Wildstar Item Database

Use the form bellow to filter through all available Wildstar items. You can use our item database to browse through all the items Wildstar has to offer or try and find the best in slot item for the class you are playing. We'll keep this database updated and we'll be adding new features regularly.



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Found 1044 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Overseer's Restorative Implant10AugmentGear141
Overseer's Ruthless Implant10AugmentGear141
Protopolymer Rebreather10AugmentGear111
Protopolymer Rebreather10AugmentGear141
Rogue's Implant10AugmentGear141
Rogue's Invasive Implant10AugmentGear141
Rogue's Phasing Implant10AugmentGear141
Sentinel's Implant10AugmentGear141
Sentinel's Restorative Implant10AugmentGear141
Sentinel's Ruthless Implant10AugmentGear141
Spellbinder's Fusillade Implant10AugmentGear141
Spellbinder's Implant10AugmentGear141
Spellbinder's Invigorating Implant10AugmentGear141
Stormcrest Wing10AugmentGear160
Swashbuckler's Implant10AugmentGear141
Swashbuckler's Invasive Implant10AugmentGear141
Swashbuckler's Phasing Implant10AugmentGear141
Vanguard's Assailing Implant10AugmentGear141
Vanguard's Implant10AugmentGear141
Vanguard's Thwarting Implant10AugmentGear141
Velocity Adaptor10AugmentGear160
General AEGIS Controller9AugmentGear97
Photonic Neural Chip9AugmentGear97
Terminite Phermone Gland9AugmentGear97
Anomalous Crystal Essence8AugmentGear82
Indeterminate AEGIS Substance8AugmentGear82
Pilot Light8AugmentGear123
Anomalous Particle Essence7AugmentGear68
Heart of the Wood7AugmentGear82
The Brain7AugmentGear82
Anomalous Plasma Essence6AugmentGear53
Anomalous Proton Essence5AugmentGear39
Heirloom Implant1AugmentGear 
Annihilator Implant AugmentGear53
Anti-Venom Synthesizer AugmentGear953
Arc Fatalis AugmentGear547
Arwick's Vengeance AugmentGear53
Audax's Audacity AugmentGear270
Avatar's Transmitter AugmentGear197
Beastmaster's Command AugmentGear635
Beastmaster's Command AugmentGear635
Bingberry Metabolizer AugmentGear289
Bingberry Portable Juicer AugmentGear289
Blood of the Altar AugmentGear53
Bloodfire Inducer AugmentGear53
Bore Drill Processor AugmentGear97
Brain Parasite AugmentGear418
Brain Parasite AugmentGear418
Burnt Intake Governor AugmentGear344