Wildstar Item Database

Use the form bellow to filter through all available Wildstar items. You can use our item database to browse through all the items Wildstar has to offer or try and find the best in slot item for the class you are playing. We'll keep this database updated and we'll be adding new features regularly.



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Found 358 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Coralus Barbecue25 Special Meals314
Cubacon and Eggs25 Special Meals314
Delphinian Dinner25 Special Meals314
Dreadmoor Meat Pie25 Special Meals314
Farside Feast25 Special Meals314
Fatty Walatusk Stew25 Special Meals314
Firesauce Steamglider25 Special Meals314
Garr-becue25 Special Meals314
Gloaming Gumbo25 Special Meals314
Grilled Girrok25 Special Meals314
Grilled Longsnout25 Special Meals314
Grilled Steamglider25 Special Meals314
Grilled Tropwing25 Special Meals314
Honeywheatbaked Warham25 Special Meals314
Hookfoot Salad25 Special Meals314
Hookfoot Wraps25 Special Meals314
Longsnout and Stoutroot Chips25 Special Meals314
Mammodin Meatloaf25 Special Meals314
Meaty Girrok Stew25 Special Meals314
Pickled Hookfin25 Special Meals314
Pickled Rootbrute25 Special Meals314
Piranha Tacos25 Special Meals314
Prosperity Pot Roast25 Special Meals314
Regalstone Chowder25 Special Meals314
Rockhorde Candy25 Special Meals314
Rootbrute Succotash25 Special Meals314
Roughwhite Ratatouille25 Special Meals314
Seared Frenzysnap25 Special Meals314
Shellark Fin Soup25 Special Meals314
Sour Terminite Gummies25 Special Meals314
Spearnose Sashimi25 Special Meals314
Spiced Dawngrazer25 Special Meals314
Spicy Spearnose Handroll25 Special Meals314
Sunfish Sashimi25 Special Meals314
Super Spicy Garr-becue25 Special Meals314
Sweet and Sour Sunfish Soup25 Special Meals314
Sweet-Glazed Tropwing25 Special Meals314
Tanglemire Casserole25 Special Meals314
Terminite Gut Stew25 Special Meals314
Warham and Cheese25 Special Meals314
Wickwood Hash25 Special Meals314
Bug Chowder Breadbowl22 Special Meals271
Sandwich - Tier 318 Special Meals 
Baked Bladescale15 Special Meals169
Bladescale Salad15 Special Meals169
Boulderback Ribs15 Special Meals169
Buzzbing Au Vin15 Special Meals169
Chocolate Buzzbing15 Special Meals169
Cubacon Melt15 Special Meals169
Dagun Steak Au Jus15 Special Meals169