Crimson Isle Datacubes, Journals and Tales Locations


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Crimson Isle

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1. DATACUBE ENTRY: Failed ExperimentsDatacubeDominion
2. DATACUBE ENTRY: Humanoid TemplateDatacubeDominion
3. DATACUBE ENTRY: Lethal ConstructDatacubeDominion
4. DATACUBE ENTRY: Predatory EfficiencyDatacubeDominion
5. Dead Men Tell No TalesJournalDominion
6. Explorer Bozlo’s JournalJournalDominion
7. Explorer Lozok’s LogJournalDominion
8. Megatech ManifestoJournalDominion
9. Mine Deployment InstructionsJournalDominion
10. The Warbringer’s OrdersJournalDominion
11. The Zax’s OrdersJournalDominion

5 thoughts on “Crimson Isle Datacubes, Journals and Tales Locations

  1. Saccharine

    The Warbringer’s Orders Journal is located right on the coast of Savage Coast.
    You can find Explorer Lozok’s Log in a cave in the Savage Coast area around /loc -7562.52 -979.24 -339.66 -118.93

  2. Zags

    The The Warbringer’s Orders are on the sandy beach on the southern tip of the Savage Coast!

  3. Abyssal Wraith

    As of 7/17/2016 there are now 8 journals available in Crimson Isle… after following this map I have 7/8 showing.

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