Wildstar Item Database

Use the form bellow to filter through all available Wildstar items. You can use our item database to browse through all the items Wildstar has to offer or try and find the best in slot item for the class you are playing. We'll keep this database updated and we'll be adding new features regularly.



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Found 358 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Classic Stem Pie15 Special Meals169
Classy Nuked Fillet15 Special Meals169
Classy Nuked Fin15 Special Meals169
Classy Nuked Flesh15 Special Meals169
Classy Nuked Rib15 Special Meals169
Classy Nuked Shank15 Special Meals169
Classy Nuked Stem15 Special Meals169
Fried Gribbon15 Special Meals169
Galeras Casserole15 Special Meals169
Grilled Dagun Steak15 Special Meals169
Honeywheat-Glazed Buzzbing15 Special Meals169
Roast Roan Tenderloin15 Special Meals169
Sauteed Buzzbing15 Special Meals169
Smoked Cubacon15 Special Meals169
Stemdragon Stir-Fry15 Special Meals169
Aurin Sweetbread14 Special Meals155
Chompa-Chalupa14 Special Meals155
Sauteed Buzzbing14 Special Meals155
Algoroc Soup10 Special Meals97
Buzzbing Pasta10 Special Meals97
Celestion Chowder10 Special Meals97
Dagun Sausage10 Special Meals97
Dawngrazer Roast10 Special Meals97
Deradune Kabobs10 Special Meals97
Ellevar Bowl10 Special Meals97
Escarsnoglug10 Special Meals97
Flame-Roasted Pumera10 Special Meals97
Girrok 'n Beans10 Special Meals97
Grilled Moonfish10 Special Meals97
Grilled Roan Steak10 Special Meals97
Roast Ravenok10 Special Meals97
Roasted Mammodin Flank10 Special Meals97
Sauteed Stumpkin10 Special Meals97
Shredded Garr Meat10 Special Meals97
Smoked Stardines10 Special Meals97
Spider Stir Fry10 Special Meals97
Weakened Gladiator's Rations10 Special Meals97
Fallen Fruit8 Special Meals68
Exile Rations5 Special Meals 
Greko's Black Label3 Special Meals 
Protostar Space Rations3 Special Meals 
Algoroc Fruit Salad1 Special Meals 
Hearty Heynar Stew1 Special Meals 
Heirloom Food1 Special Meals 
Recipe: Space Jelly1 Special Meals 
Roan Prime Rib1 Special Meals 
Roan Top Sirloin1 Special Meals 
Slow-Cooked Girrok Roast1 Special Meals 
Cactus Ale  Special Meals 
Classic Fillet-On-A-Stick  Special Meals169