
List of all Wildstar Journal collectibles with marked map locations of where to find them and screenshot guides.

Martinus’s Journal

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On ground next to deceased Researcher Martinus body, inside central room of Exo-Lab 79 – Data Central. You can enter this lab from the Hillscourge tunnel north from the “Martinus’s Journal” location marked at map. There is a piece of “TALES: Revenge is a Particle Destabilizer” at its start. Location of this tale is also marked at map.




Martinus’s Journal


(This blood-stained journal is the last record of Researcher Martinus’s thoughts.)

The horrible vermin that infest this place leave me little hope of survival. Ontus be damned, the coward! Sending me down here alone… should I die, my blood is on his wretched hands!

There is a slight chance I may be able to pull myself from the proverbial fire. There should be a datacube here, or perhaps some notes from the Eldan that created this place.

I have seen datacube fragments scattered about.
If I can find the pieces and reassemble them, the key to the terminites’ destruction will be mine!

(There is a sketch below the text which details a broken datacube, as well as a nearby Eldan console.)

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Type: Journal


Wildwood Journal

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At the edge of a large, circular platform at the center of Wildwood Grove area, close to a DATACUBE: Environmental Transformation.




Wildwood Journal


Wildwood Grove isn’t exactly a vacation spot. The land is beautiful in its own rugged way, but Deradune is as far from Arboria as you can get. There are wonders, such as the massive canopy trees, the graceful dawngrazers, and the massive mammodin.

But what I miss the most is the forests and woodlands of my home. I fear I shall never see their like again.


We’ve found something interesting, likely of Eldan make. We’re not sure what it does, but Nular thinks we can
get it working again. All we need to do is find some compatible power crystals to energize the consoles.

The hunt is on!


The crystals have been found. They require some modification, but it shouldn’t be too tough. We’re all excited to see what comes of this experiment.


One of our scouts ran into a Dominion patrol. He killed two of them, but they wounded him. He managed to get back to Wildwood Grove before he died. It’s a sad day. This sort of thing has become all too common


The device is functional! Though it’s frightening to behold, it seems to be flooding the area with life energy. The undergrowth and trees in the grove are growing to spectacular sizes! In fact, a number of trees sprang up and started to grow right away!

This Eldan device is miraculous! Soon, Deradune will be a lush garden, just like Arboria!


Given the elevated levels of energy in the Weave – due to the Eldan miracle device – Nular and the matria are going to summon a
guardian to protect the Grove. They decided to do this, in large part, because of the recent incursions by the Dominion’s patrols. Why can’t they leave us alone?


It is time for me to take my turn at the device’s controls. It’s not hard, really. You just have to look out for warning lights. So far, though, the Eldan device seems to run itself.

We’re going to remove the power crystals from the control consoles, just in case the Dominion starts meddling.
It should keep them from shutting the device down.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Type: Journal


BioStudy: Terminites

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On a tiny table next to a Bounty Board that contains quest “WANTED: The Hillscourge Horror [Group 2+]”, Hillscourge Station area.




BioStudy: Terminites


Following notes compiled about terminites. Most current information available – not necessarily accurate!

Species: Terminitus Ieiunitas
Size: Big compared to Chua
Diet: All organic matter, seems to prefer Chua
Lifespan: Unknown
Lifecycle: Egg / Larva / Juvenile / Adult / Unknown
Lifecycle Note: Largest terminite observed is Hillscourge Horror
Offensive/Defensive Capacity: High
Aggressiveness: Is there category higher than “High”?
Weapons: Mandibles, Claws, Venom
Related Natural
Products: Goo/slime. Hardens into resin, used to build nests.

Research Notes

Terminites distressing. Could destroy Deradune, infest rest of Nexus.

Terminite reproductive rates incredible. Many, many eggs on surface. Likely many more eggs in exo-lab 79. Where do eggs come from? Unknown. Brood mother, maybe? Terminite queen? Concept disturbing.

Recommendation: Contain/isolate terminite colony at once. Destroy if possible, run away if not.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Type: Journal


Goti Tan’s Lab Notes

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On a table, close to a Mondo Zax (Dred) NPC quest giver, inside the first room of a house that stands next to a nearby taxi stand, Feralplain Collective area. Inside this house you can find ability trade kiosk.




Goti Tan’s Lab Notes


“Poke pumera with sharp stick,” Togor says.

Might as well tell Goti to put head in pumera’s mouth. Would be more efficient.

So, I find sharp stick.

Then I find pumera. Pumera growls.

I poke pumera with sharp stick. Pumera attacks.

I run and hide. Pumera follows but does not catch.

I return to Togor. I tell Togor test results. “Trail rope in front of pumera,” Togor says.

Might as well tell Goti to hang self with rope. Would be more efficient.

So, I find rope.

Then I find
different pumera. Pumera growls.

