Tag Archives: Journal

ENIGMA REPORT: Unidentified Subterranean Cave

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– We have confirmed the origin of the Strain: a reagent, process, and manifestation of an aggressive, exceptionally intelligent biological anomaly that refers to itself as “the Entity.”

– The Entity is keenly interested in the Dominion operative who infiltrated the cave, ostensibly due to the content of said agent’s most recent dialogues with Drusera.

– Based on the aforementioned exchanges, it is our assessment that the Entity is capable of
independently creating life through the imprinting and subsequent corruption of a target organism’s “primal pattern.”


Our investigation into the disappearance of the Eldan has yielded unexpected progress, although admittedly with risk to our own interests. Once again our agent infiltrated a crucial Eldan location via a portal that appeared on the outskirts of Illium. This time, however, instead of making contact with Drusera as before, they encountered
a malign presence identifying itself as “the Entity.”

Even simply from the recordings and descriptions provided, the disconcerting qualities of this being (or force) are difficult to articulate in mere text. In addition to a physical presence that can only be described as “dread-inducing,” from its speech the being is assuredly of remarkable intelligence. It possesses an intimate knowledge of the Eldan and their activities on Nexus only possible through personal acquaintance. Among its many
revelations were the Entity’s decisive claims that it was the Eldan’s creation, that it had created the Strain, and that the rival creature calling itself Drusera has been deceptive with respect to historical events.

The Entity expressed particular interest in the background and profile of our agent, along with clinical curiosity as to why Drusera had singled this person out. As proof of this, our agent was subjected to a thorough series of scans and trials, from which the Entity purportedly designed
Strain mutations that it designated “the Skurge.” Their precise function is still uncertain.

What does seem a foregone conclusion is that the Entity played a role in the disappearance of the Eldan, although the full extent of said role has yet to be determined. Based on the data at hand, FCON has been put on high alert and our spies report similar escalations at many Exile camps. As trusting or predicting the behavior of the Entity, let alone controlling it, remains beyond our current capabilities,
we are currently at work discussing feasible responses.




– Kezrek Warbringer’s proposal during our panel’s last session to “disembowel this Entity and feed it its own stomach” is deeply appreciated in both sentiment and technique, and we always welcome the input of those in High Command. However, it presumes a timeframe and anatomical considerations that we are not yet at liberty to sanction.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Type: Journal

ENIGMA REPORT: Anomalous Space-Time Location

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– The capabilities of the being called Drusera seem virtually limitless, including the ability to create and manipulate matter entirely through the power of thought.

– The Entity is both aware of these capabilities and compelled to acquire them for itself.

– For all her abilities, indications suggest that Drusera is grossly overmatched by the Entity.


The events reported within the alleged “pocket in time and space” do not bode
well for the success of this investigation, and threaten the very existence of Dominion civilization on planet Nexus.

One fact does indeed seem certain: the power of the Genesis Prime, the being we now call Drusera, is considerable. Multiple accounts confirm her ability to create sentient life at will. This alone would doubtless be hailed as the most significant scientific discovery of our age, were it not for the realities the existence of the Entity now forces us to confront.

Taking into account all compiled data regarding the Nexus Project, it appears certain that the original purpose of the Genesis Prime was to fulfill the cherished Eldan goal of creating the Perfect Being. Based on our observations thus far, it is safe to say their efforts exceeded their intentions. The full measure of Drusera’s capabilities is still being quantified.

But such studies are ineffably threatened by the increasing power and ambitions of her dark counterpart. Drusera truly dreads
this “Entity,” and her own abilities are clearly less effective against the Strain. Despite her assurances of safety, she proved unable to shield our agent from the Entity’s malign minions. In fact, our operative reports that during the episode, Drusera, our one hope of combating this being, fled the scene in disgrace.

On several occasions Drusera has averred her unswerving assertion that the Entity desires to co-opt her powers for its own aggrandizement. If this eventuality were
to transpire, we can only assume that the consequences for the planet – and perhaps all life as we know it – would be devastating.

What conclusions do we have sufficient evidence for at this juncture? The mystery of what happened to the Eldan is without a doubt related to the history and aims of the Genesis Prime, as well as the emergence of the Entity. But the relationship between these two is frustratingly opaque in many details. For now our only hope is that Drusera will be able to provide further
insight before it is too late for us all.




