Wildstar Item Database

Use the form bellow to filter through all available Wildstar items. You can use our item database to browse through all the items Wildstar has to offer or try and find the best in slot item for the class you are playing. We'll keep this database updated and we'll be adding new features regularly.



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Found 358 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Nectar of the Godwood3 Special Meals 
Poacher's Aim3 Special Meals 
Protostar Algae Chips3 Special Meals 
Radiant Holy Water3 Special Meals 
Seasoned Snoglug Eggs3 Special Meals 
Slightly Irradiated Coldwater3 Special Meals 
Spikefruit Juice3 Special Meals 
Standard Rations3 Special Meals 
Swiftness of the Plains3 Special Meals 
Thirst-Quenching Spring Water3 Special Meals 
Vigil's Focus3 Special Meals 
Bello's Farside Sangria  Special Meals 
Chalice of Grove Essence  Special Meals846
Dark Side Cocktail  Special Meals 
Draught of Grove Essence  Special Meals846
Goblet of Grove Essence  Special Meals846
Grail of Grove Essence  Special Meals846
Grumpel Slush  Special Meals 
Harmonious Brew  Special Meals846
Harmonious Concoction  Special Meals846
Harmonious Liquescent  Special Meals846
Harmonious Liquiform  Special Meals846
Harmonious Melange  Special Meals846
Harmonious Mixture  Special Meals846
Moonwalker Mojito  Special Meals 
Scotch on the Moon Rocks  Special Meals 
Vessel of Grove Essence  Special Meals846
Flaming Smoothie32 Special Meals 
Braised Walatusk Belly25 Special Meals314
Mammodin Meatballs25 Special Meals314
Shellark Steak25 Special Meals314
Slow-Cooked Dawngrazer25 Special Meals314
Whitevale Stew25 Special Meals314
Tender Pot Roast20 Special Meals242
Slave Ration17 Special Meals198
Auroria Pasta15 Special Meals169
Boulderback Filet Mignon15 Special Meals169
Classic Bird Pie15 Special Meals169
Classic Fillet Stew15 Special Meals169
Classic Fish Pie15 Special Meals169
Classic Fleshy Pie15 Special Meals169
Classic Meat Pie15 Special Meals169
Classic Poached Fillet15 Special Meals169
Classic Poached Fin15 Special Meals169
Classic Poached Flesh15 Special Meals169
Classic Poached Rib15 Special Meals169
Classic Poached Shank15 Special Meals169
Classic Poached Stem15 Special Meals169
Classic Rib Pie15 Special Meals169
Classic Rib Stew15 Special Meals169