I trail rope in front of pumera. Pumera wiggles behind, jumps on rope.

I run with rope. Pumera follows, claws rope. I lose rope. Pumera gnaws on rope.

I return to Togor. I tell Togor test results. “Use brush to comb pumera,” Togor says.

Might as well tell Goti to jump in vat of acid. Would be more efficient.

So, I find brush.

Then I find different pumera. Pumera growls.

Then I realize how stupid experiment is. I leave pumera, throw brush away.

Togor can tug own tail until it bleeds. Goti go home now.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Type: Journal


Coming of the Groundwalker

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On a rocky, circular table, that has couple of spikes at its edges, next to a wrecked tent and one tall Bloodtalon Totem, Bloodtalon Perch area.




Coming of the Groundwalker


The groundwalkers have come. We see them below us like insects as we sail the winds.

They corrupt the land. They pollute the water. They stifle the air.

The horned devils fight well – the small rodents are craven – the metal ones are hard to kill – the pale ones are soft and weak.

Now they come, a pale one and a metal one. The horn is sounded. Their call is heard.

The pale one demands we serve them. By my talons, do they not understand the insult? Do they not know that Osiric has ordered the
Cleansing? Do they not realize that no perch will bend its wings to their service?

We kill them. We dash them upon the rocks. Our answer is known.

Bride Vultura reminds us of our place. Her voice is true.

We are the storm.

The storm does not fall. It strikes.

The kingdom of the sky will be cleansed by blood – groundwalker blood.

Let them come! We will dive upon them and our talons will tear them asunder. We are the children of the Stormfather. Ours is a holy war.

No groundwalker will survive the Cleansing.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Type: Journal


Dead Men Tell No Tales

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Inside Exo-Lab 22, in the first room, lying on the ground next to a skull under a hanged animal.


Teleport leading into Exo-Lab 22.


Exo-Lab teleport location.


Crimson Isle

Crimson Isle

Dead Men Tell No Tales


(This small book is covered in brown stains.)

The lab is sealed. How to proceed? Uncertain.

Riggs says we should try the codes we found at the previous site. I tend to agree, but I’ll be damned if I’ll give him the satisfaction of admitting his suggestion has merit.

I’ve grown so tired of Riggs – tired of his educated guesses, his wry smiles, his dry wit. He thinks he’s better than I am, that much is plain.

For now, I’ll play along. We’re far enough away from the rest of the universe that any
manner of accident might befall him…


Riggs did it! The inner lab is open to us. Time to go exploring.


There are wonders here. If only we had the time to puzzle them out… time has never been on our side. Before long, someone is bound to come along. The arrival of the Dominion would be a death knell to our work.

For now, we take what we can.


Riggs has made up his mind to lock the inner lab and save the contents for later. We shall use a code only we know to
keep the curious at bay until we can return to claim it all. He smiles that wry smile of his, adopts the voice of an Oghra pirate, and says, “Aye, this be our treasure. Arrr!”

What does he think he is? Some piebald Marauder come to bury his treasure on some lonely planetoid? Does he truly believe in the old Marauder adage that “X marks the spot”?

His idea is only given credence when one considers another Marauder proverb: “Dead men tell no tales.”

It’s obvious now. Riggs intends to kill me, to
keep this secret Eldan cache safe until he alone can return. I will not stand idly by while he engineers my demise.

I will act first, I swear it.


Riggs is dead, and I will be, too, if the bleeding is any indication.

I struck when his back was turned. Wounded, he had the temerity to ask me why I was killing him. He didn’t lay down and die, though… he fought back. By the time I regained the upper hand, my own wounds were too much.

Already I can feel the chill of death in my limbs
and see the black void at the edge of my vision.

The inner lab is locked. The code we chose to seal it is in place, and it shall die with me.

(Later, written in a different hand)

g …is dead, he thought I was, too…

…the code is 3734, I can’t leave this undiscovered…

…we die here together, it seems….

(Journal ends)

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Type: Journal


Lost to the Tar Pits

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Northweast of Exo-Lab A37. Journal appears after you complete Lost to the Tar Pits.




Lost to the Tar Pits


Look at these bones! How many creatures have lost their lives here in these tar pits?

From the state of things, the number of dead is inestimable. The identities of the dead are also a mixed bag. Humanoid bones mingle with the bones of animals and beasts.

I wonder. Did any of the Eldan perish here? Will their bodies be found? What will be their state of preservation? What secrets will they reveal? What questions will they answer?

There’s nothing else for it. I’m going to go poke
around and see what I can find. I’m too excited to wait for the rest of the crew. They’ll likely be impressed if I can expose some revelation in their absence.

I can hear Dromus now, though, clicking his tongue and shaking his head at me. “It’s not safe,” he’d chide. “Don’t go alone.”

As if I’m stupid enough to get stuck in a pool of tar. What does he take me for? I’m not an infant!

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Type: Journal