– While dispatching envoys to Exile settlements to compare intel on Genesis Prime or the specific location of the exo-lab is of course a no go, deploying Stalkers to extract the neural data of researchers likely to possess such data is highly advisable.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Type: Journal

ENIGMA REPORT: The Terminus Complex

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– The Eldan shared Drusera’s grave concerns regarding the Entity. They entered the Terminus Complex, a structure created as a contingency, to take preventive measures against it.

– These efforts were unsuccessful. The Entity took control of the installation, which resulted in the destruction of the Eldan civilization.

– Despite failing to save the Eldan, Drusera managed to erect a colossal formation of exanite known as the Lightspire
and imprison the Entity within, knowing that such countermeasures were temporary.


The final fate of the Eldan is a mystery no longer.

Based on the data gathered in the wake of the Terminus Complex incident, the Eldan were indeed destroyed by the Entity.

As related by Drusera and corroborated by datacubes recovered from the Complex, the Eldan recognized the threat posed by the Entity and attempted to eradicate it at the end of the Nexus Project. They failed.
In turn, the Entity laid waste to the facility and slaughtered its personnel. The existence of any survivors from this conflict has yet to be reported.

Despite her inability to save her creators, Drusera was able to construct a massive exanite structure known as the Lightspire, which effectively incarcerated the Entity for roughly a thousand years. However, in the estimation of both Drusera and our own geologists, its continued integrity is in serious question.

What do we know for certain?
First and foremost, the organism we have so far termed the Entity is, for lack of more precise terms, merely a projection of its identity, not unlike Drusera. It may well be that both organisms in their “true” state bear little resemblance to anything within our comprehension.

Furthermore, despite the breadth of her capabilities, Drusera remains incapable of dealing with the Entity. To put matters in perspective, the Eldan considered Drusera a goddess. Ergo, it would hardly be hyperbole to accord
the Entity a corresponding status.

Inevitably, the additional data compels even more hopeless inquiry. Where is Drusera now? If, as widely countenanced, she is omnipotent, why is she incapable of destroying the Entity? And while her insights have been on the whole beneficial, can we trust her? Moreover, do we have a choice?

DRED has advised the immediate implementation of mass evacuation protocols across the planet. While the odds of survival even off-world are highly dubious,
should the Entity’s power continue unchecked the projections for those remaining on Nexus are even dimmer.




– Though conferring with Exile forces over the gravity of this imminent catastrophe would serve little purpose, all imbedded agents are hereby advised to step up their extraction windows.

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Type: Journal

Down the Jabbit Hole

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Found on ground inside Abandoned Exolab Z-42. Step over a green teleporation pad west of Aurelian Enclave.


In southern part of Lazarin’s Laboratory, drink Untested Concoction.






Down the Jabbit Hole


[A dog-eared copy of an old children’s picture book popular among Mordesh, this copy is filled with notes that appear to have been scribbled by the original owner – Lucy Lazarin.]


By Levic Karel

Published per Premium Professional Press Publications
5656 Grismic Grove Gate, Grismaragrad, Grismarava, Grismara

Fourteenth Printing: 1632 G.E.


[An illustration depicts what must be a pre-Contagion Mordesh girl wearing a simple,
old-fashioned dress. She holds a small, dead jabbit in her arms.]

This is Teya Trivic. Teya is dressed to the tens up for a tea party! But something happened to her friend, Jabbs the Jabbit.

What will Teya do now?


[The next illustration shows Teya in a kid’s-style alchemy lab, pouring concoctions into beakers and injecting the dead jabbit with a huge hypodermic needle.]Good thinking, Teya! That shot of Vitalus serum will get Jabbs back in the pink in no time!


[The next illustration shows Jabbs and Teya Trivic enjoying tea with other animals, none of which are known for enjoying tea within the scientific community.]

Teya and Jabbs sure are happy to have so many friends at their party! But what’s this?


[The following page shows Jabbs leaping free of his seat while Teya Trivic is preoccupied speaking with such unworthy companions as Vic the Vind, Sammy Splorg, and Parsival P. Praxovic.]

Some of their friends don’t like tea?

Who do they think they are? Jabbs knows what to do!


[The following page shows depicts the jabbit’s teeth, its terrible claws, and blood. The tea remains intact. Animal corpses lie everywhere.]

