As far as the disparity in level between you and your SO, perhaps she should have waited for you to catch up, logins or no. You can’t blame everything on the devs.


  4. Rekson

    I know I preordered mine from BestBuy and they are stating they were not given any codes. If you did beta you should be in, but nope. Now They cant find my account when I go into the accounts page and see it? damn good thing this is happening now and not at launch, but will there be a compensation for those affected? Would love to know

  5. Robert Carpenter

    I have not received any pre-order or special edition items to my inbox as instructed which was suppose to occur as soon as I log in on the 31st.

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