Wildstar Item Database

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Found 4476 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Ward of the Lost Ark50ShieldsGear1551
Warden's Grace50ShieldsGear1615
Warstrife Governor50AugmentGear1615
Wayfinder's Reserves50GadgetGear995
Weed Pruner50 Gear1686
Woebringer Augment50AugmentGear1615
Woodwraith Hilt50 Gear1686
Zappo's Projected Blocker50ShieldsGear1430
Ancient Combat Overlay49 Gear1493
Antiparticle Protoplate Capsule49 Gear1322
Augmentium Bonding49 Gear1322
Blessing of the Spiritmother49GadgetGear918
Bulwark of Shallaos49ShieldsGear1430
Corruption of the Sanctuary49 Gear1493
Deadringer's Core49 Gear1493
Embedded Adrenaline Booster49AugmentGear1377
Holographic Datastream49 Gear1493
Jungleblood Injection System49 Gear1493
Kernel Upgrade49 Gear1322
King's Rock49AugmentGear1267
Lifeweaver's Aura49ShieldsGear1430
Lifeweaver's Protection49GadgetGear918
Lifeweaver's Shelter49ShieldsGear1430
Megatech Freedom Chip49AugmentGear1377
Megatech Shielding Unit49ShieldsGear1377
Ondu's Corrupted Spine49 Gear1493
Oscillating Intech Bioshield49ShieldsGear1267
Oscillating Protoplate Bioshield49ShieldsGear1167
Overlord's Binding49ShieldsGear1430
Plasma Electropolymer Augment49 Gear1267
Plasma Protostar Augment49 Gear1322
Protostar Emergency Dismemberment Repeller49ShieldsGear1430
Rampant Growth49GadgetGear918
Resonant Manawebbed Heart49AugmentGear1167
Resonant Xenocite Heart49AugmentGear1267
Selene's Providence49GadgetGear918
Shimmering Flameward49ShieldsGear1430
Subdermal Flexbooster49AugmentGear846
Swordmaiden's Combat Augmentor49 Gear1493
Swordmaiden's Combat Enhancer49 Gear1493
Swordmaiden's Sanctuary49GadgetGear918
The Dead Ringer49ShieldsGear1430
The Phagebane49ShieldsGear1430
Touch of the Torine49GadgetGear918
Twisted Cranial Chip49AugmentGear1319
Word of the Darkspeaker49GadgetGear918
Accelerated Protoplate Elevator48 Gear1269
Aj^6 Construct48AugmentGear1216
Bio-Phage Suppressor48AugmentGear1216