Wildstar Item Database

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Found 1044 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Buzzbing Attractor AugmentGear270
Buzzbing Distractor AugmentGear270
Cellular Reinforcement AugmentGear53
Coolant Recirculator AugmentGear1121
Coolant Recirculator AugmentGear1121
Corroded Logic Core AugmentGear111
Corrupted Stemdragon Brain AugmentGear747
Critter Gitter AugmentGear233
Crystallized Logic Core AugmentGear111
Dagun Trapper's Implant AugmentGear53
Deadstar Targeting Assistant AugmentGear53
Dermal Reinforcement Implant AugmentGear53
Dexterous Serum Injector AugmentGear53
Eldan Cache Broken Lock AugmentGear492
Eldan Cache Broken Lock AugmentGear492
Energy Lab Security Processor AugmentGear492
Energy Lab Security Processor AugmentGear492
Exile's Vengeance AugmentGear53
FCON Badge AugmentGear1034
Firestorm Targeting System AugmentGear53
Focus of the Leviathan AugmentGear197
Forgemaster's Strength AugmentGear344
FrankenChip AugmentGear53
Gambler's Rebreather AugmentGear233
Glop Gun Controller AugmentGear197
Gronyx Rage Inducer AugmentGear97
Halsen's Recombinator AugmentGear97
Heart of Aggression AugmentGear1034
Heart of Aggression AugmentGear1034
Honeyworks Extractor AugmentGear270
Hoverbike Control Chip AugmentGear418
Hoverbike Control Chip AugmentGear418
Imbued Serum Injector AugmentGear53
Infernal Intensifier AugmentGear197
Inferno Reaper Chip AugmentGear197
Insatiable Hunger AugmentGear547
Lumination of Radiance AugmentGear1034
M.R.E. AugmentGear289
Mad Scientist's Neural Chip AugmentGear97
Neural Link of the Destroyers AugmentGear270
Neural Transmitter of the Great Hunt AugmentGear53
Neural-Boosted Transmitter AugmentGear197
Overcharged Hoverbike Battery AugmentGear418
Overcharged Hoverbike Battery AugmentGear418
Overly Friendly Squirg AugmentGear418
Overly Friendly Squirg AugmentGear418
Papovich's Hexwave Implant AugmentGear53
Perimeter Scanner AugmentGear53
Polished Brass Ring AugmentGear197
Preserved Cryoglider Egg AugmentGear1121