Wildstar Item Database

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Found 4476 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Blue Beta48ShieldsGear1216
Deathkiss48 Gear1269
Defense of Grimvault48ShieldsGear1216
Defensive Necrocite Coating48 Gear1269
Defensive Protomesh Coating48 Gear1216
Depravity Plasmid48AugmentGear1216
Grim Reaper48 Gear1269
Heart of the Strain48AugmentGear1216
Hyperthreading Processor48 Gear1269
Into the Breach48 Gear1269
Mind Field48ShieldsGear1216
Primal Air Forcer48 Gear1269
Pustule Protector48ShieldsGear1216
Radioactive Electroweave Shelter48ShieldsGear1121
Radioactive Intech Shelter48ShieldsGear1216
Rayna's Battle Lust48 Gear1267
Reactive Necrocite Implant48AugmentGear1216
Reactive Ultrapolymer Implant48AugmentGear1121
Red Beta48ShieldsGear1216
Strained Against the Strain48 Gear1269
Accelerated Repulsor47ShieldsGear1168
Digi-Gel47 Gear1219
Digital Conveyer47 Gear1219
Divergent Electromesh Recombinator47AugmentGear1076
Electropolymer Assist Module47 Gear1168
Lemon Grabber47 Gear1219
Lifelink47 Gear1219
Multiphasic Electromesh Recombinator47AugmentGear1168
Refractive Repulsor47ShieldsGear1076
Trembling Protoweave Magnifier47 Gear1219
Trubble47 Gear1219
Ultratronic Assist Module47 Gear1219
Crucible Guardian's Blood Sight46 Gear1170
Crucible Guardian's Fury Booster46 Gear1170
Crucible Guardian's Neural Analyzer46 Gear1170
First Down46AugmentGear1121
Fourth and Goal46 Gear1170
Hellrose Flameward46ShieldsGear1121
Modified Magniserum Booster46AugmentGear1121
Reactive Target Link46 Gear1170
Simple Magniserum Booster46AugmentGear1034
Standard-Issue Wave Field46ShieldsGear1034
Super Energized Wave Field46ShieldsGear1121
The Hellrose46 Gear1170
Thermal Target Link46 Gear1121
Tiki Protector's Bamboo Haft46 Gear1170
Tiki Protector's Jungle Augmentor46 Gear1170
Tiki Protector's Sacrificial Amplifier46 Gear1170