Wildstar Item Database

Use the form bellow to filter through all available Wildstar items. You can use our item database to browse through all the items Wildstar has to offer or try and find the best in slot item for the class you are playing. We'll keep this database updated and we'll be adding new features regularly.



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Found 13082 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
WPN_Sword_2H_Maiden_Queen Primary WeaponCostume Equip Item
Wrangler's Incentivizer AugmentGear233Equip Item
Wraps of the Master HandsLight Armor510Equip Item
Wraps of the Master HandsLight Armor510Equip Item
Wreath of the Fallen HeadLight Armor1168Equip Item
Wreath of the Fallen HeadLight Armor1168Equip Item
Wreath of the Spider Slayer HeadMedium Armor1077Equip Item
Wrist Blades of the Bird-Men Primary WeaponWeapon - Claws141Equip Item
Wrist Spikes of the Radiant Legion Primary WeaponWeapon - Claws662Equip Item
X-Perimental Light Helm HeadLight Armor1267Equip Item
X-Perimental Light Helm HeadLight Armor1322Equip Item
X-Perimentor's Lab Coat ChestHeavy Armor1493Equip Item
X-Perimentor's Lab Coat ChestHeavy Armor1493Equip Item
Xagg's Interrogators Primary WeaponWeapon - Paddles289Equip Item
XAS Tech Greaves LegsHeavy Armor289Equip Item
XAS Tech Seeker's Vest ChestLight Armor513Equip Item
Xenocite Dye  Dyes 
Xenocite Dye  Dyes 
Xenos Psion Blade Primary WeaponWeapon - Psyblade68Equip Item
Yatish's Garb ShoulderMedium Armor1121Equip Item
Yirian's Greaves LegsHeavy Armor270Equip Item
Yockum Bingberry Tonic  Quest Activated 
Zappers of the Vault Hunter Primary WeaponWeapon - Paddles1079Equip Item
Zappers of the Vault Hunter Primary WeaponWeapon - Paddles1079Equip Item
Zarkin's Castoffs LegsLight Armor307Equip Item
Zat's Energy Field ShieldsGear123Equip Item
Zin's Adorned Wristlets ChestLight Armor1322Equip Item
Zonaga Kickers FeetMedium Armor53Equip Item
Zubble Bubble ShieldsGear473Equip Item
[DEP]Health Stone AMP  Dyes155
[DEP]Spell Power Stone AMP  Dyes155
[UNUSED] Noxious Gas Neutralizer  Medishots & Boosts