Wildstar Item Database

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Found 4476 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Striker's Reso-Chargers50 Gear1686
Supportbot Core50 Gear1493
Sword Grip of the Spiritmother50 Gear1686
Swordmaiden's Axe Handle50 Gear1686
Swordmaiden's Combat Booster50 Gear1686
Swordmaiden's Magnifier50 Gear1686
Swordmaiden's Vitara Serum50AugmentGear1615
Syke's Determination50GadgetGear995
Talon of Rending Skies50AugmentGear1615
Tenacious Eldtrich Controller50AugmentGear1430
The Bloodstone50AugmentGear1430
The Bloodstone50AugmentGear1430
The Hammerer50 Gear1493
The Heavy Burden50ShieldsGear1615
The Oakenshield50ShieldsGear1615
The Palehusk50AugmentGear1430
The Palehusk50AugmentGear1430
The Syndicate's Medallion50GadgetGear995
Theorist Probe50AugmentGear1430
Thermal Energy Deflector50ShieldsGear1615
Thundering Quill50 Gear1686
Thundering Sparkplug50 Gear1686
Torine Blade Sharpener50 Gear1686
Torine Emissary's Negotiator50 Gear1686
Torine Sense Heightener50 Gear1686
Tourist's Emergency Cache50 Gear1377
Tourist's Spare Battery50 Gear1377
Tourist's Supplementary Insurance50 Gear1377
Trailblazer's Daring50AugmentGear1430
Trailblazer's Mettle50AugmentGear1430
Trailblazer's Resolution50AugmentGear1430
Trivergent AEGIS Suppressor50 Gear1377
Trogun's Rage50 Gear1686
Trooper Uplink50AugmentGear1430
True Strike50GadgetGear846
Ultraflex Rangefinder50 Gear1493
Umbra's Phantom Pain50 Gear1493
Uniwave Energy Barrier50ShieldsGear1216
Vanquisher's Grip50 Gear1686
Venomfang Pinchers50 Gear1493
Venomfang Poison Sac50AugmentGear1615
Voreth Carnage Field50ShieldsGear1615
Voreth Enshrining Field50ShieldsGear1615
Voreth Forged Crystal50AugmentGear1615
Voreth Hound Coating50 Gear1686
Voreth Master Grip50 Gear1686
Voreth Slave Recombinator50AugmentGear1615
Voreth Subdermal Weave50AugmentGear1615
Warchanter's Wave Field50ShieldsGear1615