Wildstar Item Database

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Found 13082 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Decorated Iron Psyblade6Primary WeaponWeapon - Psyblade53
Deputy's Leather Gloves6HandsMedium Armor68
Deputy's Lightweight Foot Guards6FeetLight Armor68
Deputy's Lightweight Hand Wraps6HandsLight Armor68
Deputy's Reinforced Hand Guards6HandsHeavy Armor68
Deputy's Reinforced Punters6FeetHeavy Armor68
Deputy's Treaded Steps6FeetMedium Armor68
Great Barrier Wreath6ShieldsGear86
Grovewalker's Leather Gloves6HandsMedium Armor68
Grovewalker's Lightweight Foot Guards6FeetLight Armor68
Grovewalker's Lightweight Hand Wraps6HandsLight Armor68
Grovewalker's Reinforced Hand Guards6HandsHeavy Armor68
Grovewalker's Reinforced Punters6FeetHeavy Armor68
Grovewalker's Treaded Steps6FeetMedium Armor68
Hand Guards of the Blessed6HandsHeavy Armor68
Hunter's Determination6 Dyes 
Laser Pulsed Energy Web6ShieldsGear53
Leather Gripped Bone Psyblade6Primary WeaponWeapon - Psyblade68
Lightreach Cleats6FeetMedium Armor68
Lightreach Stompers6FeetHeavy Armor68
Lightreach Treads6FeetLight Armor68
Mammodin Hide Extract6 Dyes 
Modified Bloodfire Cleats6FeetMedium Armor68
Nom Noms6HandsLight Armor68
Plain Canvas Gloves6HandsLight Armor53
Plain Canvas Shoes6FeetLight Armor53
Plain Iron Chest Guard6ChestHeavy Armor140
Plain Iron Chest Guard6ChestHeavy Armor178
Plain Iron Greaves6LegsHeavy Armor140
Plain Iron Greaves6LegsHeavy Armor178
Plain Leather Boots6FeetMedium Armor53
Plain Leather Gauntlets6HandsMedium Armor53
Plain Split Leather Chest Guard6ChestMedium Armor178
Plain Split Leather Chest Guard6ChestMedium Armor178
Plain Split Leather Chest Guard6ChestMedium Armor140
Plain Split Leather Greaves6LegsMedium Armor178
Plain Split Leather Greaves6LegsMedium Armor140
Plain Steel Boots6FeetHeavy Armor53
Plain Steel Gauntlets6HandsHeavy Armor53
Plain Wool Pants6LegsLight Armor140
Plain Wool Pants6LegsLight Armor178
Plain Wool Shirt6ChestLight Armor140
Plain Wool Shirt6ChestLight Armor178
Pristine Bindings of the Clan6HandsLight Armor68
Serrated Ceramic Claws6Primary WeaponWeapon - Claws68
Serrated Iron Alloy Claymore6Primary WeaponWeapon - Greatsword68
Serrated Iron Alloy Claymore6Primary WeaponWeapon - Greatsword53
Serrated Iron Bazooka6Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun68
Serrated Iron Bazooka6Primary WeaponWeapon - Heavy Gun53
Serrated Iron Infusinators6Primary WeaponWeapon - Paddles68