When friends are being rude, it’s time for new friends! Right, Jabbs?


[The following page shows Jabbs and Teya Trivic, bloodied, unbowed, and happier than they have ever been as they gather
all the body parts together and haul them to Teya’s laboratory]

Jabbs and Teya know the best friends are the ones you make yourself. And nothing’s better than making best friends!


[The next page depicts a series of events – Teya and Jabbs dissecting the bodies, stitching together the usable parts into new bodies, and adding simple Mordesh implants. The end of the sequence depicts Vic the Vind’s corpse
beginning to inflate as the alchemy takes hold.]

Vic the Vind sure isn’t being a jerk now, is he? Good work, Teya and Jabbs!


[The final page depicts Jabbs and Teya back at the tea party. Their new friends are equipped with alchemical and cybernetic implants, and together the group raises a cup of tea in salute to friendship.] To Friendship! The most powerful force in the universe!

Other than the Contagion.


Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Type: Journal

Build Your Own Alchemy Lab in 12 E-Z Steps

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On a small box inside Lazarin’s Laboratory. You can reach this facility when you step over a large green teleporation pad east of Aurelian Enclave.




Build Your Own Alchemy Lab in 12 E-Z Steps


[This how-to guide for the interested amateur lays out what every alchemist’s lab needs, and how to put it all together. This copy has lain idle long enough that the screen has frozen on the highlights page.]

Step 1.
Learn alchemy! People, I cannot stress this enough. If you cannot transmutate a simple chunk of carbinium ore into enough gold to afford the following steps, there is little I can do to help you.

Step 2.
Buy flame-retardant clothes. Also, acid-, gas-, ether-, plasma-, poison-,
anti-matter-, red-matter-, dark-matter-, ectoplasm-, and mutagen-retardant clothing.

Step 3.
Buy the best Philosopher’s Stone datachron program you can. Taking advice from a bargain basement Philosopher’s Stone is a rookie mistake and can lead to sub-optimal results. You may want to invest in humor and card-playing modules as well. It’ll help pass the long lonely hours you’ll be spending in your lab.

Step 4.
Glassware: test tubes, flasks, retorts, valves, coils and beakers are the heart of the
alchemical workspace. Most alchemical supply houses sell sets of glassware that fit the needs of beginner and master alike. I personally would advise not getting the “Super-Deluxe Lazarin Package.” Look where it got him… and us.

Step 5.
Determine the type of mad science you intend to pierce the veil of. Specialization provides focus and reduces waste of precious raw materials. For example, you don’t need a costly transmutation forge if all you intend to do is raise the dead…

[The rest of the text is corrupted, perhaps by the oily substance that appears to have seeped into the tablet.]

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Type: Journal

Who or What Is Globellum?

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On a wooden box, inside Exile camp Uncanny Advance, among group of XAS Scientists.




Who or What Is Globellum?


[Professor Morrison’s analysis details most of what the XAS has been able to learn about Globellum so far. Unfortunately, it’s not much.]

This world always has another surprise around the corner, and then those surprises have their own surprises. Nothing’s easy about settling Nexus, that’s for sure. Least of all understanding it.

This psionically powerful entity called the Globellum is maybe the biggest surprise since the Strain showed up.
It’s a massive, colonial organism with a hive mind that only gets smarter the bigger the entire creature gets. Smarter, and more powerful. And it’s starting to take our people. Enslaving them with its mind, trapping them in force bubbles we can’t begin to crack – at least not with any kind of hope of surviving the effort. We’re scientists, not soldiers or heroes.

So where did this Globellum come from? Despite appearances, it has no connection to the Strain plaguing this landscape.
No genetic connection to any known creature at all, in fact. It’s completely new to the XAS, comprised of materials we’ve never seen, and has a unique primal pattern that seems to indicate it will absorb and transform any living thing it consumes. What few samples we’ve been able to analyze are baffling. Each cell is capable of breaking off, surviving, and splitting to create clones of itself.

None of which is going to help our people.
They never signed up to be mind-slaves to a monstrous brain-blob.

If help doesn’t arrive soon, I won’t have a choice. I’m going to lead a team out there and try to save as many people as I can. I don’t have much hope of succeeding, but it’s better than staying here and doing nothing.

With luck, it won’t quite come to that.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Type: Journal