Wildstar Item Database

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Found 1044 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Raze Ruin Regulator50AugmentGear1615
Robust Eldritch Controller50AugmentGear1430
Sagitaurus's Bone Scaling50AugmentGear1430
Salvager's Restorative Essence50AugmentGear1493
Salvager's Ruthless Essence50AugmentGear1493
Savage Eldritch Controller50AugmentGear1430
Savant's Afflicting Neural Chip50AugmentGear1493
Savant's Meditative Neural Chip50AugmentGear1493
Seeker's Invasive Essence50AugmentGear1493
Seeker's Phasing Essence50AugmentGear1493
Sensible Eldritch Controller50AugmentGear1430
Smuggled Intelligence Databank50AugmentGear1615
Sojourner's Implant50AugmentGear1615
Song of the Sands50AugmentGear1319
Soothsayer's Afflicting Neural Chip50AugmentGear1493
Soothsayer's Meditative Neural Chip50AugmentGear1493
Stone Fortune Chip50AugmentGear1615
Strain Resistant Hexwave Neuralmod50AugmentGear1430
Swordmaiden's Vitara Serum50AugmentGear1615
Talon of Rending Skies50AugmentGear1615
Tenacious Eldtrich Controller50AugmentGear1430
The Bloodstone50AugmentGear1430
The Bloodstone50AugmentGear1430
The Palehusk50AugmentGear1430
The Palehusk50AugmentGear1430
Theorist Probe50AugmentGear1430
Trailblazer's Daring50AugmentGear1430
Trailblazer's Mettle50AugmentGear1430
Trailblazer's Resolution50AugmentGear1430
Trooper Uplink50AugmentGear1430
Venomfang Poison Sac50AugmentGear1615
Voreth Forged Crystal50AugmentGear1615
Voreth Slave Recombinator50AugmentGear1615
Voreth Subdermal Weave50AugmentGear1615
Warstrife Governor50AugmentGear1615
Woebringer Augment50AugmentGear1615
Embedded Adrenaline Booster49AugmentGear1377
King's Rock49AugmentGear1267
Megatech Freedom Chip49AugmentGear1377
Resonant Manawebbed Heart49AugmentGear1167
Resonant Xenocite Heart49AugmentGear1267
Subdermal Flexbooster49AugmentGear846
Twisted Cranial Chip49AugmentGear1319
Aj^6 Construct48AugmentGear1216
Bio-Phage Suppressor48AugmentGear1216
Depravity Plasmid48AugmentGear1216
Heart of the Strain48AugmentGear1216
Reactive Necrocite Implant48AugmentGear1216