Wildstar Item Database

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Found 13082 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Serrated Iron Infusinators6Primary WeaponWeapon - Paddles53
Superior Clutches of the Clan6HandsMedium Armor68
The Frostshard6ChestHeavy Armor197
Varnished Bone-Handled Pistols6Primary WeaponWeapon - Pistols68
Vial of Stonetusk Stomach Acid6 Medishots & Boosts 
Accelerated Particle Field5ShieldsGear39
Aggression Enhancement: Mark I5 Consumable 
Anomalous Proton Essence5AugmentGear39
Armor Boost5 Medishots & Boosts140
Aurin Brown Flower Vase (Pink Flowers)5 Housing24
Bent Iron Breastplate5ChestHeavy Armor160
Bent Iron Breastplate5ChestHeavy Armor126
Bent Iron Legs5LegsHeavy Armor126
Bent Iron Legs5LegsHeavy Armor160
Bent Steel Foot Guards5FeetHeavy Armor39
Bent Steel War Gloves5HandsHeavy Armor39
Blue Sporty Sphere5 Housing24
Bramble Bush5 Housing24
Brutality Amplifier- Mark I5 Medishots & Boosts 
Bulrush (Green)5 Housing24
Bulrush (Sienna)5 Housing24
Bushberry (Tall)5 Housing24
Corroded Iron Bazooka5Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun39
Corroded Iron Bazooka5Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun49
Corroded Iron Zapillators5Primary WeaponWeapon - Paddles39
Corroded Iron Zapillators5Primary WeaponWeapon - Paddles49
Design Paradigms for New Architects5 Crafting Supplies24
Design Patterns for Architecture5 Crafting Supplies24
Double Action Iron Revolvers5Primary WeaponWeapon - Pistols39
Double Action Iron Revolvers5Primary WeaponWeapon - Pistols49
Draken Banner5 Housing24
Elemental Resistance Accelerator - Mark I5 Medishots & Boosts 
Firebrand Enhancement: Mark I5 Consumable 
Focus Amplifier- Mark I5 Medishots & Boosts 
Fortification Solvent: Mark I5 Consumable 
Frayed Canvas Gloves5HandsLight Armor39
Frayed Canvas Shoes5FeetLight Armor39
Frayed Split Leather Boots5FeetMedium Armor39
Frayed Split Leather Chest Guard5ChestMedium Armor160
Frayed Split Leather Chest Guard5ChestMedium Armor126
Frayed Split Leather Gauntlets5HandsMedium Armor39
Frayed Split Leather Greaves5LegsMedium Armor160
Frayed Split Leather Greaves5LegsMedium Armor126
Frayed Wool Pants5LegsLight Armor126
Frayed Wool Pants5LegsLight Armor160
Frayed Wool Shirt5ChestLight Armor126
Frayed Wool Shirt5ChestLight Armor160
Fumustar Solution5 Crafting Supplies24
Habanero Bloom5 Housing24
Habanero Bloom Bush5 Housing24